{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}

module CmmContFlowOpt
    ( runCmmOpts, oldCmmCfgOpts, cmmCfgOpts
    , branchChainElim, removeUnreachableBlocks, predMap
    , replaceLabels, replaceBranches, runCmmContFlowOpts

import BlockId
import Cmm
import CmmDecl
import CmmExpr
import qualified OldCmm as Old

import Maybes
import Compiler.Hoopl
import Control.Monad
import Outputable
import Prelude hiding (succ, unzip, zip)
import Util

runCmmContFlowOpts :: Cmm -> Cmm
runCmmContFlowOpts prog = runCmmOpts cmmCfgOpts prog

oldCmmCfgOpts :: Old.ListGraph Old.CmmStmt -> Old.ListGraph Old.CmmStmt
cmmCfgOpts    :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph

oldCmmCfgOpts = oldBranchChainElim  -- boring, but will get more exciting later
cmmCfgOpts    =
  removeUnreachableBlocks . blockConcat . branchChainElim
        -- Here branchChainElim can ultimately be replaced
        -- with a more exciting combination of optimisations

runCmmOpts :: (g -> g) -> GenCmm d h g -> GenCmm d h g
-- Lifts a transformer on a single graph to one on the whole program
runCmmOpts opt = mapProcs (optProc opt)

optProc :: (g -> g) -> GenCmmTop d h g -> GenCmmTop d h g
optProc _   top@(CmmData {}) = top
optProc opt (CmmProc info lbl g) = CmmProc info lbl (opt g)

mapProcs :: (GenCmmTop d h s -> GenCmmTop d h s) -> GenCmm d h s -> GenCmm d h s
mapProcs f (Cmm tops) = Cmm (map f tops)

oldBranchChainElim :: Old.ListGraph Old.CmmStmt -> Old.ListGraph Old.CmmStmt
-- If L is not captured in an instruction, we can remove any
-- basic block of the form L: goto L', and replace L with L' everywhere else.
-- How does L get captured? In a CallArea.
oldBranchChainElim (Old.ListGraph blocks)
  | null lone_branch_blocks     -- No blocks to remove
  = Old.ListGraph blocks
  | otherwise
  = Old.ListGraph new_blocks
    (lone_branch_blocks, others) = partitionWith isLoneBranch blocks
    new_blocks = map (replaceLabels env) others
    env = mkClosureBlockEnv lone_branch_blocks

    isLoneBranch :: Old.CmmBasicBlock -> Either (BlockId, BlockId) Old.CmmBasicBlock
    isLoneBranch (Old.BasicBlock id [Old.CmmBranch target]) | id /= target = Left (id, target)
    isLoneBranch other_block                                           = Right other_block
       -- An infinite loop is not a link in a branch chain!

    replaceLabels :: BlockEnv BlockId -> Old.CmmBasicBlock -> Old.CmmBasicBlock
    replaceLabels env (Old.BasicBlock id stmts)
      = Old.BasicBlock id (map replace stmts)
        replace (Old.CmmBranch id)       = Old.CmmBranch (lookup id)
        replace (Old.CmmCondBranch e id) = Old.CmmCondBranch e (lookup id)
        replace (Old.CmmSwitch e tbl)    = Old.CmmSwitch e (map (fmap lookup) tbl)
        replace other_stmt           = other_stmt

        lookup id = mapLookup id env `orElse` id 

branchChainElim :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
-- Remove any basic block of the form L: goto L',
-- and replace L with L' everywhere else,
-- unless L is the successor of a call instruction and L'
-- is the entry block. You don't want to set the successor
-- of a function call to the entry block because there is no good way
-- to store both the infotables for the call and from the callee,
-- while putting the stack pointer in a consistent place.
-- JD isn't quite sure when it's safe to share continuations for different
-- function calls -- have to think about where the SP will be,
-- so we'll table that problem for now by leaving all call successors alone.
branchChainElim g
  | null lone_branch_blocks     -- No blocks to remove
  = g
  | otherwise
  = replaceLabels env $ ofBlockList (g_entry g) (self_branches ++ others)
    blocks = toBlockList g
    (lone_branch_blocks, others) = partitionWith isLoneBranch blocks
    env = mkClosureBlockEnv lone_branch_blocks
    self_branches =
      let loop_to (id, _) =
            if lookup id == id then
              Just $ blockOfNodeList (JustC (CmmEntry id), [], JustC (mkBranchNode id))
      in  mapMaybe loop_to lone_branch_blocks
    lookup id = mapLookup id env `orElse` id

    call_succs = foldl add emptyBlockSet blocks
      where add :: BlockSet -> CmmBlock -> BlockSet
            add succs b =
              case lastNode b of
                (CmmCall _ (Just k) _ _ _) -> setInsert k succs
                (CmmForeignCall {succ=k})  -> setInsert k succs
                _                          -> succs
    isLoneBranch :: CmmBlock -> Either (BlockId, BlockId) CmmBlock
    isLoneBranch block | (JustC (CmmEntry id), [], JustC (CmmBranch target)) <- blockToNodeList block,
                         id /= target && not (setMember id call_succs)
                       = Left (id,target)
    isLoneBranch other = Right other
       -- An infinite loop is not a link in a branch chain!

maybeReplaceLabels :: (CmmNode O C -> Bool) -> BlockEnv BlockId -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
maybeReplaceLabels lpred env =
  replace_eid . mapGraphNodes (id, middle, last)
     replace_eid g = g {g_entry = lookup (g_entry g)}
     lookup id = fmap lookup (mapLookup id env) `orElse` id
     middle = mapExpDeep exp
     last l = if lpred l then mapExpDeep exp (last' l) else l
     last' :: CmmNode O C -> CmmNode O C
     last' (CmmBranch bid)             = CmmBranch (lookup bid)
     last' (CmmCondBranch p t f)       = CmmCondBranch p (lookup t) (lookup f)
     last' (CmmSwitch e arms)          = CmmSwitch e (map (liftM lookup) arms)
     last' (CmmCall t k a res r)       = CmmCall t (liftM lookup k) a res r
     last' (CmmForeignCall t r a bid u i) = CmmForeignCall t r a (lookup bid) u i

     exp (CmmLit (CmmBlock bid))                = CmmLit (CmmBlock (lookup bid))
     exp (CmmStackSlot (CallArea (Young id)) i) = CmmStackSlot (CallArea (Young (lookup id))) i
     exp e                                      = e

replaceLabels :: BlockEnv BlockId -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
replaceLabels = maybeReplaceLabels (const True)

replaceBranches :: BlockEnv BlockId -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
replaceBranches env g = mapGraphNodes (id, id, last) g
    last :: CmmNode O C -> CmmNode O C
    last (CmmBranch id)          = CmmBranch (lookup id)
    last (CmmCondBranch e ti fi) = CmmCondBranch e (lookup ti) (lookup fi)
    last (CmmSwitch e tbl)       = CmmSwitch e (map (fmap lookup) tbl)
    last l@(CmmCall {})          = l
    last l@(CmmForeignCall {})   = l
    lookup id = fmap lookup (mapLookup id env) `orElse` id

-- Build a map from a block to its set of predecessors. Very useful.
predMap :: [CmmBlock] -> BlockEnv BlockSet
predMap blocks = foldr add_preds mapEmpty blocks -- find the back edges
  where add_preds block env = foldl (add (entryLabel block)) env (successors block)
        add bid env b' =
          mapInsert b' (setInsert bid (mapLookup b' env `orElse` setEmpty)) env
-- If a block B branches to a label L, L is not the entry block,
-- and L has no other predecessors,
-- then we can splice the block starting with L onto the end of B.
-- Order matters, so we work bottom up (reverse postorder DFS).
-- This optimization can be inhibited by unreachable blocks, but
-- the reverse postorder DFS returns only reachable blocks.
-- To ensure correctness, we have to make sure that the BlockId of the block
-- we are about to eliminate is not named in another instruction.
-- Note: This optimization does _not_ subsume branch chain elimination.
blockConcat  :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
blockConcat g@(CmmGraph {g_entry=eid}) =
  replaceLabels concatMap $ ofBlockMap (g_entry g) blocks'
  where blocks = postorderDfs g
        (blocks', concatMap) =
           foldr maybe_concat (toBlockMap g, mapEmpty) $ blocks
        maybe_concat :: CmmBlock -> (LabelMap CmmBlock, LabelMap Label) -> (LabelMap CmmBlock, LabelMap Label)
        maybe_concat b unchanged@(blocks', concatMap) =
          let bid = entryLabel b
          in case blockToNodeList b of
               (JustC h, m, JustC (CmmBranch b')) ->
                  if canConcatWith b' then
                    (mapInsert bid (splice blocks' h m b') blocks',
                     mapInsert b' bid concatMap)
                  else unchanged
               _ -> unchanged
        num_preds bid = liftM setSize (mapLookup bid backEdges) `orElse` 0
        canConcatWith b' = b' /= eid && num_preds b' == 1
        backEdges = predMap blocks
        splice :: forall map n e x.
                  IsMap map =>
                  map (Block n e x) -> n C O -> [n O O] -> KeyOf map -> Block n C x
        splice blocks' h m bid' =
          case mapLookup bid' blocks' of
            Nothing -> panic "unknown successor block"
            Just block | (_, m', l') <- blockToNodeList block -> blockOfNodeList (JustC h, (m ++ m'), l')
mkClosureBlockEnv :: [(BlockId, BlockId)] -> BlockEnv BlockId
mkClosureBlockEnv blocks = mapFromList $ map follow blocks
    where singleEnv = mapFromList blocks :: BlockEnv BlockId
          follow (id, next) = (id, endChain id next)
          endChain orig id = case mapLookup id singleEnv of
                               Just id' | id /= orig -> endChain orig id'
                               _ -> id
removeUnreachableBlocks :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
removeUnreachableBlocks g =
  if length blocks < mapSize (toBlockMap g) then ofBlockList (g_entry g) blocks
                                           else g
    where blocks = postorderDfs g