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2005 Haskell Workshop

Final Programme
Friday, 30 September

9:00 - 10:30, session chair: Daan Leijen
Invited talk: Lessons from Darcs
David Roundy
Visual Haskell – A full-featured Haskell development environment
Krasimir Angelov and Simon Marlow
Haskell ready to Dazzle the real world
Martijn M. Schrage, Arjan van IJzendoorn, and Linda C. van der Gaag
11:00 - 12:30, session chair: John Hughes
Dynamic applications from the ground up
Don Stewart and Manuel M. T. Chakravarty
Haskell server pages through dynamic loading
Niklas Broberg
Haskell on a shared-memory multiprocessor
Tim Harris, Simon Marlow, and Simon Peyton Jones
14:30 - 16:00, session chair: Graham Hutton
Verifying Haskell programs using constructive type theory
Andreas Abel, Marcin Benke, Ana Bove, John Hughes, Ulf Norell
Putting Curry-Howard to work
Tim Sheard
There and Back Again – Arrows for Invertible Programming
Artem Alimarine, Sjaak Smetsers, Arjen van Weelden, Marko van Eekelen, and Rinus Plasmeijer
16:30 - 17:30, session chair: Henrik Nillson
TypeCase: A design pattern for type-indexed functions
Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira and Jeremy Gibbons
Functional pearl: Polymorphic string matching
Richard S. Bird
Tool demonstration: Halfs – the Haskell file system
Isaac Jones
Tool demonstration: A zipper based file/operating system
Oleg Kiselyov
17:30 - 18:15, session chair: Andres Löh
Discussion: The future of Haskell

To encourage a live-topic debate inspired by the workshop itself, we seek impromptu discussion starters for the Future of Haskell discussion. For example, one sentence `fireworks' such as controversial assertions or challenging questions. Unsolved problems. Friendly rebuttals of any (or all!) of the workshop papers. Short and pithy (at most 5 minutes, 2 slides) presentations of raw ideas for future Haskell-related work.

If you would like to contribute, approach either the Discussion Chair (Andres Löh) or the Workshop Chair (Daan Leijen) during any of the breaks and briefly explain what you would like to say. If necessary, as there might not be time for all who would like to speak, the Discussion Chair will prioritize. Those who are selected will then be invited to give their discussion starter at some suitable point during the discussion session.


Last update: 29 Sep 2005.