Normalisation of type terms relative to type instances as well as
normalisation and entailment checking of equality constraints.

module TcTyFuns (
  -- type normalisation wrt to toplevel equalities only

  -- instance normalisation wrt to equalities

  -- errors
  misMatchMsg, failWithMisMatch,

) where

#include "HsVersions.h"

import TcRnMonad
import TcEnv
import Inst
import TcType
import TcMType

-- GHC
import Coercion
import Type
import TypeRep 	( Type(..) )
import TyCon
import HsSyn
import VarEnv
import VarSet
import Var
import Name
import Bag
import Outputable
import SrcLoc	( Located(..) )
import Maybes
import FastString

-- standard
import Data.List
import Control.Monad

%*									*
		Normalisation of types wrt toplevel equality schemata
%*									*

Unfold a single synonym family instance and yield the witnessing coercion.
Return 'Nothing' if the given type is either not synonym family instance
or is a synonym family instance that has no matching instance declaration.
(Applies only if the type family application is outermost.)

For example, if we have

  :Co:R42T a :: T [a] ~ :R42T a

then 'T [Int]' unfolds to (:R42T Int, :Co:R42T Int).

tcUnfoldSynFamInst :: Type -> TcM (Maybe (Type, Coercion))
tcUnfoldSynFamInst (TyConApp tycon tys)
  | not (isOpenSynTyCon tycon)     -- unfold *only* _synonym_ family instances
  = return Nothing
  | otherwise
  = do { -- The TyCon might be over-saturated, but that's ok for tcLookupFamInst
       ; maybeFamInst <- tcLookupFamInst tycon tys
       ; case maybeFamInst of
           Nothing                -> return Nothing
           Just (rep_tc, rep_tys) -> return $ Just (mkTyConApp rep_tc rep_tys,
		                                    mkTyConApp coe_tc rep_tys)
               coe_tc = expectJust "TcTyFuns.tcUnfoldSynFamInst" 
                                   (tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe rep_tc)
tcUnfoldSynFamInst _other = return Nothing

Normalise 'Type's and 'PredType's by unfolding type family applications where
possible (ie, we treat family instances as a TRS).  Also zonk meta variables.

	tcNormaliseFamInst ty = (co, ty')
	then   co : ty ~ ty'

-- |Normalise the given type as far as possible with toplevel equalities.
-- This results in a coercion witnessing the type equality, in addition to the
-- normalised type.
tcNormaliseFamInst :: TcType -> TcM (CoercionI, TcType)
tcNormaliseFamInst = tcGenericNormaliseFamInst tcUnfoldSynFamInst

Generic normalisation of 'Type's and 'PredType's; ie, walk the type term and
apply the normalisation function gives as the first argument to every TyConApp
and every TyVarTy subterm.

	tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty = (co, ty')
	then   co : ty ~ ty'

This function is (by way of using smart constructors) careful to ensure that
the returned coercion is exactly IdCo (and not some semantically equivalent,
but syntactically different coercion) whenever (ty' `tcEqType` ty).  This
makes it easy for the caller to determine whether the type changed.  BUT
even if we return IdCo, ty' may be *syntactically* different from ty due to
unfolded closed type synonyms (by way of tcCoreView).  In the interest of
good error messages, callers should discard ty' in favour of ty in this case.

tcGenericNormaliseFamInst :: (TcType -> TcM (Maybe (TcType, Coercion))) 	
                             -- what to do with type functions and tyvars
	                   -> TcType  			-- old type
	                   -> TcM (CoercionI, TcType)	-- (coercion, new type)
tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty
  | Just ty' <- tcView ty = tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty' 
tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun (TyConApp tyCon tys)
  = do	{ (cois, ntys) <- mapAndUnzipM (tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun) tys
	; let tycon_coi = mkTyConAppCoI tyCon ntys cois
	; maybe_ty_co <- fun (mkTyConApp tyCon ntys)     -- use normalised args!
	; case maybe_ty_co of
	    -- a matching family instance exists
	    Just (ty', co) ->
	      do { let first_coi = mkTransCoI tycon_coi (ACo co)
		 ; (rest_coi, nty) <- tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty'
		 ; let fix_coi = mkTransCoI first_coi rest_coi
	   	 ; return (fix_coi, nty)
	    -- no matching family instance exists
	    -- we do not do anything
	    Nothing -> return (tycon_coi, mkTyConApp tyCon ntys)
tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun (AppTy ty1 ty2)
  = do	{ (coi1,nty1) <- tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty1
	; (coi2,nty2) <- tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty2
	; return (mkAppTyCoI nty1 coi1 nty2 coi2, mkAppTy nty1 nty2)
tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun (FunTy ty1 ty2)
  = do	{ (coi1,nty1) <- tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty1
	; (coi2,nty2) <- tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty2
	; return (mkFunTyCoI nty1 coi1 nty2 coi2, mkFunTy nty1 nty2)
tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun (ForAllTy tyvar ty1)
  = do 	{ (coi,nty1) <- tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty1
	; return (mkForAllTyCoI tyvar coi, mkForAllTy tyvar nty1)
tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty@(TyVarTy tv)
  | isTcTyVar tv
  = do	{ traceTc (text "tcGenericNormaliseFamInst" <+> ppr ty)
	; res <- lookupTcTyVar tv
	; case res of
	    DoneTv _ -> 
	      do { maybe_ty' <- fun ty
		 ; case maybe_ty' of
		     Nothing	     -> return (IdCo, ty)
		     Just (ty', co1) -> 
                       do { (coi2, ty'') <- tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty'
			  ; return (ACo co1 `mkTransCoI` coi2, ty'') 
	    IndirectTv ty' -> tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty' 
  | otherwise
  = return (IdCo, ty)
tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun (PredTy predty)
  = do 	{ (coi, pred') <- tcGenericNormaliseFamInstPred fun predty
	; return (coi, PredTy pred') }

tcGenericNormaliseFamInstPred :: (TcType -> TcM (Maybe (TcType,Coercion)))
	                      -> TcPredType
	                      -> TcM (CoercionI, TcPredType)

tcGenericNormaliseFamInstPred fun (ClassP cls tys) 
  = do { (cois, tys')<- mapAndUnzipM (tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun) tys
       ; return (mkClassPPredCoI cls tys' cois, ClassP cls tys')
tcGenericNormaliseFamInstPred fun (IParam ipn ty) 
  = do { (coi, ty') <- tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty
       ; return $ (mkIParamPredCoI ipn coi, IParam ipn ty')
tcGenericNormaliseFamInstPred fun (EqPred ty1 ty2) 
  = do { (coi1, ty1') <- tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty1
       ; (coi2, ty2') <- tcGenericNormaliseFamInst fun ty2
       ; return (mkEqPredCoI ty1' coi1 ty2' coi2, EqPred ty1' ty2') }

%*									*
		Normalisation of instances wrt to equalities
%*									*

Given a set of given, local constraints and a set of wanted constraints,
simplify the wanted equalities as far as possible and normalise both local and
wanted dictionaries with respect to the equalities.

In addition to the normalised local dictionaries and simplified wanteds, the
function yields bindings for instantiated meta variables (due to solving
equality constraints) and dictionary bindings (due to simplifying class
constraints).  The bag of type variable bindings only contains bindings for
non-local variables - i.e., type variables other than those newly created by
the present function.  Consequently, type improvement took place iff the bag
of bindings contains any bindings for proper type variables (not just covars).
The solver does not instantiate any non-local variables; i.e., the bindings
must be executed by the caller.

All incoming constraints are assumed to be zonked already.  All outgoing
constraints will be zonked again.

NB: The solver only has local effects that cannot be observed from outside.
    In particular, it can be executed twice on the same constraint set with
    the same result (modulo generated variables names).

tcReduceEqs :: [Inst]             -- locals
            -> [Inst]             -- wanteds
            -> TcM ([Inst],       -- normalised locals (w/o equalities)
                    [Inst],       -- normalised wanteds (including equalities)
                    TcTyVarBinds, -- bindings for meta type variables
                    TcDictBinds)  -- bindings for all simplified dictionaries
tcReduceEqs locals wanteds
  = do { ((locals, wanteds, dictBinds), tyBinds) <- getTcTyVarBinds $
           do { let (local_eqs  , local_dicts)   = partition isEqInst locals
                    (wanteds_eqs, wanteds_dicts) = partition isEqInst wanteds
              ; eqCfg1 <- normaliseEqs (local_eqs ++ wanteds_eqs)
              ; eqCfg2 <- normaliseDicts False local_dicts
              ; eqCfg3 <- normaliseDicts True  wanteds_dicts
              ; eqCfg <- propagateEqs (eqCfg1 `unionEqConfig` 
                                       eqCfg2 `unionEqConfig`
              ; finaliseEqsAndDicts freeFlexibles eqCfg
         -- execute type bindings of skolem flexibles...
       ; tyBinds_pruned <- pruneTyBinds tyBinds freeFlexibles
         -- ...and zonk the constraints to propagate the bindings
       ; locals_z  <- zonkInsts locals
       ; wanteds_z <- zonkInsts wanteds
       ; return (locals_z, wanteds_z, tyBinds_pruned, dictBinds)
     -- unification variables that appear in the environment and may not be
     -- instantiated - this includes coercion variables
     freeFlexibles = tcTyVarsOfInsts locals `unionVarSet` 
                     tcTyVarsOfInsts wanteds

     pruneTyBinds tybinds freeFlexibles
       = do { let tybinds'                      = bagToList tybinds
                  (skolem_tybinds, env_tybinds) = partition isSkolem tybinds'
            ; execTcTyVarBinds (listToBag skolem_tybinds)
            ; return $ listToBag env_tybinds
         isSkolem (TcTyVarBind tv _ ) = not (tv `elemVarSet` freeFlexibles)

%*									*
		Equality Configurations
%*									*

We maintain normalised equalities together with the skolems introduced as
intermediates during flattening of equalities as well as 

-- |Configuration of normalised equalities used during solving.
data EqConfig = EqConfig { eqs     :: [RewriteInst]     -- all equalities
                         , locals  :: [Inst]            -- given dicts
                         , wanteds :: [Inst]            -- wanted dicts
                         , binds   :: TcDictBinds       -- bindings

addEq :: EqConfig -> RewriteInst -> EqConfig
addEq eqCfg eq = eqCfg {eqs = eq : eqs eqCfg}

unionEqConfig :: EqConfig -> EqConfig -> EqConfig
unionEqConfig eqc1 eqc2 = EqConfig 
                          { eqs     = eqs eqc1 ++ eqs eqc2
                          , locals  = locals eqc1 ++ locals eqc2
                          , wanteds = wanteds eqc1 ++ wanteds eqc2
                          , binds   = binds eqc1 `unionBags` binds eqc2

emptyEqConfig :: EqConfig
emptyEqConfig = EqConfig
                { eqs     = []
                , locals  = []
                , wanteds = []
                , binds   = emptyBag

instance Outputable EqConfig where
  ppr (EqConfig {eqs = eqs, locals = locals, wanteds = wanteds, binds = binds})
    = vcat [ppr eqs, ppr locals, ppr wanteds, ppr binds]

The set of operations on an equality configuration.  We obtain the initialise
configuration by normalisation ('normaliseEqs'), solve the equalities by
propagation ('propagateEqs'), and eventually finalise the configuration when
no further propoagation is possible.

-- |Turn a set of equalities into an equality configuration for solving.
-- Precondition: The Insts are zonked.
normaliseEqs :: [Inst] -> TcM EqConfig
normaliseEqs eqs 
  = do { ASSERTM2( allM wantedEqInstIsUnsolved eqs, ppr eqs )
       ; traceTc $ ptext (sLit "Entering normaliseEqs")

       ; eqss <- mapM normEqInst eqs
       ; return $ emptyEqConfig { eqs = concat eqss }

-- |Flatten the type arguments of all dictionaries, returning the result as a 
-- equality configuration.  The dictionaries go into the 'wanted' component if 
-- the second argument is 'True'.
-- Precondition: The Insts are zonked.
normaliseDicts :: Bool -> [Inst] -> TcM EqConfig
normaliseDicts isWanted insts
  = do { traceTc $ hang (ptext (sLit "Entering normaliseDicts") <+>
                         ptext (if isWanted then sLit "[Wanted] for" 
                                            else sLit "[Local] for"))
                     4 (ppr insts)

       ; (insts', eqss, bindss) <- mapAndUnzip3M (normDict isWanted) insts

       ; traceTc $ hang (ptext (sLit "normaliseDicts returns"))
                     4 (ppr insts' $$ ppr eqss)
       ; return $ emptyEqConfig { eqs     = concat eqss
                                , locals  = if isWanted then [] else insts'
                                , wanteds = if isWanted then insts' else []
                                , binds   = unionManyBags bindss

-- |Solves the equalities as far as possible by applying propagation rules.
propagateEqs :: EqConfig -> TcM EqConfig
propagateEqs eqCfg@(EqConfig {eqs = todoEqs}) 
  = do { traceTc $ hang (ptext (sLit "Entering propagateEqs:"))
                     4 (ppr eqCfg)

       ; propagate todoEqs (eqCfg {eqs = []})

-- |Finalise a set of equalities and associated dictionaries after
-- propagation.  The first returned set of instances are the locals (without
-- equalities) and the second set are all residual wanteds, including
-- equalities.  In addition, we return all generated dictionary bindings.
finaliseEqsAndDicts :: TcTyVarSet -> EqConfig 
                    -> TcM ([Inst], [Inst], TcDictBinds)
finaliseEqsAndDicts freeFlexibles (EqConfig { eqs     = eqs
                                            , locals  = locals
                                            , wanteds = wanteds
                                            , binds   = binds
  = do { traceTc $ ptext (sLit "finaliseEqsAndDicts")

       ; (eqs', subst_binds, locals', wanteds') 
           <- substitute eqs locals wanteds checkingMode freeFlexibles
       ; eqs'' <- bindAndExtract eqs' checkingMode freeFlexibles
       ; let final_binds = subst_binds `unionBags` binds

         -- Assert that all cotvs of wanted equalities are still unfilled, and
         -- zonk all final insts, to make any improvement visible
       ; ASSERTM2( allM wantedEqInstIsUnsolved eqs'', ppr eqs'' )
       ; zonked_locals  <- zonkInsts locals'
       ; zonked_wanteds <- zonkInsts (eqs'' ++ wanteds')
       ; return (zonked_locals, zonked_wanteds, final_binds)
    checkingMode = length eqs > length wanteds || not (null locals)
                     -- no local equalities or dicts => checking mode

%*									*
		Normalisation of equalities
%*									*

A normal equality is a properly oriented equality with associated coercion
that contains at most one family equality (in its left-hand side) is oriented
such that it may be used as a rewrite rule.  It has one of the following two 

(1) co :: F ~ t  (family equalities)
(2) co :: x ~ t         (variable equalities)

Variable equalities fall again in two classes:

(2a) co :: x ~ t, where t is *not* a variable, or
(2b) co :: x ~ y, where x > y.

The types t, t1, ..., tn may not contain any occurrences of synonym
families.  Moreover, in Forms (2) & (3), the left-hand side may not occur in
the right-hand side, and the relation x > y is an (nearly) arbitrary, but
total order on type variables.  The only restriction that we impose on that
order is that for x > y, we are happy to instantiate x with y taking into
account kinds, signature skolems etc (cf, TcUnify.uUnfilledVars).

data RewriteInst
  = RewriteVar  -- Form (2) above
    { rwi_var     :: TyVar    -- may be rigid or flexible
    , rwi_right   :: TcType   -- contains no synonym family applications
    , rwi_co      :: EqInstCo -- the wanted or given coercion
    , rwi_loc     :: InstLoc
    , rwi_name    :: Name     -- no semantic significance (cf. TcRnTypes.EqInst)
    , rwi_swapped :: Bool     -- swapped orientation of original EqInst
  | RewriteFam  -- Forms (1) above
    { rwi_fam     :: TyCon    -- synonym family tycon
    , rwi_args    :: [Type]   -- contain no synonym family applications
    , rwi_right   :: TcType   -- contains no synonym family applications
    , rwi_co      :: EqInstCo -- the wanted or given coercion
    , rwi_loc     :: InstLoc
    , rwi_name    :: Name     -- no semantic significance (cf. TcRnTypes.EqInst)
    , rwi_swapped :: Bool     -- swapped orientation of original EqInst

isWantedRewriteInst :: RewriteInst -> Bool
isWantedRewriteInst = isWantedCo . rwi_co

isRewriteVar :: RewriteInst -> Bool
isRewriteVar (RewriteVar {}) = True
isRewriteVar _               = False

tyVarsOfRewriteInst :: RewriteInst -> TyVarSet
tyVarsOfRewriteInst (RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv, rwi_right = ty})
  = unitVarSet tv `unionVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty
tyVarsOfRewriteInst (RewriteFam {rwi_args = args, rwi_right = ty})
  = tyVarsOfTypes args `unionVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty

rewriteInstToInst :: RewriteInst -> TcM Inst
rewriteInstToInst eq@(RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv})
  = deriveEqInst eq (mkTyVarTy tv) (rwi_right eq) (rwi_co eq)
rewriteInstToInst eq@(RewriteFam {rwi_fam = fam, rwi_args = args})
  = deriveEqInst eq (mkTyConApp fam args) (rwi_right eq) (rwi_co eq)

-- Derive an EqInst based from a RewriteInst, possibly swapping the types
-- around. 
deriveEqInst :: RewriteInst -> TcType -> TcType -> EqInstCo -> TcM Inst
deriveEqInst rewrite ty1 ty2 co
  = do { co_adjusted <- if not swapped then return co 
                                       else mkSymEqInstCo co (ty2, ty1)
       ; return $ EqInst
                  { tci_left  = left
                  , tci_right = right
                  , tci_co    = co_adjusted
                  , tci_loc   = rwi_loc rewrite
                  , tci_name  = rwi_name rewrite
    swapped       = rwi_swapped rewrite
    (left, right) = if not swapped then (ty1, ty2) else (ty2, ty1)

instance Outputable RewriteInst where
  ppr (RewriteFam {rwi_fam = fam, rwi_args = args, rwi_right = rhs, rwi_co =co})
    = hsep [ pprEqInstCo co <+> text "::" 
           , ppr (mkTyConApp fam args)
           , text "~>"
           , ppr rhs
  ppr (RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv, rwi_right = rhs, rwi_co =co})
    = hsep [ pprEqInstCo co <+> text "::" 
           , ppr tv
           , text "~>"
           , ppr rhs

pprEqInstCo :: EqInstCo -> SDoc
pprEqInstCo (Left cotv) = ptext (sLit "Wanted") <+> ppr cotv
pprEqInstCo (Right co)  = ptext (sLit "Local") <+> ppr co

The following functions turn an arbitrary equality into a set of normal
equalities.  This implements the WFlat and LFlat rules of the paper in one
sweep.  However, we use flexible variables for both locals and wanteds, and
avoid to carry around the unflattening substitution \Sigma (for locals) by
already updating the skolems for locals with the family application that they
represent - i.e., they will turn into that family application on the next
zonking (which only happens after finalisation).

In a corresponding manner, normDict normalises class dictionaries by
extracting any synonym family applications and generation appropriate normal

Whenever we encounter a loopy equality (of the form a ~ T .. (F ...a...) ...),
we drop that equality and raise an error if it is a wanted or a warning if it
is a local.

normEqInst :: Inst -> TcM [RewriteInst]
-- Normalise one equality.
normEqInst inst
  = ASSERT( isEqInst inst )
    do { traceTc $ ptext (sLit "normEqInst of ") <+> 
                   pprEqInstCo co <+> text "::" <+> 
                   ppr ty1 <+> text "~" <+> ppr ty2
       ; res <- go ty1 ty2 co

       ; traceTc $ ptext (sLit "normEqInst returns") <+> ppr res
       ; return res
    (ty1, ty2) = eqInstTys inst
    co         = eqInstCoercion inst

      -- look through synonyms
    go ty1 ty2 co | Just ty1' <- tcView ty1 = go ty1' ty2 co
    go ty1 ty2 co | Just ty2' <- tcView ty2 = go ty1 ty2' co

      -- left-to-right rule with type family head
    go ty1@(TyConApp con args) ty2 co 
      | isOpenSynTyConApp ty1           -- only if not oversaturated
      = mkRewriteFam False con args ty2 co

      -- right-to-left rule with type family head
    go ty1 ty2@(TyConApp con args) co 
      | isOpenSynTyConApp ty2           -- only if not oversaturated
      = do { co' <- mkSymEqInstCo co (ty2, ty1)
           ; mkRewriteFam True con args ty1 co'

      -- no outermost family
    go ty1 ty2 co
      = do { (ty1', co1, ty1_eqs) <- flattenType inst ty1
           ; (ty2', co2, ty2_eqs) <- flattenType inst ty2
           ; let ty12_eqs  = ty1_eqs ++ ty2_eqs
                 sym_co2   = mkSymCoercion co2
                 eqTys     = (ty1', ty2')
           ; (co', ty12_eqs') <- adjustCoercions co co1 sym_co2 eqTys ty12_eqs
           ; eqs <- checkOrientation ty1' ty2' co' inst
           ; if isLoopyEquality eqs ty12_eqs' 
             then do { if isWantedCo (tci_co inst)
                          addErrCtxt (ptext (sLit "Rejecting loopy equality")) $
                            eqInstMisMatch inst
                         warnDroppingLoopyEquality ty1 ty2
                     ; return ([])                 -- drop the equality
               return (eqs ++ ty12_eqs')

    mkRewriteFam swapped con args ty2 co
      = do { (args', cargs, args_eqss) <- mapAndUnzip3M (flattenType inst) args
           ; (ty2', co2, ty2_eqs) <- flattenType inst ty2
           ; let co1       = mkTyConApp con cargs
                 sym_co2   = mkSymCoercion co2
                 all_eqs   = concat args_eqss ++ ty2_eqs
                 eqTys     = (mkTyConApp con args', ty2')
           ; (co', all_eqs') <- adjustCoercions co co1 sym_co2 eqTys all_eqs
           ; let thisRewriteFam = RewriteFam 
                                  { rwi_fam     = con
                                  , rwi_args    = args'
                                  , rwi_right   = ty2'
                                  , rwi_co      = co'
                                  , rwi_loc     = tci_loc inst
                                  , rwi_name    = tci_name inst
                                  , rwi_swapped = swapped
           ; return $ thisRewriteFam : all_eqs'

    -- If the original equality has the form a ~ T .. (F ...a...) ..., we will
    -- have a variable equality with 'a' on the lhs as the first equality.
    -- Then, check whether 'a' occurs in the lhs of any family equality
    -- generated by flattening.
    isLoopyEquality (RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv}:_) eqs = any inRewriteFam eqs
        inRewriteFam (RewriteFam {rwi_args = args}) 
          = tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes args
        inRewriteFam _ = False
    isLoopyEquality _ _ = False

normDict :: Bool -> Inst -> TcM (Inst, [RewriteInst], TcDictBinds)
-- Normalise one dictionary or IP constraint.
normDict isWanted inst@(Dict {tci_pred = ClassP clas args})
  = do { (args', cargs, args_eqss) <- mapAndUnzip3M (flattenType inst) args
       ; let rewriteCo = PredTy $ ClassP clas cargs
             eqs       = concat args_eqss
             pred'     = ClassP clas args'
       ; if null eqs
         then  -- don't generate a binding if there is nothing to flatten
           return (inst, [], emptyBag)
         else do {
       ; (inst', bind) <- mkDictBind inst isWanted rewriteCo pred'
       ; eqs' <- if isWanted then return eqs else mapM wantedToLocal eqs
       ; return (inst', eqs', bind)
normDict _isWanted inst
  = return (inst, [], emptyBag)
-- !!!TODO: Still need to normalise IP constraints.

checkOrientation :: Type -> Type -> EqInstCo -> Inst -> TcM [RewriteInst]
-- Performs the occurs check, decomposition, and proper orientation
-- (returns a singleton, or an empty list in case of a trivial equality)
-- NB: We cannot assume that the two types already have outermost type
--     synonyms expanded due to the recursion in the case of type applications.
checkOrientation ty1 ty2 co inst
  = go ty1 ty2
      -- look through synonyms
    go ty1 ty2 | Just ty1' <- tcView ty1 = go ty1' ty2
    go ty1 ty2 | Just ty2' <- tcView ty2 = go ty1 ty2'

      -- identical types => trivial
    go ty1 ty2
      | ty1 `tcEqType` ty2
      = do { mkIdEqInstCo co ty1
           ; return []

      -- two tvs (distinct tvs, due to previous equation)
    go ty1@(TyVarTy tv1) ty2@(TyVarTy tv2)
      = do { isBigger <- tv1 `tvIsBigger` tv2
           ; if isBigger                                      -- left greater
               then mkRewriteVar False tv1 ty2 co             --   => unchanged
               else do { co' <- mkSymEqInstCo co (ty2, ty1)   -- right greater
                       ; mkRewriteVar True tv2 ty1 co'        --   => swap

      -- only lhs is a tv => unchanged
    go ty1@(TyVarTy tv1) ty2
      | ty1 `tcPartOfType` ty2      -- occurs check!
      = occurCheckErr ty1 ty2
      | otherwise 
      = mkRewriteVar False tv1 ty2 co

      -- only rhs is a tv => swap
    go ty1 ty2@(TyVarTy tv2)
      | ty2 `tcPartOfType` ty1      -- occurs check!
      = occurCheckErr ty2 ty1
      | otherwise 
      = do { co' <- mkSymEqInstCo co (ty2, ty1)
           ; mkRewriteVar True tv2 ty1 co'

      -- data type constructor application => decompose
      -- NB: Special cased for efficiency - could be handled as type application
    go (TyConApp con1 args1) (TyConApp con2 args2)
      |  con1 == con2
      && isInjectiveTyCon con1   -- don't match family synonym apps
      = do { co_args <- mkTyConEqInstCo co con1 (zip args1 args2)
           ; eqss <- zipWith3M (\ty1 ty2 co -> checkOrientation ty1 ty2 co inst)
                     args1 args2 co_args
           ; return $ concat eqss

      -- function type => decompose
      -- NB: Special cased for efficiency - could be handled as type application
    go (FunTy ty1_l ty1_r) (FunTy ty2_l ty2_r)
      = do { (co_l, co_r) <- mkFunEqInstCo co (ty1_l, ty2_l) (ty1_r, ty2_r)
           ; eqs_l <- checkOrientation ty1_l ty2_l co_l inst
           ; eqs_r <- checkOrientation ty1_r ty2_r co_r inst
           ; return $ eqs_l ++ eqs_r

      -- type applications => decompose
    go ty1 ty2 
      | Just (ty1_l, ty1_r) <- repSplitAppTy_maybe ty1   -- won't split fam apps
      , Just (ty2_l, ty2_r) <- repSplitAppTy_maybe ty2
      = do { (co_l, co_r) <- mkAppEqInstCo co (ty1_l, ty2_l) (ty1_r, ty2_r)
           ; eqs_l <- checkOrientation ty1_l ty2_l co_l inst
           ; eqs_r <- checkOrientation ty1_r ty2_r co_r inst
           ; return $ eqs_l ++ eqs_r

      -- inconsistency => type error
    go ty1 ty2
      = ASSERT( (not . isForAllTy $ ty1) && (not . isForAllTy $ ty2) )
        eqInstMisMatch inst

    mkRewriteVar swapped tv ty co = return [RewriteVar 
                                            { rwi_var     = tv
                                            , rwi_right   = ty
                                            , rwi_co      = co
                                            , rwi_loc     = tci_loc inst
                                            , rwi_name    = tci_name inst
                                            , rwi_swapped = swapped

    -- if tv1 `tvIsBigger` tv2, we make a rewrite rule tv1 ~> tv2
    tvIsBigger :: TcTyVar -> TcTyVar -> TcM Bool
    tvIsBigger tv1 tv2 
      = isBigger tv1 (tcTyVarDetails tv1) tv2 (tcTyVarDetails tv2)
        isBigger tv1 (SkolemTv _)     tv2 (SkolemTv _)
          = return $ tv1 > tv2
        isBigger _   (MetaTv _ _)     _   (SkolemTv _)
          = return True
        isBigger _   (SkolemTv _)     _   (MetaTv _ _)
          = return False
        isBigger tv1 (MetaTv info1 _) tv2 (MetaTv info2 _)
          -- meta variable meets meta variable 
          -- => be clever about which of the two to update 
          --   (from TcUnify.uUnfilledVars minus boxy stuff)
          = case (info1, info2) of
              -- Avoid SigTvs if poss
              (SigTv _, SigTv _)             -> return $ tv1 > tv2
              (SigTv _, _      ) | k1_sub_k2 -> return False
              (_,       SigTv _) | k2_sub_k1 -> return True

              (_, _) 
                | k1_sub_k2 &&
                  -> case (nicer_to_update tv1, nicer_to_update tv2) of
                       (True, False) -> return True
                       (False, True) -> return False
                       _             -> return $ tv1 > tv2
                | k1_sub_k2    -> return False
                | k2_sub_k1    -> return True
                | otherwise    -> kind_err >> return True
              -- Update the variable with least kind info
              -- See notes on type inference in Kind.lhs
              -- The "nicer to" part only applies if the two kinds are the same,
              -- so we can choose which to do.
            kind_err = addErrCtxtM (unifyKindCtxt False tv1 (mkTyVarTy tv2)) $
                       unifyKindMisMatch k1 k2

            k1 = tyVarKind tv1
            k2 = tyVarKind tv2
            k1_sub_k2 = k1 `isSubKind` k2
            k2_sub_k1 = k2 `isSubKind` k1

            nicer_to_update tv = isSystemName (Var.varName tv)
                -- Try to update sys-y type variables in preference to ones
                -- gotten (say) by instantiating a polymorphic function with
                -- a user-written type sig 

flattenType :: Inst     -- context to get location  & name
            -> Type     -- the type to flatten
            -> TcM (Type,           -- the flattened type
                    Coercion,       -- coercion witness of flattening wanteds
                    [RewriteInst])  -- extra equalities
-- Removes all family synonyms from a type by moving them into extra equalities
flattenType inst ty = go ty
      -- look through synonyms
    go ty | Just ty' <- tcView ty 
      = do { (ty_flat, co, eqs) <- go ty'
           ; if null eqs
             then     -- unchanged, keep the old type with folded synonyms
               return (ty, ty, [])
               return (ty_flat, co, eqs)

      -- type variable => nothing to do
    go ty@(TyVarTy _)
      = return (ty, ty, [])

      -- type family application & family arity matches number of args
      -- => flatten to "gamma :: F t1'' ~ alpha" (alpha & gamma fresh)
    go ty@(TyConApp con args)
      | isOpenSynTyConApp ty   -- only if not oversaturated
      = do { (args', cargs, args_eqss) <- mapAndUnzip3M go args
           ; alpha <- newFlexiTyVar (typeKind ty)
           ; let alphaTy = mkTyVarTy alpha
           ; cotv <- newMetaCoVar (mkTyConApp con args') alphaTy
           ; let thisRewriteFam = RewriteFam 
                                  { rwi_fam     = con
                                  , rwi_args    = args'
                                  , rwi_right   = alphaTy
                                  , rwi_co      = mkWantedCo cotv
                                  , rwi_loc     = tci_loc inst
                                  , rwi_name    = tci_name inst
                                  , rwi_swapped = True
           ; return (alphaTy,
                     mkTyConApp con cargs `mkTransCoercion` mkTyVarTy cotv,
                     thisRewriteFam : concat args_eqss)

      -- datatype constructor application => flatten subtypes
      -- NB: Special cased for efficiency - could be handled as type application
    go ty@(TyConApp con args)
      | not (isOpenSynTyCon con)   -- don't match oversaturated family apps
      = do { (args', cargs, args_eqss) <- mapAndUnzip3M go args
           ; let args_eqs = concat args_eqss
           ; if null args_eqs
             then     -- unchanged, keep the old type with folded synonyms
               return (ty, ty, [])
               return (mkTyConApp con args', 
                       mkTyConApp con cargs,

      -- function type => flatten subtypes
      -- NB: Special cased for efficiency - could be handled as type application
    go ty@(FunTy ty_l ty_r)
      = do { (ty_l', co_l, eqs_l) <- go ty_l
           ; (ty_r', co_r, eqs_r) <- go ty_r
           ; if null eqs_l && null eqs_r
             then     -- unchanged, keep the old type with folded synonyms
               return (ty, ty, [])
               return (mkFunTy ty_l' ty_r', 
                       mkFunTy co_l co_r,
                       eqs_l ++ eqs_r)

      -- type application => flatten subtypes
    go ty
      | Just (ty_l, ty_r) <- repSplitAppTy_maybe ty
                             -- need to use the smart split as ty may be an
                             -- oversaturated family application
      = do { (ty_l', co_l, eqs_l) <- go ty_l
           ; (ty_r', co_r, eqs_r) <- go ty_r
           ; if null eqs_l && null eqs_r
             then     -- unchanged, keep the old type with folded synonyms
               return (ty, ty, [])
               return (mkAppTy ty_l' ty_r', 
                       mkAppTy co_l co_r, 
                       eqs_l ++ eqs_r)

      -- forall type => panic if the body contains a type family
      -- !!!TODO: As long as the family does not contain a quantified variable
      --          we might pull it out, but what if it does contain a quantified
      --          variable???
    go ty@(ForAllTy _ body)
      | null (tyFamInsts body)
      = return (ty, ty, [])
      | otherwise
      = panic "TcTyFuns.flattenType: synonym family in a rank-n type"

      -- predicate type => handle like a datatype constructor application
    go (PredTy (ClassP cls tys))
      = do { (tys', ctys, tys_eqss) <- mapAndUnzip3M go tys
           ; let tys_eqs = concat tys_eqss
           ; if null tys_eqs
             then     -- unchanged, keep the old type with folded synonyms
               return (ty, ty, [])
               return (PredTy (ClassP cls tys'), 
                       PredTy (ClassP cls ctys),

      -- implicit parameter => flatten subtype
    go ty@(PredTy (IParam ipn ity))
      = do { (ity', co, eqs) <- go ity
           ; if null eqs 
             then return (ty, ty, []) 
             else return (PredTy (IParam ipn ity'),
                          PredTy (IParam ipn co),

      -- we should never see a equality
    go (PredTy (EqPred _ _))
      = panic "TcTyFuns.flattenType: malformed type"

    go _ = panic "TcTyFuns: suppress bogus warning"

adjustCoercions :: EqInstCo            -- coercion of original equality
                -> Coercion            -- coercion witnessing the left rewrite
                -> Coercion            -- coercion witnessing the right rewrite
                -> (Type, Type)        -- types of flattened equality
                -> [RewriteInst]       -- equalities from flattening
                -> TcM (EqInstCo,      -- coercion for flattened equality
                        [RewriteInst]) -- final equalities from flattening
-- Depending on whether we flattened a local or wanted equality, that equality's
-- coercion and that of the new equalities produced during flattening are
-- adjusted .
adjustCoercions (Left cotv) co1 co2 (ty_l, ty_r) all_eqs
    -- wanted => generate a fresh coercion variable for the flattened equality
  = do { cotv' <- newMetaCoVar ty_l ty_r
       ; bindMetaTyVar cotv $ 
           (co1 `mkTransCoercion` TyVarTy cotv' `mkTransCoercion` co2)
       ; return (Left cotv', all_eqs)

adjustCoercions co@(Right _) _co1 _co2 _eqTys all_eqs
    -- local => turn all new equalities into locals and update (but not zonk)
    --          the skolem
  = do { all_eqs' <- mapM wantedToLocal all_eqs
       ; return (co, all_eqs')

mkDictBind :: Inst                 -- original instance
           -> Bool                 -- is this a wanted contraint?
           -> Coercion             -- coercion witnessing the rewrite
           -> PredType             -- coerced predicate
           -> TcM (Inst,           -- new inst
                   TcDictBinds)    -- binding for coerced dictionary
mkDictBind dict isWanted rewriteCo pred
  = do { dict' <- newDictBndr loc pred
         -- relate the old inst to the new one
         -- target_dict = source_dict `cast` st_co
       ; let (target_dict, source_dict, st_co) 
               | isWanted  = (dict,  dict', mkSymCoercion rewriteCo)
               | otherwise = (dict', dict,  rewriteCo)
                 -- we have
                 --   co :: dict ~ dict'
                 -- hence, if isWanted
                 -- 	  dict  = dict' `cast` sym co
                 --        else
                 -- 	  dict' = dict  `cast` co
             expr      = HsVar $ instToId source_dict
             cast_expr = HsWrap (WpCast st_co) expr
             rhs       = L (instLocSpan loc) cast_expr
             binds     = instToDictBind target_dict rhs
       ; return (dict', binds)
    loc = tci_loc dict

-- gamma ::^l Fam args ~ alpha
-- => gamma ::^w Fam args ~ alpha, with alpha := Fam args & gamma := Fam args
--    (the update of alpha will not be apparent during propagation, as we
--    never follow the indirections of meta variables; it will be revealed
--    when the equality is zonked)
--  NB: It's crucial to update *both* alpha and gamma, as gamma may already
--      have escaped into some other coercions during normalisation.
--      We do actually update alpha and gamma by side effect (instead of
--      only remembering the binding with `bindMetaTyVar', as we do for all
--      other tyvars).  We can do this as the side effects are strictly
--      *local*; we know that both alpha and gamma were just a moment ago
--      introduced by normalisation. 
wantedToLocal :: RewriteInst -> TcM RewriteInst
wantedToLocal eq@(RewriteFam {rwi_fam   = fam, 
                              rwi_args  = args, 
                              rwi_right = TyVarTy alpha,
                              rwi_co    = Left gamma})
  = do { writeMetaTyVar alpha (mkTyConApp fam args)
       ; writeMetaTyVar gamma (mkTyConApp fam args)
       ; return $ eq {rwi_co = mkGivenCo $ mkTyVarTy gamma}
wantedToLocal _ = panic "TcTyFuns.wantedToLocal"

%*									*
		Propagation of equalities
%*									*

Apply the propagation rules exhaustively.

propagate :: [RewriteInst] -> EqConfig -> TcM EqConfig
propagate []       eqCfg = return eqCfg
propagate (eq:eqs) eqCfg
  = do { optEqs <- applyTop eq
       ; case optEqs of

              -- Top applied to 'eq' => retry with new equalities
           Just eqs2 -> propagate (eqs2 ++ eqs) eqCfg

              -- Top doesn't apply => try subst rules with all other
              --   equalities, after that 'eq' can go into the residual list
           Nothing   -> do { (eqs', eqCfg') <- applySubstRules eq eqs eqCfg
                           ; propagate eqs' (eqCfg' `addEq` eq)

applySubstRules :: RewriteInst                    -- currently considered eq
                -> [RewriteInst]                  -- todo eqs list
                -> EqConfig                       -- residual
                -> TcM ([RewriteInst], EqConfig)  -- new todo & residual
applySubstRules eq todoEqs (eqConfig@EqConfig {eqs = resEqs})
  = do { (newEqs_t, unchangedEqs_t) <- mapSubstRules eq todoEqs
       ; (newEqs_r, unchangedEqs_r) <- mapSubstRules eq resEqs
       ; return (newEqs_t ++ newEqs_r ++ unchangedEqs_t,
                 eqConfig {eqs = unchangedEqs_r})

mapSubstRules :: RewriteInst     -- try substituting this equality
              -> [RewriteInst]   -- into these equalities
              -> TcM ([RewriteInst], [RewriteInst])
mapSubstRules eq eqs
  = do { (newEqss, unchangedEqss) <- mapAndUnzipM (substRules eq) eqs
       ; return (concat newEqss, concat unchangedEqss)
    substRules eq1 eq2
      = do {traceTc $ hang (ptext (sLit "Trying subst rules with"))
                        4 (ppr eq1 $$ ppr eq2)

               -- try the SubstFam rule
           ; optEqs <- applySubstFam eq1 eq2
           ; case optEqs of
               Just eqs -> return (eqs, [])
               Nothing  -> do 
           {   -- try the SubstVarVar rule
             optEqs <- applySubstVarVar eq1 eq2
           ; case optEqs of
               Just eqs -> return (eqs, [])
               Nothing  -> do 
           {   -- try the SubstVarFam rule
             optEqs <- applySubstVarFam eq1 eq2
           ; case optEqs of
               Just eq -> return ([eq], [])
               Nothing -> return ([], [eq2])
                 -- if no rule matches, we return the equlity we tried to
                 -- substitute into unchanged

Attempt to apply the Top rule.  The rule is

  co :: F ~ t
  co' :: [s1/x1, .., sm/xm]s ~ t with co = g |> co'  

where g :: forall x1..xm. F ~ s and [s1/x1, .., sm/xm]u1 == t1.

Returns Nothing if the rule could not be applied.  Otherwise, the resulting
equality is normalised and a list of the normal equalities is returned.

applyTop :: RewriteInst -> TcM (Maybe [RewriteInst])

applyTop eq@(RewriteFam {rwi_fam = fam, rwi_args = args})
  = do { optTyCo <- tcUnfoldSynFamInst (TyConApp fam args)
       ; case optTyCo of
           Nothing                -> return Nothing
           Just (lhs, rewrite_co) 
             -> do { co' <- mkRightTransEqInstCo co rewrite_co (lhs, rhs)
                   ; eq' <- deriveEqInst eq lhs rhs co'
                   ; liftM Just $ normEqInst eq'
    co  = rwi_co eq
    rhs = rwi_right eq

applyTop _ = return Nothing

Attempt to apply the SubstFam rule.  The rule is

  co1 :: F ~ t  &  co2 :: F ~ s
  co1 :: F ~ t  &  co2' :: t ~ s with co2 = co1 |> co2'

where co1 may be a wanted only if co2 is a wanted, too.

Returns Nothing if the rule could not be applied.  Otherwise, the equality
co2' is normalised and a list of the normal equalities is returned.  (The
equality co1 is not returned as it remain unaltered.)

applySubstFam :: RewriteInst 
              -> RewriteInst 
              -> TcM (Maybe ([RewriteInst]))
applySubstFam eq1@(RewriteFam {rwi_fam = fam1, rwi_args = args1})
              eq2@(RewriteFam {rwi_fam = fam2, rwi_args = args2})

    -- rule matches => rewrite
  | fam1 == fam2 && tcEqTypes args1 args2 &&
    (isWantedRewriteInst eq2 || not (isWantedRewriteInst eq1))
  = do { co2' <- mkRightTransEqInstCo co2 co1 (lhs, rhs)
       ; eq2' <- deriveEqInst eq2 lhs rhs co2'
       ; liftM Just $ normEqInst eq2'

    -- rule would match with eq1 and eq2 swapped => put eq2 into todo list
  | fam1 == fam2 && tcEqTypes args1 args2 &&
    (isWantedRewriteInst eq1 || not (isWantedRewriteInst eq2))
  = return $ Just [eq2]

    lhs = rwi_right eq1
    rhs = rwi_right eq2
    co1 = eqInstCoType (rwi_co eq1)
    co2 = rwi_co eq2

applySubstFam _ _ = return Nothing

Attempt to apply the SubstVarVar rule.  The rule is

  co1 :: x ~ t  &  co2 :: x ~ s
  co1 :: x ~ t  &  co2' :: t ~ s with co2 = co1 |> co2'

where co1 may be a wanted only if co2 is a wanted, too.

Returns Nothing if the rule could not be applied.  Otherwise, the equality
co2' is normalised and a list of the normal equalities is returned.  (The
equality co1 is not returned as it remain unaltered.)

applySubstVarVar :: RewriteInst -> RewriteInst -> TcM (Maybe [RewriteInst])
applySubstVarVar eq1@(RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv1})
                 eq2@(RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv2})

    -- rule matches => rewrite
  | tv1 == tv2 &&
    (isWantedRewriteInst eq2 || not (isWantedRewriteInst eq1))
  = do { co2' <- mkRightTransEqInstCo co2 co1 (lhs, rhs)
       ; eq2' <- deriveEqInst eq2 lhs rhs co2'
       ; liftM Just $ normEqInst eq2'

    -- rule would match with eq1 and eq2 swapped => put eq2 into todo list
  | tv1 == tv2 &&
    (isWantedRewriteInst eq1 || not (isWantedRewriteInst eq2))
  = return $ Just [eq2]

    lhs = rwi_right eq1
    rhs = rwi_right eq2
    co1 = eqInstCoType (rwi_co eq1)
    co2 = rwi_co eq2

applySubstVarVar _ _ = return Nothing

Attempt to apply the SubstVarFam rule.  The rule is

  co1 :: x ~ t  &  co2 :: F ~ s
  co1 :: x ~ t  &  co2' :: [t/x](F ~ s 
    with co2 = [co1/x](F |> co2'

where x occurs in F (co1 may be local or wanted.)

Returns Nothing if the rule could not be applied.  Otherwise, the equality
co2' is returned.  (The equality co1 is not returned as it remain unaltered.)

applySubstVarFam :: RewriteInst -> RewriteInst -> TcM (Maybe RewriteInst)

  -- rule matches => rewrite
applySubstVarFam eq1@(RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv1})
                 eq2@(RewriteFam {rwi_fam = fam2, rwi_args = args2})
  | tv1 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes args2
  = do { let co1Subst = substTyWith [tv1] [co1] (mkTyConApp fam2 args2)
             args2'   = substTysWith [tv1] [rhs1] args2
             lhs2     = mkTyConApp fam2 args2'
       ; co2' <- mkRightTransEqInstCo co2 co1Subst (lhs2, rhs2)
       ; return $ Just (eq2 {rwi_args = args2', rwi_co = co2'})
    rhs1 = rwi_right eq1
    rhs2 = rwi_right eq2
    co1  = eqInstCoType (rwi_co eq1)
    co2  = rwi_co eq2

  -- rule would match with eq1 and eq2 swapped => put eq2 into todo list
applySubstVarFam (RewriteFam {rwi_args = args1})
                 eq2@(RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv2})
  | tv2 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes args1
  = return $ Just eq2

applySubstVarFam _ _ = return Nothing

%*									*
		Finalisation of equalities
%*									*

Exhaustive substitution of all variable equalities of the form co :: x ~ t
(both local and wanted) into the right-hand sides of all other equalities and
of family equalities of the form co :: F ~ alpha into both sides of all
other *family* equalities.  This may lead to recursive equalities; i.e., (1)
we need to apply the substitution implied by one equality exhaustively before
turning to the next and (2) we need an occurs check.

We also apply the same substitutions to the local and wanted class and IP

We perform the substitutions in two steps:

  Step A: Substitute variable equalities into the right-hand sides of all
          other equalities (but wanted only into wanteds) and into class and IP 
          constraints (again wanteds only into wanteds).

  Step B: Substitute wanted family equalities `co :: F ~ alpha', where
          'alpha' is a skolem flexible (i.e., not free in the environment),
          into the right-hand sides of all wanted variable equalities and into
          both sides of all wanted family equalities.

  Step C: Substitute the remaining wanted family equalities `co :: F ~
          alpha' into the right-hand sides of all wanted variable equalities
          and into both sides of all wanted family equalities.

In inference mode, we do not substitute into variable equalities in Steps B & C.

The treatment of flexibles in wanteds is quite subtle.  We absolutely want to
substitute variable equalities first; e.g., consider

  F s ~ alpha, alpha ~ t

If we don't substitute `alpha ~ t', we may instantiate `t' with `F s' instead.
This would be bad as `F s' is less useful, eg, as an argument to a class

The restriction on substituting locals is necessary due to examples, such as

  F delta ~ alpha, F alpha ~ delta,

where `alpha' is a skolem flexible and `delta' a environment flexible. We need
to produce `F (F delta) ~ delta' (and not `F (F alpha) ~ alpha'). Otherwise,
we may wrongly claim to having performed an improvement, which can lead to
non-termination of the combined class-family solver.

We do also substitute flexibles, as in `alpha ~ t' into class constraints.
When `alpha' is later instantiated, we'd get the same effect, but in the
meantime the class constraint would miss some information, which would be a
problem in an integrated equality-class solver.

* Given that we apply the substitution corresponding to a single equality
  exhaustively, before turning to the next, and because we eliminate recursive
  equalities, all opportunities for subtitution will have been exhausted after
  we have considered each equality once.

substitute :: [RewriteInst]       -- equalities
           -> [Inst]              -- local class dictionaries
           -> [Inst]              -- wanted class dictionaries
           -> Bool                -- True ~ checking mode; False ~ inference
           -> TyVarSet            -- flexibles free in the environment
           -> TcM ([RewriteInst], -- equalities after substitution
                   TcDictBinds,   -- all newly generated dictionary bindings
                   [Inst],        -- local dictionaries after substitution
                   [Inst])        -- wanted dictionaries after substitution
substitute eqs locals wanteds checkingMode freeFlexibles
  = -- We achieve the sequencing of "Step A", "Step B", and "Step C" above by
    -- sorting the equalities appropriately: first all variable, then all
    -- family/skolem, and then the remaining family equalities. 
    let (var_eqs, fam_eqs)             = partition isRewriteVar eqs
        (fam_skolem_eqs, fam_eqs_rest) = partition isFamSkolemEq fam_eqs
    subst (var_eqs ++ fam_skolem_eqs ++ fam_eqs_rest) [] emptyBag locals wanteds
    isFamSkolemEq (RewriteFam {rwi_right = ty})
      | Just tv <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty = not (tv `elemVarSet` freeFlexibles)
    isFamSkolemEq _ = False

    subst [] res binds locals wanteds 
      = return (res, binds, locals, wanteds)

    -- co :: x ~ t
    subst (eq@(RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv, rwi_right = ty, rwi_co = co}):eqs) 
          res binds locals wanteds
      = do { traceTc $ ptext (sLit "TcTyFuns.substitute[RewriteVar]:") <+> 
                       ppr eq

             -- create the substitution
           ; let coSubst = zipOpenTvSubst [tv] [eqInstCoType co]
                 tySubst = zipOpenTvSubst [tv] [ty]

             -- substitute into all other equalities
           ; eqs' <- mapM (substEq eq coSubst tySubst) eqs
           ; res' <- mapM (substEq eq coSubst tySubst) res

             -- only substitute local equalities into local dictionaries
           ; (lbinds, locals')  <- if not (isWantedCo co)
                                       (substDict eq coSubst tySubst False) 
                                     return ([], locals)

              -- substitute all equalities into wanteds dictionaries
           ; (wbinds, wanteds') <- mapAndUnzipM 
                                     (substDict eq coSubst tySubst True) 

           ; let binds' = unionManyBags $ binds : lbinds ++ wbinds
           ; subst eqs' (eq:res') binds' locals' wanteds'

    -- co ::^w F ~ alpha
    subst (eq@(RewriteFam {rwi_fam = fam, rwi_args = args, rwi_right = ty, 
                           rwi_co = co}):eqs) 
          res binds locals wanteds
      | Just tv <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty
      , isMetaTyVar tv
      , isWantedCo co
      = do { traceTc $ ptext (sLit "TcTyFuns.substitute[RewriteFam]:") <+> 
                       ppr eq

             -- create the substitution
           ; let coSubst = zipOpenTvSubst [tv] [mkSymCoercion $ eqInstCoType co]
                 tySubst = zipOpenTvSubst [tv] [mkTyConApp fam args]

             -- substitute into other wanted equalities (`substEq' makes sure
             -- that we only substitute into wanteds)
           ; eqs' <- mapM (substEq eq coSubst tySubst) eqs
           ; res' <- mapM (substEq eq coSubst tySubst) res

           ; subst eqs' (eq:res') binds locals wanteds

    subst (eq:eqs) res binds locals wanteds
      = subst eqs (eq:res) binds locals wanteds

      -- We have, co :: tv ~ ty 
      -- => apply [ty/tv] to right-hand side of eq2
      --    (but only if tv actually occurs in the right-hand side of eq2
      --    and if eq2 is a local, co :: tv ~ ty needs to be a local, too)
    substEq (RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv, rwi_right = ty, rwi_co = co}) 
            coSubst tySubst eq2
      |  tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType (rwi_right eq2)
      && (isWantedRewriteInst eq2 || not (isWantedCo co))
      = do { let co1Subst = mkSymCoercion $ substTy coSubst (rwi_right eq2)
                 right2'  = substTy tySubst (rwi_right eq2)
                 left2    = case eq2 of
                              RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv2}   -> mkTyVarTy tv2
                              RewriteFam {rwi_fam = fam,
                                          rwi_args = args} ->mkTyConApp fam args
           ; co2' <- mkLeftTransEqInstCo (rwi_co eq2) co1Subst (left2, right2')
           ; case eq2 of
               RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv2} | tv2 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty
                 -> occurCheckErr left2 right2'
               _ -> return $ eq2 {rwi_right = right2', rwi_co = co2'}

      -- We have, co ::^w F ~ tv
      -- => apply [F] to eq2
      --    (but only if tv actually occurs in eq2
      --    and eq2 is a wanted equality
      --    and we are either in checking mode or eq2 is a family equality)
    substEq (RewriteFam {rwi_args = args, rwi_right = ty}) 
            coSubst tySubst eq2
      | Just tv <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty
      , tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfRewriteInst eq2
      , isWantedRewriteInst eq2
      , checkingMode || not (isRewriteVar eq2)
      = do { -- substitute into the right-hand side
           ; let co1Subst = mkSymCoercion $ substTy coSubst (rwi_right eq2)
                 right2'  = substTy tySubst (rwi_right eq2)
                 left2    = case eq2 of
                              RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv2}   -> mkTyVarTy tv2
                              RewriteFam {rwi_fam = fam,
                                          rwi_args = args} -> mkTyConApp fam args
           ; co2' <- mkLeftTransEqInstCo (rwi_co eq2) co1Subst (left2, right2')
           ; case eq2 of
               RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv2} 
                 -- variable equality: perform an occurs check
                 | tv2 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes args
                 -> occurCheckErr left2 right2'
                 | otherwise
                 -> return $ eq2 {rwi_right = right2', rwi_co = co2'}
               RewriteFam {rwi_fam = fam}
                 -- family equality: substitute also into the left-hand side
                 -> do { let co1Subst = substTy coSubst left2
                             args2'   = substTys tySubst (rwi_args  eq2)
                             left2'   = mkTyConApp fam args2'
                       ; co2'' <- mkRightTransEqInstCo co2' co1Subst 
                                                       (left2', right2')
                       ; return $ eq2 {rwi_args = args2', rwi_right = right2', 
                                       rwi_co = co2''}

      -- unchanged
    substEq _ _ _ eq2
      = return eq2

      -- We have, co :: tv ~ ty 
      -- => apply [ty/tv] to dictionary predicate
      --    (but only if tv actually occurs in the predicate)
    substDict (RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv}) coSubst tySubst isWanted dict
      | isClassDict dict
      , tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfPred (tci_pred dict)
      = do { let co1Subst = PredTy (substPred coSubst (tci_pred dict))
                 pred'    = substPred tySubst (tci_pred dict)
           ; (dict', binds) <- mkDictBind dict isWanted co1Subst pred'
           ; return (binds, dict')

      -- unchanged
    substDict _ _ _ _ dict
      = return (emptyBag, dict)
-- !!!TODO: Still need to substitute into IP constraints.

For any *wanted* variable equality of the form co :: alpha ~ t or co :: a ~
alpha, we record a binding of alpha with t or a, respectively, and for co :=
id.  We do the same for equalities of the form co :: F ~ alpha unless
we are in inference mode and alpha appears in the environment - i.e., it is
not a flexible introduced by flattening locals or it is local, but was
propagated into the environment by the instantiation of a variable equality.

We proceed in two phases: (1) first we consider all variable equalities and then
(2) we consider all family equalities.  The two phase structure is required as
the recorded variable equalities determine which skolems flexibles escape, and
hence, which family equalities may be recorded as bindings.

We return all wanted equalities for which we did not generate a binding.
(These can be skolem variable equalities, cyclic variable equalities, and
family equalities.)

We don't update any meta variables.  Instead, instantiation simply implies
putting a type variable binding into the binding pool of TcM.

 * We may encounter filled flexibles due to the instant filling of local
   skolems in local-given constraints during flattening.
 * Be careful with SigTVs.  They can only be instantiated with other SigTVs or
   rigid skolems.

bindAndExtract :: [RewriteInst] -> Bool -> TyVarSet -> TcM [Inst]
bindAndExtract eqs checkingMode freeFlexibles
  = do { traceTc $ hang (ptext (sLit "bindAndExtract:"))
                     4 (ppr eqs $$ ppr freeFlexibles)
       ; residuals1 <- mapMaybeM instVarEq (filter isWantedRewriteInst eqs)
       ; escapingSkolems <- getEscapingSkolems
       ; let newFreeFlexibles = freeFlexibles `unionVarSet` escapingSkolems
       ; residuals2 <- mapMaybeM (instFamEq newFreeFlexibles) residuals1
       ; mapM rewriteInstToInst residuals2
    -- NB: we don't have to transitively chase the relation as the substitution
    --     process applied before generating the bindings was exhaustive
      = do { tybinds_rel <- getTcTyVarBindsRelation
           ; return (unionVarSets . map snd . filter isFree $ tybinds_rel)
        isFree (tv, _) = tv `elemVarSet` freeFlexibles

        -- co :: alpha ~ t or co :: a ~ alpha
    instVarEq eq@(RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv1, rwi_right = ty2, rwi_co = co})
      = do { flexi_tv1       <- isFlexible   tv1
           ; maybe_flexi_tv2 <- isFlexibleTy ty2
           ; case (flexi_tv1, maybe_flexi_tv2) of
               (True, Just tv2)
                 | isSigTyVar tv1 && isSigTyVar tv2
                 -> -- co :: alpha ~ beta, where both a SigTvs
                    doInst (rwi_swapped eq) tv1 ty2 co eq
               (True, Nothing) 
                 | Just tv2 <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty2
                 , isSigTyVar tv1
                 , isSkolemTyVar tv2
                 -> -- co :: alpha ~ a, where alpha is a SigTv
                    doInst (rwi_swapped eq) tv1 ty2 co eq
               (True, _) 
                 | not (isSigTyVar tv1)
                 -> -- co :: alpha ~ t, where alpha is not a SigTv
                    doInst (rwi_swapped eq) tv1 ty2 co eq
               (False, Just tv2) 
                 | isSigTyVar tv2
                 , isSkolemTyVar tv1
                 -> -- co :: a ~ alpha, where alpha is a SigTv
                    doInst (not $ rwi_swapped eq) tv2 (mkTyVarTy tv1) co eq
                 | not (isSigTyVar tv2)
                 -> -- co :: a ~ alpha, where alpha is not a SigTv 
                    --                        ('a' may be filled)
                    doInst (not $ rwi_swapped eq) tv2 (mkTyVarTy tv1) co eq
               _ -> return $ Just eq
    instVarEq eq = return $ Just eq

        -- co :: F args ~ alpha, 
        -- and we are either in checking mode or alpha is a skolem flexible that
        --     doesn't escape
    instFamEq newFreeFlexibles eq@(RewriteFam {rwi_fam = fam, rwi_args = args, 
                                               rwi_right = ty2, rwi_co = co})
      | Just tv2 <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty2
      , checkingMode || not (tv2 `elemVarSet` newFreeFlexibles)
      = do { flexi_tv2 <- isFlexible tv2
           ; if flexi_tv2
               doInst (not $ rwi_swapped eq) tv2 (mkTyConApp fam args) co eq
               return $ Just eq
    instFamEq _ eq = return $ Just eq

    -- tv is a meta var, but not a SigTV and not filled
    isFlexible tv
      | isMetaTyVar tv = liftM isFlexi $ readMetaTyVar tv
      | otherwise      = return False

    -- type is a tv that is a meta var, but not a SigTV and not filled
    isFlexibleTy ty
      | Just tv <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty = do {flexi <- isFlexible tv
                                            ; if flexi then return $ Just tv 
                                                       else return Nothing
      | otherwise                      = return Nothing

    doInst _swapped _tv _ty (Right ty) _eq 
      = pprPanic "TcTyFuns.doInst: local eq: " (ppr ty)
    doInst swapped tv ty (Left cotv) eq
      = do { lookupTV <- lookupTcTyVar tv
           ; bMeta swapped tv lookupTV ty cotv
        -- Try to create a binding for a meta variable.  There is *no* need to
        -- consider reorienting the underlying equality; `checkOrientation'
        -- makes sure that we get variable-variable equalities only in the
        -- appropriate orientation.
        bMeta :: Bool                    -- is this a swapped equality?
              -> TcTyVar                 -- tyvar to instantiate
              -> LookupTyVarResult       -- lookup result of that tyvar
              -> TcType                  -- to to instantiate tyvar with
              -> TcTyVar                 -- coercion tyvar of current equality
              -> TcM (Maybe RewriteInst) -- returns the original equality if
                                         -- the tyvar could not be instantiated,
                                         -- and hence, the equality must be kept

        -- meta variable has been filled already
        -- => this should never happen due to the use of `isFlexible' above
        bMeta _swapped tv (IndirectTv fill_ty) ty _cotv
          = pprPanic "TcTyFuns.bMeta" $ 
              ptext (sLit "flexible") <+> ppr tv <+>
              ptext (sLit "already filled with") <+> ppr fill_ty <+>
              ptext (sLit "meant to fill with") <+> ppr ty

        -- type variable meets type variable
        -- => `checkOrientation' already ensures that it is fine to instantiate
        --    tv1 with tv2, but chase tv2's instantiations if necessary, so that
        --    we eventually can perform a kinds check in bMetaInst
        -- NB: tv's instantiations won't alter the orientation in which we
        --     want to instantiate as they either constitute a family 
        --     application or are themselves due to a properly oriented
        --     instantiation
        bMeta swapped tv1 details1@(DoneTv (MetaTv _ _)) ty@(TyVarTy tv2) cotv
          = do { lookupTV2 <- lookupTcTyVar tv2
               ; case lookupTV2 of
                   IndirectTv ty' -> bMeta swapped tv1 details1 ty' cotv
                   DoneTv _       -> bMetaInst swapped tv1 ty cotv

        -- updatable meta variable meets non-variable type
        -- => occurs check, monotype check, and kinds match check, then bind
        bMeta swapped tv (DoneTv (MetaTv _ _ref)) non_tv_ty cotv
          = bMetaInst swapped tv non_tv_ty cotv

        bMeta _ _ _ _ _ = panic "TcTyFuns.bMeta"

        -- We know `tv' can be instantiated; check that `ty' is alright for
        -- instantiating `tv' with and then record a binding; we return the
        -- original equality if it is cyclic through a synonym family
        bMetaInst swapped tv ty cotv
          = do {   -- occurs + monotype check
               ; mb_ty' <- checkTauTvUpdate tv ty    
               ; case mb_ty' of
                   Nothing  -> 
                     -- there may be a family in non_tv_ty due to an unzonked,
                     -- but updated skolem for a local equality 
                     -- (cf `wantedToLocal')
                     return $ Just eq
                   Just ty' ->
                     do { checkKinds swapped tv ty'
                        ; bindMetaTyVar tv ty'          -- bind meta var
                        ; bindMetaTyVar cotv ty'        -- bind co var
                        ; return Nothing

%*									*
%*									*

The infamous couldn't match expected type soandso against inferred type
somethingdifferent message.

eqInstMisMatch :: Inst -> TcM a
eqInstMisMatch inst
  = ASSERT( isEqInst inst )
    setInstCtxt (instLoc inst) $ failWithMisMatch ty_act ty_exp
    (ty_act, ty_exp) = eqInstTys inst

failWithMisMatch :: TcType -> TcType -> TcM a
-- Generate the message when two types fail to match,
-- going to some trouble to make it helpful.
-- The argument order is: actual type, expected type
failWithMisMatch ty_act ty_exp
  = do	{ env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
        ; ty_exp <- zonkTcType ty_exp
        ; ty_act <- zonkTcType ty_act
        ; failWithTcM (misMatchMsg env0 (ty_act, ty_exp))

misMatchMsg :: TidyEnv -> (TcType, TcType) -> (TidyEnv, SDoc)
misMatchMsg env0 (ty_act, ty_exp)
  = let (env1, pp_exp, extra_exp) = ppr_ty env0 ty_exp
	(env2, pp_act, extra_act) = ppr_ty env1 ty_act
        msg = sep [sep [ptext (sLit "Couldn't match expected type") <+> pp_exp, 
			nest 7 $
                              ptext (sLit "against inferred type") <+> pp_act],
		   nest 2 (extra_exp $$ extra_act),
		   nest 2 (vcat (map pp_open_tc (nub open_tcs)))]
		   	-- See Note [Non-injective type functions]
    (env2, msg)

    open_tcs = [tc | TyConApp tc _ <- [ty_act, ty_exp]
                   , isOpenTyCon tc ]
    pp_open_tc tc = ptext (sLit "NB:") <+> quotes (ppr tc) 
    	       	    <+> ptext (sLit "is a type function") <> pp_inj
          pp_inj | isInjectiveTyCon tc = empty
                 | otherwise = ptext (sLit (", and may not be injective"))

    ppr_ty :: TidyEnv -> TcType -> (TidyEnv, SDoc, SDoc)
    ppr_ty env ty
      = let (env1, tidy_ty) = tidyOpenType env ty
    	    (env2, extra)  = ppr_extra env1 tidy_ty
	(env2, quotes (ppr tidy_ty), extra)

    -- (ppr_extra env ty) shows extra info about 'ty'
    ppr_extra :: TidyEnv -> Type -> (TidyEnv, SDoc)
    ppr_extra env (TyVarTy tv)
      | isTcTyVar tv && (isSkolemTyVar tv || isSigTyVar tv) && not (isUnk tv)
      = (env1, pprSkolTvBinding tv1)
        (env1, tv1) = tidySkolemTyVar env tv

    ppr_extra env _ty = (env, empty)		-- Normal case

Note [Non-injective type functions]
It's very confusing to get a message like
     Couldn't match expected type `Depend s'
            against inferred type `Depend s1'
so pp_open_tc adds:
       NB: `Depend' is type function, and hence may not be injective

Currently we add this independently for each argument, so we also get
     Couldn't match expected type `a'
            against inferred type `Dual (Dual a)'
       NB: `Dual' is a (non-injective) type function
which is arguably redundant.  But on the other hand, it's probably
a good idea for the programmer to know the error involves type functions
so I've left it in for now.  The obvious alternative is to only add
this NB in the case of matching (T ...) ~ (T ...). 

Warn of loopy local equalities that were dropped.

warnDroppingLoopyEquality :: TcType -> TcType -> TcM ()
warnDroppingLoopyEquality ty1 ty2 
  = do { env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
       ; ty1 <- zonkTcType ty1
       ; ty2 <- zonkTcType ty2
       ; let (env1 , tidy_ty1) = tidyOpenType env0 ty1
	     (_env2, tidy_ty2) = tidyOpenType env1 ty2
       ; addWarnTc $ hang (ptext (sLit "Dropping loopy given equality"))
		       2 (quotes (ppr tidy_ty1 <+> text "~" <+> ppr tidy_ty2))