ghc-6.12.1: The GHC APISource codeContentsIndex
data Inst
pprInstances :: [Instance] -> SDoc
pprDictsTheta :: [Inst] -> SDoc
pprDictsInFull :: [Inst] -> SDoc
showLIE :: SDoc -> TcM ()
pprInst :: Inst -> SDoc
pprInsts :: [Inst] -> SDoc
pprInstInFull :: Inst -> SDoc
tidyInsts :: [Inst] -> (TidyEnv, [Inst])
tidyMoreInsts :: TidyEnv -> [Inst] -> (TidyEnv, [Inst])
newDictBndr :: InstLoc -> TcPredType -> TcM Inst
newDictBndrs :: InstLoc -> TcThetaType -> TcM [Inst]
newDictBndrsO :: InstOrigin -> TcThetaType -> TcM [Inst]
newDictOccs :: InstLoc -> TcThetaType -> TcM [Inst]
newDictOcc :: InstLoc -> TcPredType -> TcM Inst
instCall :: InstOrigin -> [TcType] -> TcThetaType -> TcM HsWrapper
instStupidTheta :: InstOrigin -> TcThetaType -> TcM ()
cloneDict :: Inst -> TcM Inst
mkOverLit :: OverLitVal -> TcM HsLit
newIPDict :: InstOrigin -> IPName Name -> Type -> TcM (IPName Id, Inst)
newMethod :: InstLoc -> Id -> [Type] -> TcRn Inst
newMethodFromName :: InstOrigin -> BoxyRhoType -> Name -> TcM TcId
newMethodWithGivenTy :: InstOrigin -> Id -> [Type] -> TcRn TcId
tcInstClassOp :: InstLoc -> Id -> [TcType] -> TcM Inst
tcSyntaxName :: InstOrigin -> TcType -> (Name, HsExpr Name) -> TcM (Name, HsExpr TcId)
tyVarsOfInst :: Inst -> TyVarSet
tyVarsOfInsts :: [Inst] -> TyVarSet
tyVarsOfLIE :: Bag Inst -> TyVarSet
tcTyVarsOfInst :: Inst -> TyVarSet
tcTyVarsOfInsts :: [Inst] -> TcTyVarSet
ipNamesOfInst :: Inst -> [Name]
ipNamesOfInsts :: [Inst] -> [Name]
fdPredsOfInst :: Inst -> [TcPredType]
fdPredsOfInsts :: [Inst] -> [PredType]
growInstsTyVars :: [Inst] -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
getDictClassTys :: Inst -> (Class, [Type])
dictPred :: Inst -> TcPredType
lookupSimpleInst :: Inst -> TcM LookupInstResult
data LookupInstResult
= NoInstance
| GenInst [Inst] (LHsExpr TcId)
tcExtendLocalInstEnv :: [Instance] -> TcM a -> TcM a
tcGetInstEnvs :: TcM (InstEnv, InstEnv)
getOverlapFlag :: TcM OverlapFlag
isAbstractableInst :: Inst -> Bool
isEqInst :: Inst -> Bool
isDict :: Inst -> Bool
isClassDict :: Inst -> Bool
isMethod :: Inst -> Bool
isImplicInst :: Inst -> Bool
isIPDict :: Inst -> Bool
isInheritableInst :: Inst -> Bool
isMethodOrLit :: Inst -> Bool
isTyVarDict :: Inst -> Bool
isMethodFor :: TcIdSet -> Inst -> Bool
zonkInst :: Inst -> TcM Inst
zonkInsts :: [Inst] -> TcRn [Inst]
instToId :: Inst -> TcId
instToVar :: Inst -> Var
instType :: Inst -> Type
instName :: Inst -> Name
instToDictBind :: Inst -> LHsExpr TcId -> TcDictBinds
addInstToDictBind :: TcDictBinds -> Inst -> LHsExpr TcId -> TcDictBinds
data InstOrigin
= SigOrigin SkolemInfo
| IPBindOrigin (IPName Name)
| OccurrenceOf Name
| SpecPragOrigin Name
| IPOccOrigin (IPName Name)
| LiteralOrigin (HsOverLit Name)
| NegateOrigin
| ArithSeqOrigin (ArithSeqInfo Name)
| PArrSeqOrigin (ArithSeqInfo Name)
| TupleOrigin
| InstSigOrigin
| ExprSigOrigin
| RecordUpdOrigin
| ViewPatOrigin
| InstScOrigin
| NoScOrigin
| DerivOrigin
| StandAloneDerivOrigin
| DefaultOrigin
| DoOrigin
| ProcOrigin
| ImplicOrigin SDoc
| EqOrigin
| AnnOrigin
data InstLoc
pprInstLoc :: InstLoc -> SDoc
mkWantedCo :: TcTyVar -> EqInstCo
mkGivenCo :: Coercion -> EqInstCo
isWantedCo :: EqInstCo -> Bool
eqInstCoType :: EqInstCo -> TcType
mkIdEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> Type -> TcM ()
mkSymEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> (Type, Type) -> TcM EqInstCo
mkLeftTransEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> Coercion -> (Type, Type) -> TcM EqInstCo
mkRightTransEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> Coercion -> (Type, Type) -> TcM EqInstCo
mkAppEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> (Type, Type) -> (Type, Type) -> TcM (EqInstCo, EqInstCo)
mkTyConEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> TyCon -> [(Type, Type)] -> TcM [EqInstCo]
mkFunEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> (Type, Type) -> (Type, Type) -> TcM (EqInstCo, EqInstCo)
wantedEqInstIsUnsolved :: Inst -> TcM Bool
eitherEqInst :: Inst -> (TcTyVar -> a) -> (Coercion -> a) -> a
mkEqInst :: PredType -> EqInstCo -> TcM Inst
mkWantedEqInst :: PredType -> TcM Inst
wantedToLocalEqInst :: Inst -> Inst
finalizeEqInst :: Inst -> TcM Inst
eqInstType :: Inst -> TcType
eqInstCoercion :: Inst -> EqInstCo
eqInstTys :: Inst -> (TcType, TcType)
data Inst Source
show/hide Instances
pprInstances :: [Instance] -> SDocSource
pprDictsTheta :: [Inst] -> SDocSource
pprDictsInFull :: [Inst] -> SDocSource
showLIE :: SDoc -> TcM ()Source
pprInst :: Inst -> SDocSource
pprInsts :: [Inst] -> SDocSource
pprInstInFull :: Inst -> SDocSource
tidyInsts :: [Inst] -> (TidyEnv, [Inst])Source
tidyMoreInsts :: TidyEnv -> [Inst] -> (TidyEnv, [Inst])Source
newDictBndr :: InstLoc -> TcPredType -> TcM InstSource
newDictBndrs :: InstLoc -> TcThetaType -> TcM [Inst]Source
newDictBndrsO :: InstOrigin -> TcThetaType -> TcM [Inst]Source
newDictOccs :: InstLoc -> TcThetaType -> TcM [Inst]Source
newDictOcc :: InstLoc -> TcPredType -> TcM InstSource
instCall :: InstOrigin -> [TcType] -> TcThetaType -> TcM HsWrapperSource
instStupidTheta :: InstOrigin -> TcThetaType -> TcM ()Source
cloneDict :: Inst -> TcM InstSource
mkOverLit :: OverLitVal -> TcM HsLitSource
newIPDict :: InstOrigin -> IPName Name -> Type -> TcM (IPName Id, Inst)Source
newMethod :: InstLoc -> Id -> [Type] -> TcRn InstSource
newMethodFromName :: InstOrigin -> BoxyRhoType -> Name -> TcM TcIdSource
newMethodWithGivenTy :: InstOrigin -> Id -> [Type] -> TcRn TcIdSource
tcInstClassOp :: InstLoc -> Id -> [TcType] -> TcM InstSource
tcSyntaxName :: InstOrigin -> TcType -> (Name, HsExpr Name) -> TcM (Name, HsExpr TcId)Source
tyVarsOfInst :: Inst -> TyVarSetSource
All free type variables (not including the coercion variables of equalities)
tyVarsOfInsts :: [Inst] -> TyVarSetSource
tyVarsOfLIE :: Bag Inst -> TyVarSetSource
tcTyVarsOfInst :: Inst -> TyVarSetSource
All free meta type variables *including* the coercion variables of equalities
tcTyVarsOfInsts :: [Inst] -> TcTyVarSetSource
ipNamesOfInst :: Inst -> [Name]Source
ipNamesOfInsts :: [Inst] -> [Name]Source
fdPredsOfInst :: Inst -> [TcPredType]Source
fdPredsOfInsts :: [Inst] -> [PredType]Source
growInstsTyVars :: [Inst] -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSetSource
getDictClassTys :: Inst -> (Class, [Type])Source
dictPred :: Inst -> TcPredTypeSource
lookupSimpleInst :: Inst -> TcM LookupInstResultSource
data LookupInstResult Source
GenInst [Inst] (LHsExpr TcId)
tcExtendLocalInstEnv :: [Instance] -> TcM a -> TcM aSource
tcGetInstEnvs :: TcM (InstEnv, InstEnv)Source
getOverlapFlag :: TcM OverlapFlagSource
isAbstractableInst :: Inst -> BoolSource
isEqInst :: Inst -> BoolSource
isDict :: Inst -> BoolSource
isClassDict :: Inst -> BoolSource
isMethod :: Inst -> BoolSource
isImplicInst :: Inst -> BoolSource
isIPDict :: Inst -> BoolSource
isInheritableInst :: Inst -> BoolSource
isMethodOrLit :: Inst -> BoolSource
isTyVarDict :: Inst -> BoolSource
isMethodFor :: TcIdSet -> Inst -> BoolSource
zonkInst :: Inst -> TcM InstSource
zonkInsts :: [Inst] -> TcRn [Inst]Source
instToId :: Inst -> TcIdSource
instToVar :: Inst -> VarSource
instType :: Inst -> TypeSource
instName :: Inst -> NameSource
instToDictBind :: Inst -> LHsExpr TcId -> TcDictBindsSource
addInstToDictBind :: TcDictBinds -> Inst -> LHsExpr TcId -> TcDictBindsSource
data InstOrigin Source
SigOrigin SkolemInfo
IPBindOrigin (IPName Name)
OccurrenceOf Name
SpecPragOrigin Name
IPOccOrigin (IPName Name)
LiteralOrigin (HsOverLit Name)
ArithSeqOrigin (ArithSeqInfo Name)
PArrSeqOrigin (ArithSeqInfo Name)
ImplicOrigin SDoc
show/hide Instances
data InstLoc Source
pprInstLoc :: InstLoc -> SDocSource
mkWantedCo :: TcTyVar -> EqInstCoSource
mkGivenCo :: Coercion -> EqInstCoSource
isWantedCo :: EqInstCo -> BoolSource
eqInstCoType :: EqInstCo -> TcTypeSource
mkIdEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> Type -> TcM ()Source
mkSymEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> (Type, Type) -> TcM EqInstCoSource
mkLeftTransEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> Coercion -> (Type, Type) -> TcM EqInstCoSource
mkRightTransEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> Coercion -> (Type, Type) -> TcM EqInstCoSource
mkAppEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> (Type, Type) -> (Type, Type) -> TcM (EqInstCo, EqInstCo)Source
mkTyConEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> TyCon -> [(Type, Type)] -> TcM [EqInstCo]Source
mkFunEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> (Type, Type) -> (Type, Type) -> TcM (EqInstCo, EqInstCo)Source
wantedEqInstIsUnsolved :: Inst -> TcM BoolSource
A wanted equality is unsolved as long as its cotv is unfilled.
eitherEqInst :: Inst -> (TcTyVar -> a) -> (Coercion -> a) -> aSource
mkEqInst :: PredType -> EqInstCo -> TcM InstSource
mkWantedEqInst :: PredType -> TcM InstSource
wantedToLocalEqInst :: Inst -> InstSource
finalizeEqInst :: Inst -> TcM InstSource
eqInstType :: Inst -> TcTypeSource
eqInstCoercion :: Inst -> EqInstCoSource
eqInstTys :: Inst -> (TcType, TcType)Source
Produced by Haddock version 2.6.0