ghc-7.6.2: The GHC API

Safe HaskellNone




data Graph node Source


Outputable node => Outputable (Graph node) 

graphFromVerticesAndAdjacency :: Ord key => [(node, key)] -> [(key, key)] -> Graph (node, key)Source

graphFromEdgedVertices :: Ord key => [Node key payload] -> Graph (Node key payload)Source

data SCC vertex Source


AcyclicSCC vertex 
CyclicSCC [vertex] 


type Node key payload = (payload, key, [key])Source

flattenSCC :: SCC a -> [a]Source

flattenSCCs :: [SCC a] -> [a]Source

topologicalSortG :: Graph node -> [node]Source

dfsTopSortG :: Graph node -> [[node]]Source

verticesG :: Graph node -> [node]Source

edgesG :: Graph node -> [Edge node]Source

hasVertexG :: Graph node -> node -> BoolSource

reachableG :: Graph node -> node -> [node]Source

transposeG :: Graph node -> Graph nodeSource

outdegreeG :: Graph node -> node -> Maybe IntSource

indegreeG :: Graph node -> node -> Maybe IntSource

vertexGroupsG :: Graph node -> [[node]]Source

componentsG :: Graph node -> [[node]]Source

findCycle :: forall payload key. Ord key => [Node key payload] -> Maybe [payload]Source

Find a reasonably short cycle a->b->c->a, in a strongly connected component. The input nodes are presumed to be a SCC, so you can start anywhere.

stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVertices :: Ord key => [Node key payload] -> [SCC payload]Source

stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesR :: Ord key => [Node key payload] -> [SCC (Node key payload)]Source

tabulate :: Bounds -> [Vertex] -> Table IntSource

preArr :: Bounds -> Forest Vertex -> Table IntSource

components :: IntGraph -> Forest VertexSource

undirected :: IntGraph -> IntGraphSource

back :: IntGraph -> Table Int -> IntGraphSource

cross :: IntGraph -> Table Int -> Table Int -> IntGraphSource

forward :: IntGraph -> IntGraph -> Table Int -> IntGraphSource

path :: IntGraph -> Vertex -> Vertex -> BoolSource

bcc :: IntGraph -> Forest [Vertex]Source

do_label :: IntGraph -> Table Int -> Tree Vertex -> Tree (Vertex, Int, Int)Source

bicomps :: Tree (Vertex, Int, Int) -> Forest [Vertex]Source

collect :: Tree (Vertex, Int, Int) -> (Int, Tree [Vertex])Source