-- Vectorise a modules type and class declarations.
-- This produces new type constructors and family instances top be included in the module toplevel
-- as well as bindings for worker functions, dfuns, and the like.

module Vectorise.Type.Env ( 
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"

import Vectorise.Env
import Vectorise.Vect
import Vectorise.Monad
import Vectorise.Builtins
import Vectorise.Type.TyConDecl
import Vectorise.Type.Classify
import Vectorise.Generic.PADict
import Vectorise.Generic.PAMethods
import Vectorise.Generic.PData
import Vectorise.Generic.Description
import Vectorise.Utils

import CoreSyn
import CoreUtils
import CoreUnfold
import DataCon
import TyCon
import Type
import FamInstEnv
import Id
import MkId
import NameEnv
import NameSet
import OccName

import Util
import Outputable
import FastString
import MonadUtils

import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List

-- Note [Pragmas to vectorise tycons]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- VECTORISE pragmas for type constructors cover three different flavours of vectorising data type
-- constructors:
-- (1) Data type constructor 'T' that may be used in vectorised code, where 'T' represents itself,
--     but the representation of 'T' is opaque in vectorised code.  
--     An example is the treatment of 'Int'.  'Int's can be used in vectorised code and remain
--     unchanged by vectorisation.  However, the representation of 'Int' by the 'I#' data
--     constructor wrapping an 'Int#' is not exposed in vectorised code.  Instead, computations
--     involving the representation need to be confined to scalar code.
--     'PData' and 'PRepr' instances need to be explicitly supplied for 'T' (they are not generated
--     by the vectoriser).
--     Type constructors declared with {-# VECTORISE SCALAR type T #-} are treated in this manner.
--     (The vectoriser never treats a type constructor automatically in this manner.)
-- (2) Data type constructor 'T' that may be used in vectorised code, where 'T' is represented by an
--     explicitly given 'Tv', but the representation of 'T' is opaque in vectorised code.  
--     An example is the treatment of '[::]'.  '[::]'s can be used in vectorised code and is
--     vectorised to 'PArray'.  However, the representation of '[::]' is not exposed in vectorised
--     code.  Instead, computations involving the representation need to be confined to scalar code.
--     'PData' and 'PRepr' instances need to be explicitly supplied for 'T' (they are not generated
--     by the vectoriser).
--     Type constructors declared with {-# VECTORISE SCALAR type T = T' #-} are treated in this 
--     manner. (The vectoriser never treats a type constructor automatically in this manner.)
-- (3) Data type constructor 'T' that together with its constructors 'Cn' may be used in vectorised
--     code, where 'T' and the 'Cn' are automatically vectorised in the same manner as data types
--     declared in a vectorised module.  This includes the case where the vectoriser determines that
--     the original representation of 'T' may be used in vectorised code (as it does not embed any
--     parallel arrays.)  This case is for type constructors that are *imported* from a non-
--     vectorised module, but that we want to use with full vectorisation support.
--     An example is the treatment of 'Ordering' and '[]'.  The former remains unchanged by
--     vectorisation, whereas the latter is fully vectorised.

--     'PData' and 'PRepr' instances are automatically generated by the vectoriser.
--     Type constructors declared with {-# VECTORISE type T #-} are treated in this manner.
-- (4) Data type constructor 'T' that together with its constructors 'Cn' may be used in vectorised
--     code, where 'T' is represented by an explicitly given 'Tv' whose constructors 'Cvn' represent
--     the original constructors in vectorised code.  As a special case, we can have 'Tv = T'
--     An example is the treatment of 'Bool', which is represented by itself in vectorised code
--     (as it cannot embed any parallel arrays).  However, we do not want any automatic generation
--     of class and family instances, which is why Case (3) does not apply.
--     'PData' and 'PRepr' instances need to be explicitly supplied for 'T' (they are not generated
--     by the vectoriser).
--     Type constructors declared with {-# VECTORISE type T = T' #-} are treated in this manner.
-- In addition, we have also got a single pragma form for type classes: {-# VECTORISE class C #-}.
-- It implies that the class type constructor may be used in vectorised code together with its data
-- constructor.  We generally produce a vectorised version of the data type and data constructor.
-- We do not generate 'PData' and 'PRepr' instances for class type constructors.  This pragma is the
-- default for all type classes declared in this module, but the pragma can also be used explitly on
-- imported classes.

-- Note [Vectorising classes]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- We vectorise classes essentially by just vectorising their desugared Core representation, but we
-- do generate a 'Class' structure along the way (see 'Vectorise.Type.TyConDecl.vectTyConDecl').
-- Here is an example illustrating the mapping — assume
--   class Num a where
--     (+) :: a -> a -> a
-- It desugars to
--   data Num a = D:Num { (+) :: a -> a -> a }
-- which we vectorise to
--  data V:Num a = D:V:Num { ($v+) :: PArray a :-> PArray a :-> PArray a }
-- while adding the following entries to the vectorisation map:
--   tycon  : Num   --> V:Num
--   datacon: D:Num --> D:V:Num
--   var    : (+) --> ($v+)

-- |Vectorise type constructor including class type constructors.
vectTypeEnv :: [TyCon]                  -- Type constructors defined in this module
            -> [CoreVect]               -- All 'VECTORISE [SCALAR] type' declarations in this module
            -> [CoreVect]               -- All 'VECTORISE class' declarations in this module
            -> VM ( [TyCon]             -- old TyCons ++ new TyCons
                  , [FamInst]           -- New type family instances.
                  , [(Var, CoreExpr)])  -- New top level bindings.
vectTypeEnv tycons vectTypeDecls vectClassDecls
  = do { traceVt "** vectTypeEnv" $ ppr tycons

       ; let   -- {-# VECTORISE SCALAR type T -#} (imported and local tycons)
             localAbstractTyCons    = [tycon | VectType True tycon Nothing <- vectTypeDecls]

               -- {-# VECTORISE type T -#} (ONLY the imported tycons)
             impVectTyCons          = (   [tycon | VectType False tycon Nothing <- vectTypeDecls]
                                       ++ [tycon | VectClass tycon              <- vectClassDecls])
                                      \\ tycons

               -- {-# VECTORISE [SCALAR] type T = T' -#} (imported and local tycons)
             vectTyConsWithRHS      = [ (tycon, rhs, isAbstract) 
                                      | VectType isAbstract tycon (Just rhs) <- vectTypeDecls]

               -- filter VECTORISE SCALAR tycons and VECTORISE tycons with explicit rhses
             vectSpecialTyConNames  = mkNameSet . map tyConName $
                                        localAbstractTyCons ++ map fst3 vectTyConsWithRHS
             notVectSpecialTyCon tc = not $ (tyConName tc) `elemNameSet` vectSpecialTyConNames

         -- Build a map containing all vectorised type constructor.  If they are scalar, they are
         -- mapped to 'False' (vectorised type constructor == original type constructor).
       ; allScalarTyConNames <- globalScalarTyCons  -- covers both current and imported modules
       ; vectTyCons          <- globalVectTyCons
       ; let vectTyConBase    = mapNameEnv (const True) vectTyCons    -- by default fully vectorised
             vectTyConFlavour = vectTyConBase 
                                mkNameEnv [ (tyConName tycon, True) 
                                          | (tycon, _, _) <- vectTyConsWithRHS]
                                mkNameEnv [ (tcName, False)           -- original representation
                                          | tcName <- nameSetToList allScalarTyConNames]
                                mkNameEnv [ (tyConName tycon, False)  -- original representation
                                          | tycon <- localAbstractTyCons]

           -- Split the list of 'TyCons' into the ones (1) that we must vectorise and those (2)
           -- that we could, but don't need to vectorise.  Type constructors that are not data
           -- type constructors or use non-Haskell98 features are being dropped.  They may not
           -- appear in vectorised code.  (We also drop the local type constructors appearing in a
           -- VECTORISE SCALAR pragma or a VECTORISE pragma with an explicit right-hand side, as
           -- these are being handled separately.  NB: Some type constructors may be marked SCALAR
           -- /and/ have an explicit right-hand side.)
           -- Furthermore, 'drop_tcs' are those type constructors that we cannot vectorise.
       ; let maybeVectoriseTyCons           = filter notVectSpecialTyCon tycons ++ impVectTyCons
             (conv_tcs, keep_tcs, drop_tcs) = classifyTyCons vectTyConFlavour maybeVectoriseTyCons
       ; traceVt " VECT SCALAR    : " $ ppr localAbstractTyCons
       ; traceVt " VECT [class]   : " $ ppr impVectTyCons
       ; traceVt " VECT with rhs  : " $ ppr (map fst3 vectTyConsWithRHS)
       ; traceVt " -- after classification (local and VECT [class] tycons) --" empty
       ; traceVt " reuse          : " $ ppr keep_tcs
       ; traceVt " convert        : " $ ppr conv_tcs
           -- warn the user about unvectorised type constructors
       ; let explanation    = ptext (sLit "(They use unsupported language extensions") $$
                              ptext (sLit "or depend on type constructors that are not vectorised)")
             drop_tcs_nosyn = filter (not . isSynTyCon) drop_tcs
       ; unless (null drop_tcs_nosyn) $
           emitVt "Warning: cannot vectorise these type constructors:" $ 
             pprQuotedList drop_tcs_nosyn $$ explanation

       ; mapM_ addGlobalScalarTyCon keep_tcs

       ; let mapping =      
                    -- Type constructors that we don't need to vectorise, use the same
                    -- representation in both unvectorised and vectorised code; they are not
                    -- abstract.
                  [(tycon, tycon, False) | tycon <- keep_tcs]
                    -- We do the same for type constructors declared VECTORISE SCALAR /without/
                    -- an explicit right-hand side, but ignore their representation (data
                    -- constructors) as they are abstract.
               ++ [(tycon, tycon, True) | tycon <- localAbstractTyCons]
                    -- Type constructors declared VECTORISE /with/ an explicit vectorised type,
                    -- we map from the original to the given type; whether they are abstract depends
                    -- on whether the vectorisation declaration was SCALAR.
               ++ vectTyConsWithRHS
       ; syn_tcs <- catMaybes <$> mapM defTyConDataCons mapping

           -- Vectorise all the data type declarations that we can and must vectorise (enter the
           -- type and data constructors into the vectorisation map on-the-fly.)
       ; new_tcs <- vectTyConDecls conv_tcs
       ; let dumpTc tc vTc = traceVt "---" (ppr tc <+> text "::" <+> ppr (dataConSig tc) $$
                                            ppr vTc <+> text "::" <+> ppr (dataConSig vTc))
             dataConSig tc | Just dc <- tyConSingleDataCon_maybe tc = dataConRepType dc
                           | otherwise                              = panic "dataConSig"
       ; zipWithM_ dumpTc (filter isClassTyCon conv_tcs) (filter isClassTyCon new_tcs)

           -- We don't need new representation types for dictionary constructors. The constructors
           -- are always fully applied, and we don't need to lift them to arrays as a dictionary
           -- of a particular type always has the same value.
       ; let orig_tcs = filter (not . isClassTyCon) $ keep_tcs ++ conv_tcs
             vect_tcs = filter (not . isClassTyCon) $ keep_tcs ++ new_tcs

           -- Build 'PRepr' and 'PData' instance type constructors and family instances for all
           -- type constructors with vectorised representations.
       ; reprs      <- mapM tyConRepr vect_tcs
       ; repr_fis   <- zipWith3M buildPReprTyCon  orig_tcs vect_tcs reprs
       ; pdata_fis  <- zipWith3M buildPDataTyCon  orig_tcs vect_tcs reprs
       ; pdatas_fis <- zipWith3M buildPDatasTyCon orig_tcs vect_tcs reprs

       ; let fam_insts  = repr_fis ++ pdata_fis ++ pdatas_fis
             repr_axs   = map famInstAxiom repr_fis
             pdata_tcs  = famInstsRepTyCons pdata_fis
             pdatas_tcs = famInstsRepTyCons pdatas_fis
       ; updGEnv $ extendFamEnv fam_insts

           -- Generate workers for the vectorised data constructors, dfuns for the 'PA' instances of
           -- the vectorised type constructors, and associate the type constructors with their dfuns
           -- in the global environment.  We get back the dfun bindings (which we will subsequently
           -- inject into the modules toplevel).
       ; (_, binds) <- fixV $ \ ~(dfuns, _) ->
           do { defTyConPAs (zipLazy vect_tcs dfuns)

                  -- Query the 'PData' instance type constructors for type constructors that have a
                  -- VECTORISE pragma with an explicit right-hand side (this is Item (4) of
                  -- "Note [Pragmas to vectorise tycons]" above).
              ; let (withRHS_non_abstract, vwithRHS_non_abstract) 
                      = unzip [(tycon, vtycon) | (tycon, vtycon, False) <- vectTyConsWithRHS]
              ; pdata_withRHS_tcs <- mapM pdataReprTyConExact withRHS_non_abstract

                  -- Build workers for all vectorised data constructors (except abstract ones)
              ; sequence_ $
                  zipWith3 vectDataConWorkers (orig_tcs  ++ withRHS_non_abstract)
                                              (vect_tcs  ++ vwithRHS_non_abstract)
                                              (pdata_tcs ++ pdata_withRHS_tcs)

                  -- Build a 'PA' dictionary for all type constructors (except abstract ones & those
                  -- defined with an explicit right-hand side where the dictionary is user-supplied)
              ; dfuns <- sequence $
                           zipWith4 buildTyConPADict

              ; binds <- takeHoisted
              ; return (dfuns, binds)

           -- Return the vectorised variants of type constructors as well as the generated instance
           -- type constructors, family instances, and dfun bindings.
       ; return ( new_tcs ++ pdata_tcs ++ pdatas_tcs ++ syn_tcs
                , fam_insts, binds)
    fst3 (a, _, _) = a

    -- Add a mapping from the original to vectorised type constructor to the vectorisation map.  
    -- Unless the type constructor is abstract, also mappings from the orignal's data constructors
    -- to the vectorised type's data constructors.
    -- We have three cases: (1) original and vectorised type constructor are the same, (2) the
    -- name of the vectorised type constructor is canonical (as prescribed by 'mkVectTyConOcc'), or
    -- (3) the name is not canonical.  In the third case, we additionally introduce a type synonym
    -- with the canonical name that is set equal to the non-canonical name (so that we find the
    -- right type constructor when reading vectorisation information from interface files).
    defTyConDataCons (origTyCon, vectTyCon, isAbstract)
      = do { canonName <- mkLocalisedName mkVectTyConOcc origName
           ; if    origName == vectName                             -- Case (1)
                || vectName == canonName                            -- Case (2)
             then do 
               { defTyCon origTyCon vectTyCon                         -- T  --> vT
               ; defDataCons                                          -- Ci --> vCi
               ; return Nothing
            else do                                                 -- Case (3)
              { let synTyCon = mkSyn canonName (mkTyConTy vectTyCon)  -- type S = vT
              ; defTyCon origTyCon synTyCon                           -- T  --> S
              ; defDataCons                                           -- Ci --> vCi
              ; return $ Just synTyCon
        origName  = tyConName origTyCon
        vectName  = tyConName vectTyCon

        mkSyn canonName ty = mkSynTyCon canonName (typeKind ty) [] (SynonymTyCon ty) NoParentTyCon
          | isAbstract = return ()
          | otherwise  
          = do { MASSERT(length (tyConDataCons origTyCon) == length (tyConDataCons vectTyCon))
               ; zipWithM_ defDataCon (tyConDataCons origTyCon) (tyConDataCons vectTyCon)

-- Helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------

buildTyConPADict :: TyCon -> CoAxiom -> TyCon -> TyCon -> VM Var
buildTyConPADict vect_tc prepr_ax pdata_tc pdatas_tc
 = tyConRepr vect_tc >>= buildPADict vect_tc prepr_ax pdata_tc pdatas_tc

-- Produce a custom-made worker for the data constructors of a vectorised data type.  This includes
-- all data constructors that may be used in vetcorised code — i.e., all data constructors of data
-- types other than scalar ones.  Also adds a mapping from the original to vectorised worker into
-- the vectorisation map.
-- FIXME: It's not nice that we need create a special worker after the data constructors has
--   already been constructed.  Also, I don't think the worker is properly added to the data
--   constructor.  Seems messy.
vectDataConWorkers :: TyCon -> TyCon -> TyCon -> VM ()
vectDataConWorkers orig_tc vect_tc arr_tc
  = do { traceVt "Building vectorised worker for datatype" (ppr orig_tc)
       ; bs <- sequence
             . zipWith3 def_worker  (tyConDataCons orig_tc) rep_tys
             $ zipWith4 mk_data_con (tyConDataCons vect_tc)
                                    (inits rep_tys)
                                    (tail $ tails rep_tys)
        ; mapM_ (uncurry hoistBinding) bs
    tyvars   = tyConTyVars vect_tc
    var_tys  = mkTyVarTys tyvars
    ty_args  = map Type var_tys
    res_ty   = mkTyConApp vect_tc var_tys

    cons     = tyConDataCons vect_tc
    arity    = length cons
    [arr_dc] = tyConDataCons arr_tc

    rep_tys  = map dataConRepArgTys $ tyConDataCons vect_tc

    mk_data_con con tys pre post
      = liftM2 (,) (vect_data_con con)
                   (lift_data_con tys pre post (mkDataConTag con))

    sel_replicate len tag
      | arity > 1 = do
                      rep <- builtin (selReplicate arity)
                      return [rep `mkApps` [len, tag]]

      | otherwise = return []

    vect_data_con con = return $ mkConApp con ty_args
    lift_data_con tys pre_tys post_tys tag
      = do
          len  <- builtin liftingContext
          args <- mapM (newLocalVar (fsLit "xs"))
                  =<< mapM mkPDataType tys

          sel  <- sel_replicate (Var len) tag

          pre   <- mapM emptyPD (concat pre_tys)
          post  <- mapM emptyPD (concat post_tys)

          return . mkLams (len : args)
                 . wrapFamInstBody arr_tc var_tys
                 . mkConApp arr_dc
                 $ ty_args ++ sel ++ pre ++ map Var args ++ post

    def_worker data_con arg_tys mk_body
      = do
          arity <- polyArity tyvars
          body <- closedV
                . inBind orig_worker
                . polyAbstract tyvars $ \args ->
                  liftM (mkLams (tyvars ++ args) . vectorised)
                $ buildClosures tyvars [] [] arg_tys res_ty mk_body

          raw_worker <- mkVectId orig_worker (exprType body)
          let vect_worker = raw_worker `setIdUnfolding`
                              mkInlineUnfolding (Just arity) body
          defGlobalVar orig_worker vect_worker
          return (vect_worker, body)
        orig_worker = dataConWorkId data_con