Difference between revisions of "99 questions/Solutions/2"

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(Add foldl based solution.)
m (Don't tell new people to write partial functions, come on.)
(One intermediate revision by one other user not shown)
Line 14: Line 14:
myButLast'''' = head . tail . reverse
myButLast'''' = head . tail . reverse
myButLast''''' = snd.(foldl (\(a,b) c -> (c,a)) (e1, e2))
where e1 = error "List too small!"
e2 = error "List is null!"

Revision as of 07:32, 15 November 2014

(*) Find the last but one element of a list.

myButLast :: [a] -> a
myButLast = last . init

myButLast' x = reverse x !! 1

myButLast'' [x,_]  = x
myButLast'' (_:xs) = myButLast'' xs

myButLast''' (x:(_:[])) = x
myButLast''' (_:xs) = myButLast''' xs

myButLast'''' = head . tail . reverse