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An overview of Haskell related abbreviations

Note: if there is an abbreviation you cannot find here, it might be the name of a package, so check the Hackage package list. For GHC related abbreviations, see GHC/List of abbreviations.

ABI Application Binary Interface
ADP Algebraic Dynamic Programming
ADT Abstract Data Type / Algebraic Data Type
AFAIU As Far As I Understand
AFRP Arrows-based Functional Reactive Programming, also known as Yampa
AKA Also Known As
ANN Announcement
API Application Programmer Interface
aPToP A practical theory of programming
AT Abstract (Data) Type / Associated (Data) Type (see also Associated types with class)
BSD Berkeley Software Distributions (license)
Cabal Common Architecture for Building Applications and Libraries
CAF Constant Applicative Form
CAML A programming language
CFP Call For Papers - request to send material for a symposium
CPR Constructed Product Result (analysis)
CPS Continuation-Passing Style
CUFP Commercial Users of Functional Programming
DAG Directed acyclic graph
DPH Data Parallel Haskell
DSEL Domain-Specific Embedded Language
DSL Domain-Specific Language
EDSL Embedded Domain-Specific Language
elt Element (of a list/set/...)
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FD Functional Dependencies
FFI Foreign Function Interface
FHM Functional Hybrid Modeling
FRP Functional Reactive Programming
FunDeps Functional Dependencies
FTW For The World / For The Win
FWIW For what it's worth
GHC Glasgow Haskell Compiler
GPL GNU General Public License
HOAS Higher-Order Abstract Syntax (using binding in the host language to represent binding in the embedded language)
HOF Higher-Order Functions
HTH Hope This Helps
HUGS Haskell User's Gofer System
I18n Internationalization / Internationalisation (which shows why the abbreviation is useful)
IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer
ICFP International Conference on Functional Programming
IFL Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, symposium
IIRC If I Recall Correctly
IIUC If I Understand Correctly
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
IRC Internet Relay Chat
JHC John's Haskell Compiler. Compiles to efficient C programs via whole program analysis and other optimizations.
LGPL GNU Lesser General Public License
LHC Luxureous Haskell Compiler. LHC is a whole-program optimizing backend for the Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler
LHS Left-Hand Side (of a statement)
LLVM Low-Level Virtual Machine
LYAH Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!
ML A programming language / Mailing list
MPTC Multi-Parameter Type Class
MR Monomorphism Restriction
MTL Monad Transformer Library
NCG Native Code Generator, a GHC backend
NLP Natural Language Processing
OCAML Objective Caml (A programming language)
OP Original Poster (who sent the first e-mail of the current thread)
OT Off-Topic
PADL Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, symposium
POPL Principles of Programming Languages, Symposium on
POV Point Of View
PRNG Pseudorandom number generator
PVP Package versioning policy
RHS Right-Hand Side (of a statement)
RNG Random number generator
RWH Real World Haskell, a book about Haskell
SAT SATisfiability problem
SEC Semantic editor combinator
SML Standard ML, a programming language
SMP Symmetric Multi-Processing
SOE Haskell School Of Expression (title of a book)
SQL Structured Query Language
STG machine Spineless Tagless G-machine (the link points to a .ps.gz file)
STM Software transactional memory
SYB Scrap Your Boilerplate
TaPL Types and Programming Languages (book)
TCM Type Class Morphism
TCO Tail-Call Optimisation
TF Type families
TFP Trends in Functional Programming, symposium
TH Template Haskell
TMR The Monad.Reader
UTF8 Unicode Transformation Format, byte-oriented
WHNF Weak Head Normal Form
YAHT Yet Another Haskell Tutorial
YHC York Haskell Compiler
YMMV Your Milage May Vary