{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}

module Compiler.Hoopl.Debug 
  ( TraceFn , debugFwdJoins , debugBwdJoins
  , debugFwdTransfers , debugBwdTransfers

import Compiler.Hoopl.Dataflow
import Compiler.Hoopl.Show

-- | Debugging combinators:
-- Each combinator takes a dataflow pass and produces
-- a dataflow pass that can output debugging messages.
-- You provide the function, we call it with the applicable message.
-- The most common use case is probably to:
--   1. import 'Debug.Trace'
--   2. pass 'trace' as the 1st argument to the debug combinator
--   3. pass 'const true' as the 2nd argument to the debug combinator
-- There are two kinds of debugging messages for a join,
-- depending on whether the join is higher in the lattice than the old fact:
--   1. If the join is higher, we show:
--         + Join@L: f1 `join` f2 = f'
--      where:
--        + indicates a change
--        L is the label where the join takes place
--        f1 is the old fact at the label
--        f2 is the new fact we are joining to f1
--        f' is the result of the join
--   2. _ Join@L: f2 <= f1
--      where:
--        _ indicates no change
--        L is the label where the join takes place
--        f1 is the old fact at the label (which remains unchanged)
--        f2 is the new fact we joined with f1

debugFwdJoins :: forall m n f . Show f => TraceFn -> ChangePred -> FwdPass m n f -> FwdPass m n f
debugBwdJoins :: forall m n f . Show f => TraceFn -> ChangePred -> BwdPass m n f -> BwdPass m n f

type TraceFn    = forall a . String -> a -> a
type ChangePred = ChangeFlag -> Bool

debugFwdJoins trace pred p = p { fp_lattice = debugJoins trace pred $ fp_lattice p }
debugBwdJoins trace pred p = p { bp_lattice = debugJoins trace pred $ bp_lattice p }

debugJoins :: Show f => TraceFn -> ChangePred -> DataflowLattice f -> DataflowLattice f
debugJoins trace showPred l@(DataflowLattice {fact_join = join}) = l {fact_join = join'}
   join' l f1@(OldFact of1) f2@(NewFact nf2) =
     if showPred c then trace output res else res
       where res@(c, f') = join l f1 f2
             output = case c of
                        SomeChange -> "+ Join@" ++ show l ++ ": " ++ show of1 ++ " `join` "
                                                                  ++ show nf2 ++ " = " ++ show f'
                        NoChange   -> "_ Join@" ++ show l ++ ": " ++ show nf2 ++ " <= " ++ show of1

-- Functions we'd like to have, but don't know how to implement generically:

type ShowN n   = forall e x . n e x ->      String
type FPred n f = forall e x . n e x -> f        -> Bool
type BPred n f = forall e x . n e x -> Fact x f -> Bool
  forall m n f . Show f => TraceFn -> ShowN n -> FPred n f -> FwdPass m n f -> FwdPass m n f
debugFwdTransfers trace showN showPred pass = pass { fp_transfer = transfers' }
    (f, m, l) = getFTransfer3 $ fp_transfer pass
    transfers' = mkFTransfer3 (wrap show f) (wrap show m) (wrap showFactBase l)
    wrap :: forall e x . (Fact x f -> String) -> (n e x -> f -> Fact x f) -> n e x -> f -> Fact x f
    wrap showOutF ft n f = if showPred n f then trace output res else res
        res    = ft n f
        output = name ++ " transfer: " ++ show f ++ " -> " ++ showN n ++ " -> " ++ showOutF res
    name = fact_name (fp_lattice pass)
  forall m n f . Show f => TraceFn -> ShowN n -> BPred n f -> BwdPass m n f -> BwdPass m n f
debugBwdTransfers trace showN showPred pass = pass { bp_transfer = transfers' }
    (f, m, l) = getBTransfer3 $ bp_transfer pass
    transfers' = mkBTransfer3 (wrap show f) (wrap show m) (wrap showFactBase l)
    wrap :: forall e x . (Fact x f -> String) -> (n e x -> Fact x f -> f) -> n e x -> Fact x f -> f
    wrap showInF ft n f = if showPred n f then trace output res else res
        res    = ft n f
        output = name ++ " transfer: " ++ showInF f ++ " -> " ++ showN n ++ " -> " ++ show res
    name = fact_name (bp_lattice pass)

-- debugFwdTransfers, debugFwdRewrites, debugFwdAll ::
--   forall m n f . Show f => TraceFn -> ShowN n -> FwdPass m n f -> FwdPass m n f
-- debugBwdTransfers, debugBwdRewrites, debugBwdAll ::
--   forall m n f . Show f => TraceFn -> ShowN n -> BwdPass m n f -> BwdPass m n f