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This is a wiki stub for the GPipe package. If you have any questions, feel free to mail me.


This is a simple GPipe example that animates a textured box. Besides GPipe, it uses the Vec-Transform package for the transformation matrices, and the GPipe-TextureLoad package for loading textures from disc.

To run this example, you'll also need an image named "myPicture.jpg" in the same directory (as you see, I used a picture of some wooden planks).

module Main where
import Graphics.GPipe
import Graphics.GPipe.Texture.Load
import Data.Monoid
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Vec as Vec
import Data.Vec.Nat
import Data.Vec.LinAlg.Transform3D
import Graphics.UI.GLUT
uvCoords = [0:.0:.(), 0:.1:.(), 1:.0:.(), 1:.1:.()]
sidePosX = toGPUStream TriangleStrip $ zip [1:.0:.0:.(), 1:.1:.0:.(), 1:.0:.1:.(), 1:.1:.1:.()] (map ((,) (1:.0:.0:.())) uvCoords)
sideNegX = toGPUStream TriangleStrip $ zip [0:.0:.1:.(), 0:.1:.1:.(), 0:.0:.0:.(), 0:.1:.0:.()] (map ((,) ((-1):.0:.0:.())) uvCoords)
sidePosY = toGPUStream TriangleStrip $ zip [0:.1:.1:.(), 1:.1:.1:.(), 0:.1:.0:.(), 1:.1:.0:.()] (map ((,) (0:.1:.0:.()))  uvCoords)
sideNegY = toGPUStream TriangleStrip $ zip [0:.0:.0:.(), 1:.0:.0:.(), 0:.0:.1:.(), 1:.0:.1:.()] (map ((,) (0:.(-1):.0:.())) uvCoords)
sidePosZ = toGPUStream TriangleStrip $ zip [1:.0:.1:.(), 1:.1:.1:.(), 0:.0:.1:.(), 0:.1:.1:.()] (map ((,) (0:.0:.1:.()))  uvCoords)
sideNegZ = toGPUStream TriangleStrip $ zip [0:.0:.0:.(), 0:.1:.0:.(), 1:.0:.0:.(), 1:.1:.0:.()] (map ((,) (0:.0:.(-1):.())) uvCoords)

cube = mconcat [sidePosX, sideNegX, sidePosY, sideNegY, sidePosZ, sideNegZ]
transformedCube a = fmap (transform a) cube
transform :: Float -> (Vec3 (Vertex Float), (Vec3 (Vertex Float), Vec2 (Vertex Float))) -> (Vec4 (Vertex Float), (Vec3 (Vertex Float), Vec2 (Vertex Float)))
transform a (pos, (norm, uv)) = (transformedPos, (transformedNorm, uv))
        modelMat = rotationVec (normalize (1:.0.5:.0.3:.())) a `multmm` translation (-0.5)
        viewMat = translation (-(0:.0:.2:.())) 
        projMat = perspective 1 100 (pi/3) (4/3)
        viewProjMat = projMat `multmm` viewMat
        transformedPos = toGPU (viewProjMat `multmm` modelMat) `multmv` homPoint pos
        transformedNorm = toGPU ( (Vec.take n3) $ Vec.take n3 $ modelMat) `multmv` norm
enlight tex (norm, uv) = let RGB c = sample (Sampler Linear Wrap) tex uv
                         in RGB (c * Vec.vec (norm `dot` toGPU (0:.0:.1:.())))
coloredFragments tex = fmap (enlight tex) . rasterizeFront . transformedCube

paintSolid = paintColor NoBlending (RGB $ Vec.vec True)
main = do getArgsAndInitialize
          texture <- loadTexture RGB8 "myPicture.jpg" :: IO (Texture2D RGBFormat)
          angleRef <- newIORef 0.0
          newWindow "Spinning box" (100:.100:.()) (800:.600:.())
                (do angle <- readIORef angleRef
                    writeIORef angleRef ((angle + 0.01) `mod'` (2*pi))
                    return $ paintSolid  (coloredFragments texture angle) (newFrameBufferColor (RGB 0))
                (\ w -> idleCallback $= Just (postRedisplay (Just w)))
