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Line 102: Line 102:
This is only slightly harder than [[Euler problems/31 to 40#39|problem 39]]. The search condition is simpler but the search space is larger.
import Data.Array
triplets =
[p |
n <- [2..706],
m <- [1..n-1],
gcd m n == 1,
let p = 2 * (n^2 + m*n),
odd (m + n),
p <= 10^6
hist bnds ns =
accumArray (+) 0 bnds [(n, 1) |
n <- ns,
inRange bnds n
problem_75 =
problem_75 =
length . filter ((== 1) . length) $ group perims
length $ filter (\(_,b) -> b == 1) $ assocs arr
where perims = sort [scale*p | p <- pTriples, scale <- [1..10^6 `div` p]]
arr = hist (12,10^6) $ concatMap multiples triplets
pTriples = [p |
n <- [1..1000],
multiples n = takeWhile (<=10^6) [n, 2*n..]
m <- [n+1..1000],
even n || even m,
gcd n m == 1,
let a = m^2 - n^2,
let b = 2*m*n,
let c = m^2 + n^2,
let p = a + b + c,
p <= 10^6]
Line 155: Line 164:
Same as problem 76 but using array instead of lists to speedup things.
import Data.Array
import Data.Array
Line 182: Line 189:
A bit ugly but works fine
import Data.List
import Data.Char (digitToInt, intToDigit)
import Data.Graph (buildG, topSort)
import Data.List (intersect)
p79 file=
problem_79 :: String -> String
(+0)$read . intersect graphWalk $ usedDigits
problem_79 file =
map fst $
sortBy (\(_,a) (_,b) ->
compare (length b) (length a)) $
zip digs order
nums = lines file
usedDigits = intersect "0123456789" $ file
edges = concat . map (edgePair . map digitToInt) . words $ file
digs =
graphWalk = map intToDigit . topSort . buildG (0, 9) $ edges
map head $ group $
edgePair [x, y, z] = [(x, y), (y, z)]
sort $ filter (\c -> c >= '0' && c <= '9') file
edgePair _ = undefined
prec = concatMap (\(x:y:z:_) -> [[x,y],[y,z],[x,z]]) nums
order =
problem_79 = do
map (\n -> map head $
f<-readFile "keylog.txt"
group $ sort $ map (\(_:x:_) -> x) $
print $p79 f
filter (\(x:_) -> x == n) prec) digs
f<-readFile "keylog.txt"
print$problem_79 f
Line 213: Line 213:
import Data.List ((\\))
import Data.Char
sum [f x |
hundreds :: Integer -> [Integer]
a <- [1..100],
hundreds n = hundreds' [] n
x <- [intSqrt $ a * t],
x * x /= a * t
hundreds' acc 0 = acc
hundreds' acc n = hundreds' (m : acc) d
f = (sum . take 100 . map (flip (-) (ord '0') .ord) . show)
(d,m) = divMod n 100
squareDigs :: Integer -> [Integer]
squareDigs n = p : squareDigs' p r xs
(x:xs) = hundreds n ++ repeat 0
p = floor $ sqrt $ fromInteger x
r = x - (p^2)
squareDigs' :: Integer -> Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
squareDigs' p r (x:xs) =
x' : squareDigs' (p*10 + x') r' xs
n = 100*r + x
(x',r') =
last $ takeWhile
(\(_,a) -> a >= 0) $
scanl (\(_,b) (a',b') -> (a',b-b')) (0,n) rs
rs = [y|y <- zip [1..] [(20*p+1),(20*p+3)..]]
sumDigits n = sum $ take 100 $ squareDigs n
problem_80 :: Integer
problem_80 =
sum $ map sumDigits
[x|x <- [1..100] \\ [n^2|n<-[1..10]]]

Revision as of 12:22, 20 January 2008

Problem 71

Listing reduced proper fractions in ascending order of size.


-- http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FareySequence.html 
import Data.Ratio ((%), numerator,denominator)
fareySeq a b
    |da2<=10^6=fareySeq a1 b
    na=numerator a
    nb=numerator b
    da=denominator a
    db=denominator b
    da2=denominator a1
problem_71=fareySeq (0%1) (3%7)

Problem 72

How many elements would be contained in the set of reduced proper fractions for d ≤ 1,000,000?


Using the Farey Sequence method, the solution is the sum of phi (n) from 1 to 1000000.

eulerTotient n = product (map (\(p,i) -> p^(i-1) * (p-1)) factors)
    where factors = fstfac n
fstfac x = [(head a ,length a)|a<-group$primeFactors x] 
p72 n= sum [eulerTotient x|x <- [groups*n+1..groups*(n+1)]]
problem_72 = sum [p72 x|x <- [0..999]]

Problem 73

How many fractions lie between 1/3 and 1/2 in a sorted set of reduced proper fractions?


import Data.Array
twix k = crude k - fd2 - sum [ar!(k `div` m) | m <- [3 .. k `div` 5], odd m]
    fd2 = crude (k `div` 2)
    ar = array (5,k `div` 3) $
          ((5,1):[(j, crude j - sum [ar!(j `div` m) | m <- [2 .. j `div` 5]])
                      | j <- [6 .. k `div` 3]])
    crude j = 
        m*(3*m+r-2) + s
            (m,r) = j `divMod` 6
            s = case r of
                  5 -> 1
                  _ -> 0
problem_73 =  twix 10000

Problem 74

Determine the number of factorial chains that contain exactly sixty non-repeating terms.


import Data.List
explode 0 = []
explode n = n `mod` 10 : explode (n `quot` 10)
chain 2    = 1
chain 1    = 1
chain 145    = 1
chain 40585    = 1
chain 169    = 3
chain 363601 = 3
chain 1454   = 3
chain 871    = 2
chain 45361  = 2
chain 872    = 2
chain 45362  = 2
chain x = 1 + chain (sumFactDigits x)
makeIncreas 1 minnum  = [[a]|a<-[minnum..9]]
makeIncreas digits minnum  = [a:b|a<-[minnum ..9],b<-makeIncreas (digits-1) a]
    sum[div p6 $countNum a|
    a<-tail$makeIncreas  6 1,
    let k=digitToN a,
    chain k==60
    p6=facts!! 6
sumFactDigits = foldl' (\a b -> a + facts !! b) 0 . explode
factorial n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * factorial (n - 1)
digitToN = foldl' (\a b -> 10*a + b) 0 .dropWhile (==0)
facts = scanl (*) 1 [1..9]
countNum xs=ys
    ys=product$map (factorial.length)$group xs 
problem_74= length[k|k<-[1..9999],chain k==60]+p74
test = print $ [a|a<-tail$makeIncreas 6 0,let k=digitToN a,chain k==60]

Problem 75

Find the number of different lengths of wire can that can form a right angle triangle in only one way.


import Data.Array
triplets = 
    [p | 
    n <- [2..706],
    m <- [1..n-1],
    gcd m n == 1, 
    let p = 2 * (n^2 + m*n),
    odd (m + n),
    p <= 10^6
hist bnds ns = 
    accumArray (+) 0 bnds [(n, 1) |
        n <- ns,
        inRange bnds n
problem_75 = 
    length $ filter (\(_,b) -> b == 1) $ assocs arr
    arr = hist (12,10^6) $ concatMap multiples triplets
    multiples n = takeWhile (<=10^6) [n, 2*n..]

Problem 76

How many different ways can one hundred be written as a sum of at least two positive integers?


Here is a simpler solution: For each n, we create the list of the number of partitions of n whose lowest number is i, for i=1..n. We build up the list of these lists for n=0..100.

build x = (map sum (zipWith drop [0..] x) ++ [1]) : x
problem_76 = (sum $ head $ iterate build [] !! 100) - 1

Problem 77

What is the first value which can be written as the sum of primes in over five thousand different ways?


Brute force but still finds the solution in less than one second.

counter = foldl (\without p ->
                     let (poor,rich) = splitAt p without
                         with = poor ++ 
                                zipWith (+) with rich
                     in with
                ) (1 : repeat 0)
problem_77 =  
    find ((>5000) . (ways !!)) $ [1..]
    ways = counter $ take 100 primes

Problem 78

Investigating the number of ways in which coins can be separated into piles.


import Data.Array

partitions :: Array Int Integer
partitions = 
    array (0,1000000) $ 
    (0,1) : 
    [(n,sum [s * partitions ! p|
    (s,p) <- zip signs $ parts n])|
    n <- [1..1000000]]
        signs = cycle [1,1,(-1),(-1)]
        suite = map penta $ concat [[n,(-n)]|n <- [1..]]
        penta n = n*(3*n - 1) `div` 2
        parts n = takeWhile (>= 0) [n-x| x <- suite]

problem_78 :: Int
problem_78 = 
    head $ filter (\x -> (partitions ! x) `mod` 1000000 == 0) [1..]

Problem 79

By analysing a user's login attempts, can you determine the secret numeric passcode?


import Data.Char (digitToInt, intToDigit)
import Data.Graph (buildG, topSort)
import Data.List (intersect)
p79 file= 
    (+0)$read . intersect graphWalk $ usedDigits
    usedDigits = intersect "0123456789" $ file
    edges = concat . map (edgePair . map digitToInt) . words $ file
    graphWalk = map intToDigit . topSort . buildG (0, 9) $ edges
    edgePair [x, y, z] = [(x, y), (y, z)]
    edgePair _         = undefined
problem_79 = do
    f<-readFile  "keylog.txt"
    print $p79 f

Problem 80

Calculating the digital sum of the decimal digits of irrational square roots.


import Data.Char
    sum [f x |
    a <- [1..100],
    x <- [intSqrt $ a * t],
    x * x /= a * t
    f = (sum . take 100 . map (flip (-) (ord '0') .ord) . show)