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== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=view&id=101 Problem 101] ==
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=101 Problem 101] ==
Investigate the optimum polynomial function to model the first k terms of a given sequence.
Investigate the optimum polynomial function to model the first k terms of a given sequence.
Line 7: Line 7:
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=view&id=102 Problem 102] ==
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=102 Problem 102] ==
For how many triangles in the text file does the interior contain the origin?
For how many triangles in the text file does the interior contain the origin?
Line 32: Line 32:
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=view&id=103 Problem 103] ==
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=103 Problem 103] ==
Investigating sets with a special subset sum property.
Investigating sets with a special subset sum property.
Line 42: Line 42:
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=view&id=104 Problem 104] ==
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=104 Problem 104] ==
Finding Fibonacci numbers for which the first and last nine digits are pandigital.
Finding Fibonacci numbers for which the first and last nine digits are pandigital.
Line 111: Line 111:
The lesson I learned fom this challenge, is: know mathematical identities and exploit them. They allow you take short cuts.
The lesson I learned fom this challenge, is: know mathematical identities and exploit them. They allow you take short cuts.
Normally you compute all previous fibonacci numbers to compute a random fibonacci number. Which has linear costs. The aforementioned identity builds the number not from its two predecessors but from 4 much smaller ones. This makes the algorithm logarithmic in its complexity. It really shines if you want to compute a random very large fibonacci number. f.i. the 10mio.th fibonacci number which is over 2mio characters long, took 20sec to compute on my 2.2ghz laptop.
Normally you compute all previous fibonacci numbers to compute a random fibonacci number. Which has linear costs. The aforementioned identity builds the number not from its two predecessors but from 4 much smaller ones. This makes the algorithm logarithmic in its complexity. It really shines if you want to compute a random very large fibonacci number. f.i. the 10mio.th fibonacci number which is over 2mio characters long, took 20sec to compute on my 2.2ghz laptop.
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=view&id=105 Problem 105] ==
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=105 Problem 105] ==
Find the sum of the special sum sets in the file.
Find the sum of the special sum sets in the file.
import List
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Text.Regex
import Text.Regex
--ghc -M p105.hs
solNum=map solve [7..12]
digitstwo n k
solve n = twoSetsOf [0..n-1] =<< [2..div n 2]
twoSetsOf xs n = do
|otherwise= y:digitstwo x (k-1)
firstSet <- setsOf n xs
let rest = dropWhile (/= head firstSet) xs \\ firstSet
secondSet <- setsOf n rest
let f = firstSet >>= enumFromTo 1
s = secondSet >>= enumFromTo 1
guard $ not $ null (f \\ s) || null (s \\ f)
setsOf 0 _ = [[]]
setsOf (n+1) xs = concat [map (y:) (setsOf n ys) | (y:ys) <- tails xs]
comp lst a b=
(x,y)=divMod n 2
a1=sum$map (lst!!) a
b1=sum$map (lst!!) b
subset lst=
notEqu lst =
all id[comp slst a b|(a,b)<-solNum!!s]
let a=digitstwo n len,
sum a<=mlen,
let t=zip lst a,
let sl=delzero t
len=length lst
s=length lst-7
mlen= div len 2
slst=sort lst
delzero x=[a|(a,b)<-x,b/=0]
notEqu lst su=
length sm ==(length.nub) sm
sm=[sum a|a<-su]
moreElem lst =
moreElem lst =
foldl (&&) True maE
all id maE
le=length lst
le=length lst
Line 154: Line 157:
maE=[a<b|(a,b)<-zip maxElem minElem]
maE=[a<b|(a,b)<-zip maxElem minElem]
buildTriangle s = map read (splitRegex (mkRegex ",") s) :: [Integer]
stoInt s=map read (splitRegex (mkRegex ",") s) :: [Integer]
check x=moreElem x && notEqu x
main = do
x<-readFile "sets.txt"
f <- readFile "sets.txt"
let sm=
let sets = map stoInt$ lines f
let ssets = filter check sets
a<-map buildTriangle $ lines x,
moreElem a ,
print $ sum $ concat ssets
notEqu a $subset a
print $sum$concat sm
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=view&id=106 Problem 106] ==
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=106 Problem 106] ==
Find the minimum number of comparisons needed to identify special sum sets.
Find the minimum number of comparisons needed to identify special sum sets.
Line 187: Line 187:
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=view&id=107 Problem 107] ==
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=107 Problem 107] ==
Determining the most efficient way to connect the network.
Determining the most efficient way to connect the network.
Line 195: Line 195:
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=view&id=108 Problem 108] ==
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=108 Problem 108] ==
Solving the Diophantine equation 1/x + 1/y = 1/n.
Solving the Diophantine equation 1/x + 1/y = 1/n.
Line 210: Line 210:
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=view&id=109 Problem 109] ==
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=109 Problem 109] ==
How many distinct ways can a player checkout in the game of darts with a score of less than 100?
How many distinct ways can a player checkout in the game of darts with a score of less than 100?
Line 218: Line 218:
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=view&id=110 Problem 110] ==
== [http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=110 Problem 110] ==
Find an efficient algorithm to analyse the number of solutions of the equation 1/x + 1/y = 1/n.
Find an efficient algorithm to analyse the number of solutions of the equation 1/x + 1/y = 1/n.

Revision as of 13:37, 26 January 2008

Problem 101

Investigate the optimum polynomial function to model the first k terms of a given sequence.


problem_101 = undefined

Problem 102

For how many triangles in the text file does the interior contain the origin?


import Text.Regex 
--ghc -M p102.hs
isOrig (x1:y1:x2:y2:x3:y3:[])=
    t1*t2>=0 && t3*t4>=0 && t5*t6>=0
buildTriangle s = map read (splitRegex (mkRegex ",") s) :: [Integer] 
    x<-readFile "triangles.txt"
    let y=map buildTriangle$lines x
    print $length$ filter isOrig y

Problem 103

Investigating sets with a special subset sum property.


seven=[mid+a|let mid=six!!3,a<-0:six]
problem_103=foldl (++) "" $map show seven

Problem 104

Finding Fibonacci numbers for which the first and last nine digits are pandigital.


Very nice problem. I didnt realize you could deal with the precision problem. Therefore I used this identity to speed up the fibonacci calculation: f_(2*n+k) = f_k*(f_(n+1))^2 + 2*f_(k-1)*f_(n+1)*f_n + f_(k-2)*(f_n)^2

import Data.List
import Data.Char
fibos = rec 0 1
        rec a b = a:rec b (a+b)
fibo_2nk n k = 
        fkm1 = fibo (k-1)
        fkm2 = fibo (k-2)
        fk = fkm1 + fkm2
        fnp1 = fibo (n+1)
        fnp1sq = fnp1^2
        fn = fibo n
        fnsq = fn^2
        fk*fnp1sq + 2*fkm1*fnp1*fn + fkm2*fnsq
fibo x = 
        threshold = 30000
        n = div x 3
        k = n+mod x 3
        if x < threshold 
        then fibos !! x
        else fibo_2nk n k
findCandidates = rec 0 1 0
        m = 10^9
        rec a b n  =
                continue = rec b (mod (a+b) m) (n+1)
                isBackPan a = (sort $ show a) == "123456789"
                if isBackPan a 
                then n:continue
                else continue
search = 
        isFrontPan x = (sort $ take 9 $ show x) == "123456789"
        map fst
            $ take 1
            $ dropWhile (not.snd)            
            $ zip findCandidates
            $ map (isFrontPan.fibo) findCandidates
problem_104 = search

It took 8 sec on a 2.2Ghz machine.

The lesson I learned fom this challenge, is: know mathematical identities and exploit them. They allow you take short cuts. Normally you compute all previous fibonacci numbers to compute a random fibonacci number. Which has linear costs. The aforementioned identity builds the number not from its two predecessors but from 4 much smaller ones. This makes the algorithm logarithmic in its complexity. It really shines if you want to compute a random very large fibonacci number. f.i. the 10mio.th fibonacci number which is over 2mio characters long, took 20sec to compute on my 2.2ghz laptop.

Problem 105

Find the sum of the special sum sets in the file.


import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Text.Regex 
solNum=map solve [7..12] 
solve n =  twoSetsOf [0..n-1] =<< [2..div n 2]          
twoSetsOf xs n = do
        firstSet <- setsOf n xs
        let rest = dropWhile (/= head firstSet) xs \\ firstSet
        secondSet <- setsOf n rest
        let f = firstSet  >>= enumFromTo 1
            s = secondSet >>= enumFromTo 1
        guard $ not $ null (f \\ s) || null (s \\ f)

setsOf 0 _ = [[]]
setsOf (n+1) xs = concat [map (y:) (setsOf n ys) | (y:ys) <- tails xs]
comp lst a b=
    a1=sum$map (lst!!) a
    b1=sum$map (lst!!) b
notEqu lst =
    all id[comp slst a b|(a,b)<-solNum!!s]
    s=length lst-7
    slst=sort lst
moreElem lst =
    all id maE
    le=length lst
    sortLst=sort lst
    maxElem = 
        (-1):[sum $drop (le-a) sortLst|
    minElem = 
        [sum $take a sortLst|
    maE=[a<b|(a,b)<-zip maxElem minElem]
stoInt s=map read (splitRegex (mkRegex ",") s) :: [Integer]  
check x=moreElem x && notEqu x
main = do
    f <- readFile "sets.txt"
    let sets = map stoInt$ lines f
    let ssets = filter check sets
    print $ sum $ concat ssets

Problem 106

Find the minimum number of comparisons needed to identify special sum sets.


binomial x y =div (prodxy (y+1) x) (prodxy 1 (x-y))
prodxy x y=product[x..y]
-- http://mathworld.wolfram.com/DyckPath.html
catalan n=flip div (n+1) $binomial (2*n) n
calc n=
    let mu2=a*2,
    let c=flip div 2 $ binomial mu2 a,
    let d=catalan a,
    let e=binomial n mu2]
    di2=div n 2
problem_106 = calc 12

Problem 107

Determining the most efficient way to connect the network.


problem_107 = undefined

Problem 108

Solving the Diophantine equation 1/x + 1/y = 1/n.


import List
series _ 1 =[[0]]
series xs n =[x:ps|x<-xs,ps<-series [0..x] (n-1) ]
distinct=product. map (+1)
sumpri x=product $map (\(x,y)->x^y)$zip  primes x
prob x y =head$sort[(sumpri m ,m)|m<-series [1..3] x,(>y)$distinct$map (*2) m]
problem_108=prob 7 2000

Problem 109

How many distinct ways can a player checkout in the game of darts with a score of less than 100?


problem_109 = undefined

Problem 110

Find an efficient algorithm to analyse the number of solutions of the equation 1/x + 1/y = 1/n.


-- prob in problem_108
problem_110 = prob 13 (8*10^6)