Cookbook/PDF files

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For the following recipes you need to install HPDF.

Creating an empty PDF file

runPdf generates a PDF file in the file system.

Let's create an empty PDF file with the name "test1.pdf":

import Graphics.PDF

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let outputFileName= "test1.pdf"
  let defaultPageSize = PDFRect 0 0 200 300
  runPdf outputFileName standardDocInfo defaultPageSize $ do
    addPage Nothing

Pages with different sizes

If you pass "Nothing" to the function addPage, the default page size will be used for the size of the new page.

Let’s create three pages, the last two pages with different dimensions:

import Graphics.PDF

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let outputFileName= "test2.pdf"
  let defaultPageSize = PDFRect 0 0 200 300
  runPdf outputFileName standardDocInfo defaultPageSize $ do
    addPage Nothing
    addPage $ Just $ PDFRect 0 0 100 100
    addPage $ Just $ PDFRect 0 0 150 150