-- Machine-dependent assembly language
-- (c) The University of Glasgow 1993-2004

{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-tabs #-}
-- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
-- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and
-- detab the module (please do the detabbing in a separate patch). See
--     http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#TabsvsSpaces
-- for details

#include "HsVersions.h"
#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"

module PPC.Instr (


import PPC.Regs
import PPC.Cond
import Instruction
import Size
import TargetReg
import RegClass
import Reg

import Constants	(rESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES)
import BlockId
import OldCmm
import FastString
import CLabel
import Outputable
import Platform
import FastBool

-- Size of a PPC memory address, in bytes.
archWordSize	:: Size
archWordSize	= II32

-- | Instruction instance for powerpc
instance Instruction Instr where
        regUsageOfInstr         = ppc_regUsageOfInstr
        patchRegsOfInstr        = ppc_patchRegsOfInstr
        isJumpishInstr          = ppc_isJumpishInstr
        jumpDestsOfInstr        = ppc_jumpDestsOfInstr
        patchJumpInstr          = ppc_patchJumpInstr
        mkSpillInstr            = ppc_mkSpillInstr
        mkLoadInstr             = ppc_mkLoadInstr
        takeDeltaInstr          = ppc_takeDeltaInstr
        isMetaInstr             = ppc_isMetaInstr
        mkRegRegMoveInstr _     = ppc_mkRegRegMoveInstr
        takeRegRegMoveInstr     = ppc_takeRegRegMoveInstr
        mkJumpInstr             = ppc_mkJumpInstr

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Machine's assembly language

-- We have a few common "instructions" (nearly all the pseudo-ops) but
-- mostly all of 'Instr' is machine-specific.

-- Register or immediate
data RI 
	= RIReg Reg
	| RIImm Imm

data Instr
	-- comment pseudo-op
	= COMMENT FastString		

	-- some static data spat out during code
	-- generation.  Will be extracted before
	-- pretty-printing.
	| LDATA   Section CmmStatics	

	-- start a new basic block.  Useful during
	-- codegen, removed later.  Preceding 
	-- instruction should be a jump, as per the
	-- invariants for a BasicBlock (see Cmm).
	| NEWBLOCK BlockId		

	-- specify current stack offset for
        -- benefit of subsequent passes
	| DELTA   Int

	-- Loads and stores.
	| LD	Size Reg AddrMode 	-- Load size, dst, src
	| LA      Size Reg AddrMode 	-- Load arithmetic size, dst, src
	| ST	Size Reg AddrMode 	-- Store size, src, dst 
	| STU	Size Reg AddrMode 	-- Store with Update size, src, dst 
	| LIS	Reg Imm 		-- Load Immediate Shifted dst, src
	| LI	Reg Imm 		-- Load Immediate dst, src
	| MR	Reg Reg 		-- Move Register dst, src -- also for fmr
	| CMP     Size Reg RI 		--- size, src1, src2
	| CMPL    Size Reg RI 		--- size, src1, src2
	| BCC     Cond BlockId
	| BCCFAR  Cond BlockId
	| JMP     CLabel          	-- same as branch,
                                        -- but with CLabel instead of block ID
	| MTCTR	Reg
	| BCTR [Maybe BlockId] (Maybe CLabel) -- with list of local destinations, and jump table location if necessary
	| BL	CLabel [Reg]		-- with list of argument regs
	| BCTRL	[Reg]
	| ADD     Reg Reg RI 		-- dst, src1, src2
	| ADDC    Reg Reg Reg 		-- (carrying) dst, src1, src2
	| ADDE    Reg Reg Reg 		-- (extend) dst, src1, src2
	| ADDIS   Reg Reg Imm 		-- Add Immediate Shifted dst, src1, src2
	| SUBF    Reg Reg Reg 		-- dst, src1, src2 ; dst = src2 - src1  
	| MULLW	Reg Reg RI
	| DIVW	Reg Reg Reg
	| DIVWU	Reg Reg Reg

	| MULLW_MayOflo Reg Reg Reg
                        		-- dst = 1 if src1 * src2 overflows
                        		-- pseudo-instruction; pretty-printed as:
                        		-- mullwo. dst, src1, src2
                        		-- mfxer dst
                        		-- rlwinm dst, dst, 2, 31,31
	| AND	Reg Reg RI 		-- dst, src1, src2
	| OR	Reg Reg RI 		-- dst, src1, src2
	| XOR	Reg Reg RI 		-- dst, src1, src2
	| XORIS	Reg Reg Imm 		-- XOR Immediate Shifted dst, src1, src2
	| EXTS    Size Reg Reg
	| NEG	Reg Reg
	| NOT	Reg Reg
	| SLW	Reg Reg RI		-- shift left word
	| SRW	Reg Reg RI		-- shift right word
	| SRAW	Reg Reg RI		-- shift right arithmetic word
        	        		-- Rotate Left Word Immediate then AND with Mask
	| RLWINM  Reg Reg Int Int Int
	| FADD	Size Reg Reg Reg
	| FSUB	Size Reg Reg Reg
	| FMUL	Size Reg Reg Reg
	| FDIV	Size Reg Reg Reg
	| FNEG	Reg Reg	 		-- negate is the same for single and double prec.
	| FCMP	Reg Reg
	| FCTIWZ	Reg Reg		-- convert to integer word
	| FRSP		Reg Reg		-- reduce to single precision
					-- (but destination is a FP register)
	| CRNOR   Int Int Int    	-- condition register nor
	| MFCR    Reg            	-- move from condition register
	| MFLR    Reg            	-- move from link register
	| FETCHPC Reg          	  	-- pseudo-instruction:
	                         	-- bcl to next insn, mflr reg
	| LWSYNC -- memory barrier

-- | Get the registers that are being used by this instruction.
--	regUsage doesn't need to do any trickery for jumps and such.  
--	Just state precisely the regs read and written by that insn.  
--	The consequences of control flow transfers, as far as register
-- 	allocation goes, are taken care of by the register allocator.
ppc_regUsageOfInstr :: Instr -> RegUsage
ppc_regUsageOfInstr instr 
 = case instr of
    LD    _ reg addr  	-> usage (regAddr addr, [reg])
    LA    _ reg addr  	-> usage (regAddr addr, [reg])
    ST    _ reg addr  	-> usage (reg : regAddr addr, [])
    STU    _ reg addr  	-> usage (reg : regAddr addr, [])
    LIS   reg _		-> usage ([], [reg])
    LI    reg _		-> usage ([], [reg])
    MR	  reg1 reg2     -> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    CMP   _ reg ri	-> usage (reg : regRI ri,[])
    CMPL  _ reg ri	-> usage (reg : regRI ri,[])
    BCC	   _ _		-> noUsage
    BCCFAR _ _		-> noUsage
    MTCTR reg		-> usage ([reg],[])
    BCTR  _ _		-> noUsage
    BL    _ params	-> usage (params, callClobberedRegs)
    BCTRL params	-> usage (params, callClobberedRegs)
    ADD	  reg1 reg2 ri  -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    ADDC  reg1 reg2 reg3-> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    ADDE  reg1 reg2 reg3-> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    ADDIS reg1 reg2 _   -> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    SUBF  reg1 reg2 reg3-> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    MULLW reg1 reg2 ri  -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    DIVW  reg1 reg2 reg3-> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    DIVWU reg1 reg2 reg3-> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    MULLW_MayOflo reg1 reg2 reg3        
                        -> usage ([reg2,reg3], [reg1])
    AND	  reg1 reg2 ri  -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    OR	  reg1 reg2 ri  -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    XOR	  reg1 reg2 ri  -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    XORIS reg1 reg2 _   -> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    EXTS  _  reg1 reg2 -> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    NEG	  reg1 reg2	-> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    NOT	  reg1 reg2	-> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    SLW	  reg1 reg2 ri  -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    SRW	  reg1 reg2 ri  -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    SRAW  reg1 reg2 ri  -> usage (reg2 : regRI ri, [reg1])
    RLWINM reg1 reg2 _ _ _
                        -> usage ([reg2], [reg1])
    FADD  _ r1 r2 r3   -> usage ([r2,r3], [r1])
    FSUB  _ r1 r2 r3   -> usage ([r2,r3], [r1])
    FMUL  _ r1 r2 r3   -> usage ([r2,r3], [r1])
    FDIV  _ r1 r2 r3   -> usage ([r2,r3], [r1])
    FNEG  r1 r2		-> usage ([r2], [r1])
    FCMP  r1 r2		-> usage ([r1,r2], [])
    FCTIWZ r1 r2	-> usage ([r2], [r1])
    FRSP r1 r2		-> usage ([r2], [r1])
    MFCR reg            -> usage ([], [reg])
    MFLR reg            -> usage ([], [reg])
    FETCHPC reg         -> usage ([], [reg])
    _ 	    	    	-> noUsage
    usage (src, dst) = RU (filter interesting src)
    	    	    	  (filter interesting dst)
    regAddr (AddrRegReg r1 r2) = [r1, r2]
    regAddr (AddrRegImm r1 _)  = [r1]

    regRI (RIReg r) = [r]
    regRI  _	= []

interesting :: Reg -> Bool
interesting (RegVirtual _) 		= True
interesting (RegReal (RealRegSingle i))	
	= isFastTrue (freeReg i)

interesting (RegReal (RealRegPair{}))	
	= panic "PPC.Instr.interesting: no reg pairs on this arch"

-- | Apply a given mapping to all the register references in this
--	instruction.
ppc_patchRegsOfInstr :: Instr -> (Reg -> Reg) -> Instr
ppc_patchRegsOfInstr instr env 
 = case instr of
    LD    sz reg addr   -> LD sz (env reg) (fixAddr addr)
    LA    sz reg addr   -> LA sz (env reg) (fixAddr addr)
    ST    sz reg addr   -> ST sz (env reg) (fixAddr addr)
    STU    sz reg addr  -> STU sz (env reg) (fixAddr addr)
    LIS   reg imm	-> LIS (env reg) imm
    LI    reg imm	-> LI (env reg) imm
    MR	  reg1 reg2     -> MR (env reg1) (env reg2)
    CMP	  sz reg ri	-> CMP sz (env reg) (fixRI ri)
    CMPL  sz reg ri	-> CMPL sz (env reg) (fixRI ri)
    BCC	  cond lbl	-> BCC cond lbl
    BCCFAR cond lbl	-> BCCFAR cond lbl
    MTCTR reg		-> MTCTR (env reg)
    BCTR  targets lbl	-> BCTR targets lbl
    BL    imm argRegs	-> BL imm argRegs	-- argument regs
    BCTRL argRegs	-> BCTRL argRegs 	-- cannot be remapped
    ADD	  reg1 reg2 ri	-> ADD (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    ADDC  reg1 reg2 reg3-> ADDC (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    ADDE  reg1 reg2 reg3-> ADDE (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    ADDIS reg1 reg2 imm -> ADDIS (env reg1) (env reg2) imm
    SUBF  reg1 reg2 reg3-> SUBF (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    MULLW reg1 reg2 ri	-> MULLW (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    DIVW  reg1 reg2 reg3-> DIVW (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    DIVWU reg1 reg2 reg3-> DIVWU (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    MULLW_MayOflo reg1 reg2 reg3
                        -> MULLW_MayOflo (env reg1) (env reg2) (env reg3)
    AND	  reg1 reg2 ri	-> AND (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    OR 	  reg1 reg2 ri	-> OR  (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    XOR	  reg1 reg2 ri	-> XOR (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    XORIS reg1 reg2 imm -> XORIS (env reg1) (env reg2) imm
    EXTS  sz reg1 reg2 -> EXTS sz (env reg1) (env reg2)
    NEG	  reg1 reg2	-> NEG (env reg1) (env reg2)
    NOT	  reg1 reg2	-> NOT (env reg1) (env reg2)
    SLW	  reg1 reg2 ri	-> SLW (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    SRW	  reg1 reg2 ri	-> SRW (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    SRAW  reg1 reg2 ri	-> SRAW (env reg1) (env reg2) (fixRI ri)
    RLWINM reg1 reg2 sh mb me
                        -> RLWINM (env reg1) (env reg2) sh mb me
    FADD  sz r1 r2 r3   -> FADD sz (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
    FSUB  sz r1 r2 r3   -> FSUB sz (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
    FMUL  sz r1 r2 r3   -> FMUL sz (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
    FDIV  sz r1 r2 r3   -> FDIV sz (env r1) (env r2) (env r3)
    FNEG  r1 r2		-> FNEG (env r1) (env r2)
    FCMP  r1 r2		-> FCMP (env r1) (env r2)
    FCTIWZ r1 r2	-> FCTIWZ (env r1) (env r2)
    FRSP r1 r2		-> FRSP (env r1) (env r2)
    MFCR reg            -> MFCR (env reg)
    MFLR reg            -> MFLR (env reg)
    FETCHPC reg         -> FETCHPC (env reg)
    _ -> instr
    fixAddr (AddrRegReg r1 r2) = AddrRegReg (env r1) (env r2)
    fixAddr (AddrRegImm r1 i)  = AddrRegImm (env r1) i

    fixRI (RIReg r) = RIReg (env r)
    fixRI other	= other

-- | Checks whether this instruction is a jump/branch instruction. 
--	One that can change the flow of control in a way that the 
--	register allocator needs to worry about. 
ppc_isJumpishInstr :: Instr -> Bool
ppc_isJumpishInstr instr
 = case instr of
	BCC{}		-> True
	BCCFAR{}	-> True
	BCTR{}		-> True
	BCTRL{}		-> True
	BL{}		-> True
	JMP{}		-> True
	_		-> False

-- | Checks whether this instruction is a jump/branch instruction. 
--	One that can change the flow of control in a way that the 
--	register allocator needs to worry about. 
ppc_jumpDestsOfInstr :: Instr -> [BlockId] 
ppc_jumpDestsOfInstr insn 
  = case insn of
        BCC _ id        -> [id]
        BCCFAR _ id     -> [id]
        BCTR targets _  -> [id | Just id <- targets]
	_		-> []
-- | Change the destination of this jump instruction.
--	Used in the linear allocator when adding fixup blocks for join
--	points.
ppc_patchJumpInstr :: Instr -> (BlockId -> BlockId) -> Instr
ppc_patchJumpInstr insn patchF
  = case insn of
        BCC cc id 	-> BCC cc (patchF id)
        BCCFAR cc id 	-> BCCFAR cc (patchF id)
        BCTR ids lbl	-> BCTR (map (fmap patchF) ids) lbl
	_		-> insn

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | An instruction to spill a register into a spill slot.
   :: Platform
   -> Reg       -- register to spill
   -> Int       -- current stack delta
   -> Int       -- spill slot to use
   -> Instr

ppc_mkSpillInstr platform reg delta slot
  = let	off     = spillSlotToOffset slot
    let sz = case targetClassOfReg platform reg of
                RcInteger -> II32
                RcDouble  -> FF64
		_	  -> panic "PPC.Instr.mkSpillInstr: no match"
    in ST sz reg (AddrRegImm sp (ImmInt (off-delta)))

   :: Platform
   -> Reg       -- register to load
   -> Int       -- current stack delta
   -> Int       -- spill slot to use
   -> Instr

ppc_mkLoadInstr platform reg delta slot
  = let off     = spillSlotToOffset slot
    let sz = case targetClassOfReg platform reg of
                RcInteger -> II32
                RcDouble  -> FF64
		_         -> panic "PPC.Instr.mkLoadInstr: no match"
    in LD sz reg (AddrRegImm sp (ImmInt (off-delta)))

spillSlotSize :: Int
spillSlotSize = 8

maxSpillSlots :: Int
maxSpillSlots = ((rESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES - 64) `div` spillSlotSize) - 1

-- convert a spill slot number to a *byte* offset, with no sign:
-- decide on a per arch basis whether you are spilling above or below
-- the C stack pointer.
spillSlotToOffset :: Int -> Int
spillSlotToOffset slot
   | slot >= 0 && slot < maxSpillSlots
   = 64 + spillSlotSize * slot
   | otherwise
   = pprPanic "spillSlotToOffset:" 
              (   text "invalid spill location: " <> int slot
	      $$  text "maxSpillSlots:          " <> int maxSpillSlots)

-- | See if this instruction is telling us the current C stack delta
	:: Instr
	-> Maybe Int
ppc_takeDeltaInstr instr
 = case instr of
 	DELTA i		-> Just i
	_		-> Nothing

	:: Instr
	-> Bool
ppc_isMetaInstr instr
 = case instr of
 	COMMENT{}	-> True
	LDATA{}		-> True
	NEWBLOCK{}	-> True
	DELTA{}		-> True
	_		-> False

-- | Copy the value in a register to another one.
--	Must work for all register classes.
	:: Reg
	-> Reg
	-> Instr

ppc_mkRegRegMoveInstr src dst
	= MR dst src

-- | Make an unconditional jump instruction.
--	For architectures with branch delay slots, its ok to put
--	a NOP after the jump. Don't fill the delay slot with an
--	instruction that references regs or you'll confuse the 
--	linear allocator.
	:: BlockId
	-> [Instr]

ppc_mkJumpInstr id 
	= [BCC ALWAYS id]

-- | Take the source and destination from this reg -> reg move instruction
--	or Nothing if it's not one
ppc_takeRegRegMoveInstr :: Instr -> Maybe (Reg,Reg)
ppc_takeRegRegMoveInstr (MR dst src) = Just (src,dst)
ppc_takeRegRegMoveInstr _  = Nothing