Euler problems/181 to 190

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< Euler problems
Revision as of 20:27, 24 February 2008 by Robinrobin (talk | contribs) ((183) If we must have a solution here, let's at least have a decent one.)
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Problem 181

Investigating in how many ways objects of two different colours can be grouped.

Solution: This was my code, published here without my permission nor any attribution, shame on whoever put it here.

Problem 182

RSA encryption.


fun a1 b1 =
    sum [ e |
    e <- [2..a*b-1],
    gcd e (a*b) == 1,
    gcd (e-1) a == 2,
    gcd (e-1) b == 2
problem_182=fun 1009 3643

Problem 183

Maximum product of parts.


-- Does the decimal expansion of p/q terminate?
terminating p q = 1 == reduce [2,5] (q `div` gcd p q)
        where reduce   []   n = n
              reduce (x:xs) n | n `mod` x == 0 = reduce (x:xs) (n `div` x)
                              | otherwise      = reduce xs n

-- The expression (round $ fromIntegral n / e) computes the integer k
-- for which (n/k)^k is at a maximum.
answer = sum [if terminating n (round $ fromIntegral n / e) then -n else n
                | n <- [5 .. 10^4]]
        where e = exp 1

main = print answer