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Name Number E-mail IRC Days Attending
Thomas DuBuisson Thomas.DuBuisson+hacpdx@gmail.com TomMD ALL
David Lazar (\x -> x@illinois.edu) lazar6 davidL ALL
Dan Colish dcolish@gmail.com dcolish Saturday
Jason Dagit lispy Fri-Sat(?)
Matthew Sorensen intercalate "l" ["infa","","ib","eone@gmai",".com"] Fri-Sat
Clint Moore clint@ivy.io hydo All
Lee Short blackcat (a t ) pro-ns.net Fri(?)-Sat-Sun
Michael Steele mikesteele80@gmail.com plus one ALL
Andrew Farmer (\ x -> x ++ "@ku.edu") "anfarmer" afarmer ALL
Nathan Collins nathan.collins@gmail.com ntc2 ALL?
Jamey Sharp jamey@minilop.net ALL?
Josh Triplett josh@joshtriplett.org Fri
Michael Sloan mgsloan@gmail.com mgsloan Sat-Sun
Ki Yung Ahn kyagrd@gmail.com kyagrd Fri,Sat, and Sun afternoon
Ezekiel Smithburg tehgeekmeister@gmail.com tehgeekmeister friday afternoon, saturday, sunday
Philip Weaver philip.weaver@gmail.com pheaver Friday
Bart Massey bart.massey@gmail.com PO8 parts of friday, saturday, sunday
Adam Foltzer (\x -> x@gmail.com) acfoltzer acfoltzer Friday afternoon