module TcErrors( 
       reportUnsolved, reportUnsolvedDeriv,
       reportUnsolvedWantedEvVars, warnDefaulting, 
       unifyCtxt, typeExtraInfoMsg, 

  ) where

#include "HsVersions.h"

import TcRnMonad
import TcMType
import TcSMonad
import TcType
import TypeRep

import Inst
import InstEnv

import TyCon
import Name
import NameEnv
import Id	( idType )
import HsExpr	( pprMatchContext )
import Var
import VarSet
import VarEnv
import SrcLoc
import Bag
import ListSetOps( equivClasses )
import Util
import FastString
import Outputable
import DynFlags
import StaticFlags( opt_PprStyle_Debug )
import Data.List( partition )
import Control.Monad( when, unless )

%*									*
\section{Errors and contexts}
%*									*

ToDo: for these error messages, should we note the location as coming
from the insts, or just whatever seems to be around in the monad just

reportUnsolved :: (Bag WantedEvVar, Bag Implication) -> Bag FrozenError -> TcM ()
reportUnsolved (unsolved_flats, unsolved_implics) frozen_errors
  | isEmptyBag unsolved && isEmptyBag frozen_errors
  = return ()
  | otherwise
  = do { frozen_errors_zonked <- mapBagM zonk_frozen frozen_errors
       ; let frozen_tvs = tyVarsOfFrozen frozen_errors_zonked 

       ; unsolved <- mapBagM zonkWanted unsolved
		     -- Zonk to un-flatten any flatten-skols
       ; env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
       ; let tidy_env      = tidyFreeTyVars env0 $ 
                             tyVarsOfWanteds unsolved `unionVarSet` frozen_tvs 

             tidy_unsolved = tidyWanteds tidy_env unsolved
             err_ctxt = CEC { cec_encl = [] 
                            , cec_extra = empty
                            , cec_tidy = tidy_env 

       ; traceTc "reportUnsolved" (vcat [
              text "Unsolved constraints =" <+> ppr unsolved,
              text "Frozen errors =" <+> ppr frozen_errors_zonked ])

       ; let tidy_frozen_errors_zonked = tidyFrozen tidy_env frozen_errors_zonked

       ; reportTidyFrozens tidy_env tidy_frozen_errors_zonked 
       ; reportTidyWanteds err_ctxt tidy_unsolved }
    unsolved = Bag.mapBag WcEvVar unsolved_flats `unionBags` 
                 Bag.mapBag WcImplic unsolved_implics

    zonk_frozen (FrozenError frknd fl ty1 ty2)
      = do { ty1z <- zonkTcType ty1 
           ; ty2z <- zonkTcType ty2
           ; return (FrozenError frknd fl ty1z ty2z) }

    tyVarsOfFrozen fr 
      = unionVarSets $ bagToList (mapBag tvs_of_frozen fr)
    tvs_of_frozen (FrozenError _ _ ty1 ty2) = tyVarsOfTypes [ty1,ty2]

    tidyFrozen env fr = mapBag (tidy_frozen env) fr
    tidy_frozen env (FrozenError frknd fl ty1 ty2)
      = FrozenError frknd fl (tidyType env ty1) (tidyType env ty2)

reportTidyFrozens :: TidyEnv -> Bag FrozenError -> TcM ()
reportTidyFrozens tidy_env fr = mapBagM_ (reportTidyFrozen tidy_env) fr 

reportTidyFrozen :: TidyEnv -> FrozenError -> TcM () 
reportTidyFrozen tidy_env err@(FrozenError _ fl _ty1 _ty2)
  = do { let dec_errs = decompFrozenError err
             init_err_ctxt = CEC { cec_encl  = [] 
                                 , cec_extra = empty
                                 , cec_tidy  = tidy_env }
       ; mapM_ (report_dec_err init_err_ctxt) dec_errs }
    report_dec_err err_ctxt (ty1,ty2)
        -- The only annoying thing here is that in the given case, 
        -- the ``Inaccessible code'' message will be printed once for 
        -- each decomposed equality.
          = do { (tidy_env2,extra2)
                     <- if isGiven fl
                        then return (cec_tidy err_ctxt, inaccessible_msg)
                        else getWantedEqExtra emptyTvSubst (cec_tidy err_ctxt) loc_orig ty1 ty2
               ; let err_ctxt2 = err_ctxt { cec_tidy  = tidy_env2
                                          , cec_extra = cec_extra err_ctxt $$ extra2 }
               ; setCtFlavorLoc fl $ 
                 reportEqErr err_ctxt2 ty1 ty2 

    loc_orig | Wanted loc <- fl    = ctLocOrigin loc
             | Derived loc _ <- fl = ctLocOrigin loc
             | otherwise           = pprPanic "loc_orig" empty 

      | Given loc <- fl
      = hang (ptext (sLit "Inaccessible code in")) 2 (mk_what loc)
      | otherwise = pprPanic "inaccessible_msg" empty

    mk_what loc
      = case ctLocOrigin loc of
          PatSkol dc mc -> sep [ ptext (sLit "a pattern with constructor") 
                                   <+> quotes (ppr dc) <> comma
                               , ptext (sLit "in") <+> pprMatchContext mc ]
	  other_skol -> pprSkolInfo other_skol

decompFrozenError :: FrozenError -> [(TcType,TcType)] 
-- Postcondition: will always return a non-empty list
decompFrozenError (FrozenError errk _fl ty1 ty2) 
  | OccCheckError <- errk
  = dec_occ_check ty1 ty2 
  | otherwise 
  = [(ty1,ty2)]
  where dec_occ_check :: TcType -> TcType -> [(TcType,TcType)] 
        -- This error arises from an original: 
        --      a ~ Maybe a
        -- But by now the a has been substituted away, eg: 
        --      Int ~ Maybe Int
        --      Maybe b ~ Maybe (Maybe b)
        dec_occ_check ty1 ty2 
          | tcEqType ty1 ty2 = []
        dec_occ_check ty1@(TyVarTy {}) ty2 = [(ty1,ty2)] 
        dec_occ_check (FunTy s1 t1) (FunTy s2 t2) 
          = let errs1 = dec_occ_check s1 s2 
                errs2 = dec_occ_check t1 t2
            in errs1 ++ errs2 
        dec_occ_check ty1@(TyConApp fn1 tys1) ty2@(TyConApp fn2 tys2) 
          | fn1 == fn2 && length tys1 == length tys2 
          , not (isSynFamilyTyCon fn1)
          = concatMap (\(t1,t2) -> dec_occ_check t1 t2) (zip tys1 tys2)
          | otherwise 
          = [(ty1,ty2)]
        dec_occ_check ty1 ty2 
          | Just (s1,t1) <- tcSplitAppTy_maybe ty1 
          , Just (s2,t2) <- tcSplitAppTy_maybe ty2 
          = let errs1 = dec_occ_check s1 s2 
                errs2 = dec_occ_check t1 t2 
            in errs1 ++ errs2
        dec_occ_check ty1 ty2 = [(ty1,ty2)]

reportUnsolvedWantedEvVars :: Bag WantedEvVar -> TcM ()
reportUnsolvedWantedEvVars wanteds
  | isEmptyBag wanteds 
  = return ()
  | otherwise
  = do { wanteds <- mapBagM zonkWantedEvVar wanteds
       ; env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
       ; let tidy_env      = tidyFreeTyVars env0 (tyVarsOfWantedEvVars wanteds)
             tidy_unsolved = tidyWantedEvVars tidy_env wanteds
             err_ctxt = CEC { cec_encl  = [] 
                            , cec_extra = empty
                            , cec_tidy  = tidy_env } 
       ; groupErrs (reportFlat err_ctxt) (bagToList tidy_unsolved) }

reportUnsolvedDeriv :: [PredType] -> WantedLoc -> TcM ()
reportUnsolvedDeriv unsolved loc
  | null unsolved
  = return ()
  | otherwise
  = setCtLoc loc $
    do { unsolved <- zonkTcThetaType unsolved
       ; env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
       ; let tidy_env      = tidyFreeTyVars env0 (tyVarsOfTheta unsolved)
             tidy_unsolved = map (tidyPred tidy_env) unsolved
             err_ctxt = CEC { cec_encl  = [] 
                            , cec_extra = alt_fix
                            , cec_tidy  = tidy_env } 
       ; reportFlat err_ctxt tidy_unsolved (ctLocOrigin loc) }
    alt_fix = vcat [ptext (sLit "Alternatively, use a standalone 'deriving instance' declaration,"),
                    nest 2 $ ptext (sLit "so you can specify the instance context yourself")]

--      Internal functions

data ReportErrCtxt 
    = CEC { cec_encl :: [Implication]  -- Enclosing implications
                	       	       --   (innermost first)
          , cec_tidy     :: TidyEnv
          , cec_extra    :: SDoc       -- Add this to each error message

reportTidyImplic :: ReportErrCtxt -> Implication -> TcM ()
reportTidyImplic ctxt implic
  = reportTidyWanteds ctxt' (ic_wanted implic)
    ctxt' = ctxt { cec_encl = implic : cec_encl ctxt }
reportTidyWanteds :: ReportErrCtxt -> WantedConstraints -> TcM ()
reportTidyWanteds ctxt unsolved
  = do { let (flats,  implics)    = splitWanteds unsolved
             (ambigs, non_ambigs) = partition is_ambiguous (bagToList flats)
       	     (tv_eqs, others)     = partition is_tv_eq non_ambigs

       ; groupErrs (reportEqErrs ctxt) tv_eqs
       ; when (null tv_eqs) $ groupErrs (reportFlat ctxt) others
       ; traceTc "rtw" (vcat [
              text "unsolved =" <+> ppr unsolved,
              text "tveqs =" <+> ppr tv_eqs,
              text "others =" <+> ppr others,
              text "ambigs =" <+> ppr ambigs ,
              text "implics =" <+> ppr implics])

       ; when (null tv_eqs) $ mapBagM_ (reportTidyImplic ctxt) implics

       	   -- Only report ambiguity if no other errors (at all) happened
	   -- See Note [Avoiding spurious errors] in TcSimplify
       ; ifErrsM (return ()) $ reportAmbigErrs ctxt skols ambigs }
    skols = foldr (unionVarSet . ic_skols) emptyVarSet (cec_encl ctxt)
	-- Report equalities of form (a~ty) first.  They are usually
	-- skolem-equalities, and they cause confusing knock-on 
	-- effects in other errors; see test T4093b.
    is_tv_eq c | EqPred ty1 ty2 <- wantedEvVarPred c
               = tcIsTyVarTy ty1 || tcIsTyVarTy ty2
               | otherwise = False

	-- Treat it as "ambiguous" if 
	--   (a) it is a class constraint
        --   (b) it constrains only type variables
	--       (else we'd prefer to report it as "no instance for...")
        --   (c) it mentions type variables that are not skolems
    is_ambiguous d = isTyVarClassPred pred
                  && not (tyVarsOfPred pred `subVarSet` skols)
                     pred = wantedEvVarPred d

reportFlat :: ReportErrCtxt -> [PredType] -> CtOrigin -> TcM ()
-- The [PredType] are already tidied
reportFlat ctxt flats origin
  = do { unless (null dicts) $ reportDictErrs ctxt dicts origin
       ; unless (null eqs)   $ reportEqErrs   ctxt eqs   origin
       ; unless (null ips)   $ reportIPErrs   ctxt ips   origin
       ; ASSERT( null others ) return () }
    (dicts, non_dicts) = partition isClassPred flats
    (eqs, non_eqs)     = partition isEqPred    non_dicts
    (ips, others)      = partition isIPPred    non_eqs

--      Support code 

groupErrs :: ([PredType] -> CtOrigin -> TcM ()) -- Deal with one group
	  -> [WantedEvVar]	                -- Unsolved wanteds
          -> TcM ()
-- Group together insts with the same origin
-- We want to report them together in error messages

groupErrs _ [] 
  = return ()
groupErrs report_err (wanted : wanteds)
  = do	{ setCtLoc the_loc $ 
          report_err the_vars (ctLocOrigin the_loc)
	; groupErrs report_err others }
   the_loc           = wantedEvVarLoc wanted
   the_key	     = mk_key the_loc
   the_vars          = map wantedEvVarPred (wanted:friends)
   (friends, others) = partition is_friend wanteds
   is_friend friend  = mk_key (wantedEvVarLoc friend) == the_key

   mk_key :: WantedLoc -> (SrcSpan, String)
   mk_key loc = (ctLocSpan loc, showSDoc (ppr (ctLocOrigin loc)))
	-- It may seem crude to compare the error messages,
	-- but it makes sure that we combine just what the user sees,
	-- and it avoids need equality on InstLocs.

-- Add the "arising from..." part to a message about bunch of dicts
addArising :: CtOrigin -> SDoc -> SDoc
addArising orig msg = msg $$ nest 2 (pprArising orig)

pprWithArising :: [WantedEvVar] -> (WantedLoc, SDoc)
-- Print something like
--    (Eq a) arising from a use of x at y
--    (Show a) arising froma use of p at q
-- Also return a location for the erroe message
pprWithArising [] 
  = panic "pprWithArising"
pprWithArising [WantedEvVar ev loc] 
  = (loc, pprEvVarTheta [ev] <+> pprArising (ctLocOrigin loc))
pprWithArising ev_vars
  = (first_loc, vcat (map ppr_one ev_vars))
    first_loc = wantedEvVarLoc (head ev_vars)
    ppr_one (WantedEvVar v loc) 
       = parens (pprPred (evVarPred v)) <+> pprArisingAt loc

addErrorReport :: ReportErrCtxt -> SDoc -> TcM ()
addErrorReport ctxt msg = addErrTcM (cec_tidy ctxt, msg $$ cec_extra ctxt)

pprErrCtxtLoc :: ReportErrCtxt -> SDoc
pprErrCtxtLoc ctxt 
  = case map (ctLocOrigin . ic_loc) (cec_encl ctxt) of
       []           -> ptext (sLit "the top level")	-- Should not happen
       (orig:origs) -> ppr_skol orig $$ 
                       vcat [ ptext (sLit "or") <+> ppr_skol orig | orig <- origs ]
    ppr_skol (PatSkol dc _) = ptext (sLit "the data constructor") <+> quotes (ppr dc)
    ppr_skol skol_info      = pprSkolInfo skol_info

getUserGivens :: ReportErrCtxt -> Maybe [EvVar]
-- Just gs => Say "could not deduce ... from gs"
-- Nothing => No interesting givens, say something else
getUserGivens (CEC {cec_encl = ctxt})
  | null user_givens = Nothing
  | otherwise        = Just user_givens
    givens = foldl (\gs ic -> ic_given ic ++ gs) [] ctxt
    user_givens | opt_PprStyle_Debug = givens
                | otherwise          = filterOut isSelfDict givens
       -- In user mode, don't show the "self-dict" given
       -- which is only added to do co-inductive solving
       -- Rather an awkward hack, but there we are
       -- This is the only use of isSelfDict, so it's not in an inner loop

%*									*
                Implicit parameter errors
%*									*

reportIPErrs :: ReportErrCtxt -> [PredType] -> CtOrigin -> TcM ()
reportIPErrs ctxt ips orig
  = addErrorReport ctxt $ addArising orig msg
    msg | Just givens <- getUserGivens ctxt
        = couldNotDeduce givens ips
        | otherwise
        = sep [ ptext (sLit "Unbound implicit parameter") <> plural ips
              , nest 2 (pprTheta ips) ] 

%*									*
                Equality errors
%*									*

reportEqErrs :: ReportErrCtxt -> [PredType] -> CtOrigin -> TcM ()
-- The [PredType] are already tidied
reportEqErrs ctxt eqs orig
  = mapM_ report_one eqs 
    env0 = cec_tidy ctxt
    report_one (EqPred ty1 ty2) 
      = do { (env1, extra) <- getWantedEqExtra emptyTvSubst env0 orig ty1 ty2
            ; let ctxt' = ctxt { cec_tidy = env1
                               , cec_extra = extra $$ cec_extra ctxt }
           ; reportEqErr ctxt' ty1 ty2 }
    report_one pred 
      = pprPanic "reportEqErrs" (ppr pred)    

reportEqErr :: ReportErrCtxt -> TcType -> TcType -> TcM ()
-- ty1 and ty2 are already tidied
reportEqErr ctxt ty1 ty2
  | Just tv1 <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty1 = reportTyVarEqErr ctxt tv1 ty2
  | Just tv2 <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty2 = reportTyVarEqErr ctxt tv2 ty1

  | otherwise	-- Neither side is a type variable
    		-- Since the unsolved constraint is canonical, 
		-- it must therefore be of form (F tys ~ ty)
  = addErrorReport ctxt (misMatchOrCND ctxt ty1 ty2 $$ mkTyFunInfoMsg ty1 ty2)

reportTyVarEqErr :: ReportErrCtxt -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> TcM ()
-- tv1 and ty2 are already tidied
reportTyVarEqErr ctxt tv1 ty2
  | not is_meta1
  , Just tv2 <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty2
  , isMetaTyVar tv2
  = -- sk ~ alpha: swap
    reportTyVarEqErr ctxt tv2 ty1

  | not is_meta1
  = -- sk ~ ty, where ty isn't a meta-tyvar: mis-match
    addErrorReport (addExtraInfo ctxt ty1 ty2)
                   (misMatchOrCND ctxt ty1 ty2)

  -- So tv is a meta tyvar, and presumably it is
  -- an *untouchable* meta tyvar, else it'd have been unified
  | not (k2 `isSubKind` k1)   	 -- Kind error
  = addErrorReport ctxt $ (kindErrorMsg (mkTyVarTy tv1) ty2)

  -- Occurs check
  | tv1 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty2
  = let occCheckMsg = hang (text "Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type:") 2
                           (sep [ppr ty1, char '=', ppr ty2])
    in addErrorReport ctxt occCheckMsg

  -- Check for skolem escape
  | (implic:_) <- cec_encl ctxt   -- Get the innermost context
  , let esc_skols = varSetElems (tyVarsOfType ty2 `intersectVarSet` ic_skols implic)
        implic_loc = ic_loc implic
  , not (null esc_skols)
  = setCtLoc implic_loc $	-- Override the error message location from the
    	     			-- place the equality arose to the implication site
    do { (env1, env_sigs) <- findGlobals ctxt (unitVarSet tv1)
       ; let msg = misMatchMsg ty1 ty2
             esc_doc | isSingleton esc_skols 
                     = ptext (sLit "because this skolem type variable would escape:")
                     | otherwise
                     = ptext (sLit "because these skolem type variables would escape:")
             extra1 = vcat [ nest 2 $ esc_doc <+> pprQuotedList esc_skols
                           , sep [ (if isSingleton esc_skols 
                                      then ptext (sLit "This skolem is")
                                      else ptext (sLit "These skolems are"))
                                   <+> ptext (sLit "bound by")
                                 , nest 2 $ pprSkolInfo (ctLocOrigin implic_loc) ] ]
       ; addErrTcM (env1, msg $$ extra1 $$ mkEnvSigMsg (ppr tv1) env_sigs) }

  -- Nastiest case: attempt to unify an untouchable variable
  | (implic:_) <- cec_encl ctxt   -- Get the innermost context
  , let implic_loc = ic_loc implic
        given      = ic_given implic
  = setCtLoc (ic_loc implic) $
    do { let msg = misMatchMsg ty1 ty2
             extra = quotes (ppr tv1)
                 <+> sep [ ptext (sLit "is untouchable")
                         , ptext (sLit "inside the constraints") <+> pprEvVarTheta given
                         , ptext (sLit "bound at") <+> pprSkolInfo (ctLocOrigin implic_loc)]
       ; addErrorReport (addExtraInfo ctxt ty1 ty2) (msg $$ nest 2 extra) }

  | otherwise      -- This can happen, by a recursive decomposition of frozen
                   -- occurs check constraints
                   -- Example: alpha ~ T Int alpha has frozen.
                   --          Then alpha gets unified to T beta gamma
                   -- So now we have  T beta gamma ~ T Int (T beta gamma)
                   -- Decompose to (beta ~ Int, gamma ~ T beta gamma)
                   -- The (gamma ~ T beta gamma) is the occurs check, but
                   -- the (beta ~ Int) isn't an error at all.  So return ()
  = return ()

    is_meta1 = isMetaTyVar tv1
    k1 	     = tyVarKind tv1
    k2 	     = typeKind ty2
    ty1      = mkTyVarTy tv1

mkTyFunInfoMsg :: TcType -> TcType -> SDoc
-- See Note [Non-injective type functions]
mkTyFunInfoMsg ty1 ty2
  | Just (tc1,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty1
  , Just (tc2,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty2
  , tc1 == tc2, isSynFamilyTyCon tc1
  = ptext (sLit "NB:") <+> quotes (ppr tc1) 
    <+> ptext (sLit "is a type function") <> (pp_inj tc1)
  | otherwise = empty
    pp_inj tc | isInjectiveTyCon tc = empty
              | otherwise = ptext (sLit (", and may not be injective"))

misMatchOrCND :: ReportErrCtxt -> TcType -> TcType -> SDoc
misMatchOrCND ctxt ty1 ty2
  = case getUserGivens ctxt of
      Just givens -> couldNotDeduce givens [EqPred ty1 ty2]
      Nothing     -> misMatchMsg ty1 ty2

couldNotDeduce :: [EvVar] -> [PredType] -> SDoc
couldNotDeduce givens wanteds
  = sep [ ptext (sLit "Could not deduce") <+> pprTheta wanteds
        , nest 2 $ ptext (sLit "from the context") 
                     <+> pprEvVarTheta givens]

addExtraInfo :: ReportErrCtxt -> TcType -> TcType -> ReportErrCtxt
-- Add on extra info about the types themselves
-- NB: The types themselves are already tidied
addExtraInfo ctxt ty1 ty2
  = ctxt { cec_tidy  = env2
         , cec_extra = nest 2 (extra1 $$ extra2) $$ cec_extra ctxt }
    (env1, extra1) = typeExtraInfoMsg (cec_tidy ctxt) ty1
    (env2, extra2) = typeExtraInfoMsg env1            ty2

misMatchMsg :: TcType -> TcType -> SDoc	   -- Types are already tidy
misMatchMsg ty1 ty2 = sep [ ptext (sLit "Couldn't match type") <+> quotes (ppr ty1)
	                  , nest 15 $ ptext (sLit "with") <+> quotes (ppr ty2)]

kindErrorMsg :: TcType -> TcType -> SDoc   -- Types are already tidy
kindErrorMsg ty1 ty2
  = vcat [ ptext (sLit "Kind incompatibility when matching types:")
         , nest 2 (vcat [ ppr ty1 <+> dcolon <+> ppr k1
                        , ppr ty2 <+> dcolon <+> ppr k2 ]) ]
    k1 = typeKind ty1
    k2 = typeKind ty2

typeExtraInfoMsg :: TidyEnv -> Type -> (TidyEnv, SDoc)
-- Shows a bit of extra info about skolem constants
typeExtraInfoMsg env ty 
  | Just tv <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty
  , isTcTyVar tv
  , isSkolemTyVar tv || isSigTyVar tv
  , not (isUnkSkol tv)
  , let (env1, tv1) = tidySkolemTyVar env tv
  = (env1, pprSkolTvBinding tv1)
typeExtraInfoMsg env _ty = (env, empty)		-- Normal case

unifyCtxt :: EqOrigin -> TidyEnv -> TcM (TidyEnv, SDoc)
unifyCtxt (UnifyOrigin { uo_actual = act_ty, uo_expected = exp_ty }) tidy_env
  = do  { act_ty' <- zonkTcType act_ty
        ; exp_ty' <- zonkTcType exp_ty
        ; let (env1, exp_ty'') = tidyOpenType tidy_env exp_ty'
              (env2, act_ty'') = tidyOpenType env1     act_ty'
        ; return (env2, mkExpectedActualMsg act_ty'' exp_ty'') }

mkExpectedActualMsg :: Type -> Type -> SDoc
mkExpectedActualMsg act_ty exp_ty
  = vcat [ text "Expected type" <> colon <+> ppr exp_ty
         , text "  Actual type" <> colon <+> ppr act_ty ]

Note [Non-injective type functions]
It's very confusing to get a message like
     Couldn't match expected type `Depend s'
            against inferred type `Depend s1'
so mkTyFunInfoMsg adds:
       NB: `Depend' is type function, and hence may not be injective

Warn of loopy local equalities that were dropped.

%*									*
                 Type-class errors
%*									*

reportDictErrs :: ReportErrCtxt -> [PredType] -> CtOrigin -> TcM ()	
reportDictErrs ctxt wanteds orig
  = do { inst_envs <- tcGetInstEnvs
       ; let (others, overlaps) = partitionWith (check_overlap inst_envs) wanteds
       ; unless (null others) $
         addErrorReport ctxt (mk_no_inst_err others) 
       ; mapM_ (addErrorReport ctxt) overlaps }
    check_overlap :: (InstEnv,InstEnv) -> PredType -> Either PredType SDoc
	-- Right msg  => overlap message
	-- Left  inst => no instance
    check_overlap inst_envs pred@(ClassP clas tys)
	= case lookupInstEnv inst_envs clas tys of
		([], _) -> Left pred		-- No match
		-- The case of exactly one match and no unifiers means a
		-- successful lookup.  That can't happen here, because dicts
		-- only end up here if they didn't match in Inst.lookupInst
		 | debugIsOn -> pprPanic "check_overlap" (ppr pred)
		res -> Right (mk_overlap_msg pred res)
    check_overlap _ _ = panic "check_overlap"

    mk_overlap_msg pred (matches, unifiers)
      = ASSERT( not (null matches) )
        vcat [	addArising orig (ptext (sLit "Overlapping instances for") 
				<+> pprPred pred)
    	     ,	sep [ptext (sLit "Matching instances") <> colon,
    		     nest 2 (vcat [pprInstances ispecs, pprInstances unifiers])]
	     ,	if not (isSingleton matches)
    		then 	-- Two or more matches
    		else 	-- One match, plus some unifiers
		ASSERT( not (null unifiers) )
		parens (vcat [ptext (sLit "The choice depends on the instantiation of") <+>
	    		         quotes (pprWithCommas ppr (varSetElems (tyVarsOfPred pred))),
			      ptext (sLit "To pick the first instance above, use -XIncoherentInstances"),
			      ptext (sLit "when compiling the other instance declarations")])]
    	ispecs = [ispec | (ispec, _) <- matches]

    mk_no_inst_err :: [PredType] -> SDoc
    mk_no_inst_err wanteds
      | Just givens <- getUserGivens ctxt
      = vcat [ addArising orig $ couldNotDeduce givens wanteds
	     , show_fixes (fix1 : fixes2) ]

      | otherwise	-- Top level 
      = vcat [ addArising orig $
	       ptext (sLit "No instance") <> plural wanteds
		    <+> ptext (sLit "for") <+> pprTheta wanteds
	     , show_fixes fixes2 ]

    	fix1 = sep [ ptext (sLit "add") <+> pprTheta wanteds 
                          <+> ptext (sLit "to the context of")
	           , nest 2 $ pprErrCtxtLoc ctxt ]

    	fixes2 | null instance_dicts = []
	       | otherwise	     = [sep [ptext (sLit "add an instance declaration for"),
				        pprTheta instance_dicts]]
	instance_dicts = filterOut isTyVarClassPred wanteds
		-- Insts for which it is worth suggesting an adding an 
		-- instance declaration.  Exclude tyvar dicts.

	show_fixes :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
	show_fixes []     = empty
	show_fixes (f:fs) = sep [ptext (sLit "Possible fix:"), 
				 nest 2 (vcat (f : map (ptext (sLit "or") <+>) fs))]

reportAmbigErrs :: ReportErrCtxt -> TcTyVarSet -> [WantedEvVar] -> TcM ()
reportAmbigErrs ctxt skols ambigs 
-- Divide into groups that share a common set of ambiguous tyvars
  = mapM_ report (equivClasses cmp ambigs_w_tvs)
    ambigs_w_tvs = [ (d, varSetElems (tyVarsOfWantedEvVar d `minusVarSet` skols))
                   | d <- ambigs ]
    cmp (_,tvs1) (_,tvs2) = tvs1 `compare` tvs2

    report :: [(WantedEvVar, [TcTyVar])] -> TcM ()
    report pairs
       = setCtLoc loc $
         do { let main_msg = sep [ text "Ambiguous type variable" <> plural tvs
	         	           <+> pprQuotedList tvs
                                   <+> text "in the constraint" <> plural pairs <> colon
                                 , nest 2 pp_wanteds ]
             ; (tidy_env, mono_msg) <- mkMonomorphismMsg ctxt tvs
            ; addErrTcM (tidy_env, main_msg $$ mono_msg) }
         (_, tvs) : _ = pairs
         (loc, pp_wanteds) = pprWithArising (map fst pairs)

mkMonomorphismMsg :: ReportErrCtxt -> [TcTyVar] -> TcM (TidyEnv, SDoc)
-- There's an error with these Insts; if they have free type variables
-- it's probably caused by the monomorphism restriction. 
-- Try to identify the offending variable
-- ASSUMPTION: the Insts are fully zonked
mkMonomorphismMsg ctxt inst_tvs
  = do	{ dflags <- getDOpts
	; traceTc "Mono" (vcat (map pprSkolTvBinding inst_tvs))
        ; (tidy_env, docs) <- findGlobals ctxt (mkVarSet inst_tvs)
	; return (tidy_env, mk_msg dflags docs) }
    mk_msg _ _ | any isRuntimeUnkSkol inst_tvs  -- See Note [Runtime skolems]
        =  vcat [ptext (sLit "Cannot resolve unknown runtime types:") <+>
                   (pprWithCommas ppr inst_tvs),
                ptext (sLit "Use :print or :force to determine these types")]
    mk_msg _ []   = ptext (sLit "Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)")
			-- This happens in things like
			--	f x = show (read "foo")
			-- where monomorphism doesn't play any role
    mk_msg dflags docs 
	= vcat [ptext (sLit "Possible cause: the monomorphism restriction applied to the following:"),
		nest 2 (vcat docs),
		monomorphism_fix dflags]

monomorphism_fix :: DynFlags -> SDoc
monomorphism_fix dflags
  = ptext (sLit "Probable fix:") <+> vcat
	[ptext (sLit "give these definition(s) an explicit type signature"),
	 if xopt Opt_MonomorphismRestriction dflags
           then ptext (sLit "or use -XNoMonomorphismRestriction")
           else empty]	-- Only suggest adding "-XNoMonomorphismRestriction"
			-- if it is not already set!

-- findGlobals looks at the value environment and finds values whose
-- types mention any of the offending type variables.  It has to be
-- careful to zonk the Id's type first, so it has to be in the monad.
-- We must be careful to pass it a zonked type variable, too.

mkEnvSigMsg :: SDoc -> [SDoc] -> SDoc
mkEnvSigMsg what env_sigs
 | null env_sigs = empty
 | otherwise = vcat [ ptext (sLit "The following variables have types that mention") <+> what
                    , nest 2 (vcat env_sigs) ]

findGlobals :: ReportErrCtxt
            -> TcTyVarSet
            -> TcM (TidyEnv, [SDoc])

findGlobals ctxt tvs 
  = do { lcl_ty_env <- case cec_encl ctxt of 
                        []    -> getLclTypeEnv
                        (i:_) -> return (ic_env i)
       ; go (cec_tidy ctxt) [] (nameEnvElts lcl_ty_env) }
    go tidy_env acc [] = return (tidy_env, acc)
    go tidy_env acc (thing : things) = do
        (tidy_env1, maybe_doc) <- find_thing tidy_env ignore_it thing
	case maybe_doc of
	  Just d  -> go tidy_env1 (d:acc) things
	  Nothing -> go tidy_env1 acc     things

    ignore_it ty = tvs `disjointVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty

find_thing :: TidyEnv -> (TcType -> Bool)
           -> TcTyThing -> TcM (TidyEnv, Maybe SDoc)
find_thing tidy_env ignore_it (ATcId { tct_id = id })
  = do { id_ty <- zonkTcType  (idType id)
       ; if ignore_it id_ty then
	   return (tidy_env, Nothing)
         else do 
       { let (tidy_env', tidy_ty) = tidyOpenType tidy_env id_ty
	     msg = sep [ ppr id <+> dcolon <+> ppr tidy_ty
		       , nest 2 (parens (ptext (sLit "bound at") <+>
			 	   ppr (getSrcLoc id)))]
       ; return (tidy_env', Just msg) } }

find_thing tidy_env ignore_it (ATyVar tv ty)
  = do { tv_ty <- zonkTcType ty
       ; if ignore_it tv_ty then
	    return (tidy_env, Nothing)
         else do
       { let -- The name tv is scoped, so we don't need to tidy it
	    (tidy_env1, tidy_ty) = tidyOpenType  tidy_env tv_ty
            msg = sep [ ptext (sLit "Scoped type variable") <+> quotes (ppr tv) <+> eq_stuff
                      , nest 2 bound_at]

	    eq_stuff | Just tv' <- tcGetTyVar_maybe tv_ty 
		     , getOccName tv == getOccName tv' = empty
		     | otherwise = equals <+> ppr tidy_ty
		-- It's ok to use Type.getTyVar_maybe because ty is zonked by now
	    bound_at = parens $ ptext (sLit "bound at:") <+> ppr (getSrcLoc tv)
       ; return (tidy_env1, Just msg) } }

find_thing _ _ thing = pprPanic "find_thing" (ppr thing)

warnDefaulting :: [WantedEvVar] -> Type -> TcM ()
warnDefaulting wanteds default_ty
  = do { warn_default <- doptM Opt_WarnTypeDefaults
       ; setCtLoc loc $ warnTc warn_default warn_msg }
	-- Tidy them first
    warn_msg  = vcat [ ptext (sLit "Defaulting the following constraint(s) to type") <+>
				quotes (ppr default_ty),
		      nest 2 ppr_wanteds ]
    (loc, ppr_wanteds) = pprWithArising wanteds

Note [Runtime skolems]
We want to give a reasonably helpful error message for ambiguity
arising from *runtime* skolems in the debugger.  These
are created by in RtClosureInspect.zonkRTTIType.  

%*									*
                 Error from the canonicaliser
	 These ones are called *during* constraint simplification
%*									*


solverDepthErrorTcS :: Int -> [CanonicalCt] -> TcS a
solverDepthErrorTcS depth stack
  | null stack	    -- Shouldn't happen unless you say -fcontext-stack=0
  = wrapErrTcS $ failWith msg
  | otherwise
  = wrapErrTcS $ 
    setCtFlavorLoc (cc_flavor top_item) $
    do { env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
       ; let ev_vars  = map cc_id stack
             env1     = tidyFreeTyVars env0 free_tvs
             free_tvs = foldr (unionVarSet . tyVarsOfEvVar) emptyVarSet ev_vars
             extra    = pprEvVars (map (tidyEvVar env1) ev_vars)
       ; failWithTcM (env1, hang msg 2 extra) }
    top_item = head stack
    msg = vcat [ ptext (sLit "Context reduction stack overflow; size =") <+> int depth
               , ptext (sLit "Use -fcontext-stack=N to increase stack size to N") ]

flattenForAllErrorTcS :: CtFlavor -> TcType -> Bag CanonicalCt -> TcS a
flattenForAllErrorTcS fl ty _bad_eqs
  = wrapErrTcS        $ 
    setCtFlavorLoc fl $ 
    do { env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
       ; let (env1, ty') = tidyOpenType env0 ty 
             msg = sep [ ptext (sLit "Cannot deal with a type function under a forall type:")
                       , ppr ty' ]
       ; failWithTcM (env1, msg) }

%*									*
                 Setting the context
%*									*

setCtFlavorLoc :: CtFlavor -> TcM a -> TcM a
setCtFlavorLoc (Wanted  loc)   thing = setCtLoc loc thing
setCtFlavorLoc (Derived loc _) thing = setCtLoc loc thing
setCtFlavorLoc (Given   loc)   thing = setCtLoc loc thing

getWantedEqExtra :: TvSubst -> TidyEnv -> CtOrigin -> TcType -> TcType
                 -> TcM (TidyEnv, SDoc)
getWantedEqExtra subst env0 (TypeEqOrigin item) ty1 ty2
  -- If the types in the error message are the same 
  -- as the types we are unifying (remember to zonk the latter)
  -- don't add the extra expected/actual message
  -- The complication is that the types in the TypeEqOrigin must
  --   (a) be zonked
  --   (b) have any TcS-monad pending equalities applied to them 
  --   	   	(hence the passed-in substitution)
  = do { (env1, act) <- zonkSubstTidy env0 subst (uo_actual item)
       ; (env2, exp) <- zonkSubstTidy env1 subst (uo_expected item)
       ; if (act `tcEqType` ty1 && exp `tcEqType` ty2)
         || (exp `tcEqType` ty1 && act `tcEqType` ty2)
            return (env0, empty)
            return (env2, mkExpectedActualMsg act exp) }

getWantedEqExtra _ env0 orig _ _ 
  = return (env0, pprArising orig)

zonkSubstTidy :: TidyEnv -> TvSubst -> TcType -> TcM (TidyEnv, TcType)
-- In general, becore printing a type, we want to
--   a) Zonk it.  Even during constraint simplification this is
--      is important, to un-flatten the flatten skolems in a type
--   b) Substitute any solved unification variables.  This is
--      only important *during* solving, becuase after solving
--      the substitution is expressed in the mutable type variables
--      But during solving there may be constraint (F xi ~ ty)
--      where the substitution has not been applied to the RHS
zonkSubstTidy env subst ty
  = do { ty' <- zonkTcTypeAndSubst subst ty
       ; return (tidyOpenType env ty') }