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The answer is '''yes''', but we should guarantee linear usage of the state. The (constructive) existence proof is given in the next section.
The answer is '''yes''', but we should guarantee linear usage of the state. The (constructive) existence proof is given in the next section.
The linear usage of state is guaranteed with refereces API (check the definitions), which means that we have a solution.
Linear usage of state is guaranteed with the above refereces API (check the definitions), which means that we have a solution.
Can this extensible state be implemented efficiently? However this question is not relevant for the semantics, we will see that there is an efficient implementation with <hask>MVar</hask>s.
Can this extensible state be implemented efficiently? Although this question is not relevant for the semantics, we will see that there is an efficient implementation with <hask>MVar</hask>s (TODO).
=== Reference creation API ===
=== Reference creation API ===

Revision as of 20:15, 2 June 2013

The semantics of LGtk is given by a reference implementation. The reference implementation is given in three stages: lenses, references and effects.


LGtk uses simple lenses defined in the data-lens package:

newtype Lens a b = Lens { runLens :: a -> Store b a }

This data type is isomorphic to (a -> b, b -> a -> a), the well-know lens data type. The isomorphism is established by the following operations:

getL :: Lens a b -> a -> b
setL :: Lens a b -> b -> a -> a
lens :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a -> a) -> Lens a b

Lens laws

The three well-known laws for lenses:

  • get-set: set k (get k a) a === a
  • set-get: get k (set k b a) === b
  • set-set: set k b2 (set k b1 a) === set k b2 a

Impure lenses, i.e. lenses which brake lens laws are allowed in certain places. Those places are explicitly marked and explained in this overview.



Let s :: * be a type.

Consider the three types Lens s :: * -> *, State s :: * -> *, Reader s :: * -> * with their type class instances and operations. This structure is useful in practice (see this use case).

We have the following goals:

  • Define a structure similar to (Lens s, State s, Reader s) in which s is not accessable.
  • Extend the defined structure with operations which help modularity.

The first goal is justified by our solution for the second goal. The second goal is justified by the fact that a global state is not convenient to maintain explicitly.


We keep the types (Lens s, State s, Reader s) but give them a more restricted API. There are several ways to do this in Haskell. LGtk defines type classes with associated types, but that is just a technical detail.

Instead of giving a concrete implementation in Haskell, suppose that

  • s is a fixed arbitrary type,
  • Ref :: * -> * ~ Lens s; references are lenses from s to the type of the referred value,
  • R :: * -> * ~ Reader s; the reference reading monad is the reader monad over s,
  • M :: * -> * ~ State s; the reference modifying monad is the state monad over s.

The three equality constraints are not exposed in the API, of course.


Exposed operations of Ref, R and M are the following:

  • The Monad instance of R and M
  • The monad morphism between R and M
liftReadPart :: R a -> M a
liftReadPart = gets . runReader
  • Reference read
readRef :: Ref a -> R a
readRef = reader . getL
  • Reference write
writeRef :: Ref a -> a -> M ()
writeRef = modify . setL r
  • Lens application on a reference
lensMap :: Lens a b -> Ref a -> Ref b
lensMap = (.)
  • Reference join
joinRef :: R (Ref a) -> Ref a
joinRef = Lens . join . (runLens .) . runReader
  • The unit reference
unitRef :: Ref ()
unitRef = lens (const ()) (const id)

Note that the identity lens is not a reference because that would leak the program state s.

Reference creation

New reference creation is our first operation wich helps modularity.

New reference creation with a given initial value extends the state. For example, if the state is (1, 'c') :: (Int, Char), extending the state with True :: Bool would yield the state (True, (1, 'c')) :: (Bool, (Int, Char)).

We could model the type change of the state with an indexed monad, but that would complicate both the API and the implementation too.

Instead of changing the type of the state, we use an extensible state, an abstract data type S with the operations

empty :: S
extend :: a -> State S (Lens S a)

such that the following laws hold:

  • extend v >> return () === return ()
  • extend v >>= liftReadPart . readRef === return v

The first law sais that extend has no side-effect, i.e. extending the state does not change the values of existing references. The second law sais that extending the state with value v creates a reference with inital value v.

Question: Is there a data type with such operations?

The answer is yes, but we should guarantee linear usage of the state. The (constructive) existence proof is given in the next section.

Linear usage of state is guaranteed with the above refereces API (check the definitions), which means that we have a solution.

Can this extensible state be implemented efficiently? Although this question is not relevant for the semantics, we will see that there is an efficient implementation with MVars (TODO).

Reference creation API

Let S be an extensible state as specified above. Let s = S in the definition of references.

  • C :: (* -> *) -> * -> * ~ StateT S, the reference creating monad is the state monad transformer over S.

The equality constraint is not exposed in the API. The following functions are exposed:

  • New reference creation
newRef :: Monad m => a -> C m (Ref a)
newRef v = mapStateT (return . runIdentity) $ extend v
  • Lift reference modifying operations
liftWrite :: Monad m => M a -> C m a
liftWrite = mapStateT (return . runIdentity)
  • Derived MonadTrans instance of C to be able to lift operations in the m monad.

Note that C is parameterized by a monad because in this way it is easier to add other effects later.


The API is completed with the following function:

  • Run the reference creation monad
runC :: Monad m => C m a -> m a
runC x = runStateT x empty



We can extend the state in an independent way (the new state piece is independent from the others). This may not be enough for modular design.

Suppose that we have a reference r :: Ref (Maybe Int) and we would like to expose an editor of it to the user. The exposed editor would contains a checkbox and an integer entry field. If the checkbox is unchecked, r should be Nothing, otherwise it should be Just i where i is the value of the entry field.

The problem is that we cannot remember the value of the entry field if the checkbox is unchecked! Lens-stacks give a nice solution to this problem.

Low-level API

Let's begin with the API. Suppose that we have an abstract data type S with the following operations:

empty :: S
extend' :: Lens S b -> Lens a b -> a -> State S (Lens S a)

such that the following laws hold:

  • Law 1: extend' has no side-effect:

extend' r k a0 >> return () === return ()

  • Law 2: k applied on the result of extend' r k a0 behaves as r:

liftM (k .) $ extend' r k a0 === return r

  • Law 3: Initialization of the newly defined reference:

extend' r k a0 >>= readRef === readRef r >>= setL k a0


Law 2 is the most interesting, it sais that we can apply a lens backwards with extend'. Backward lens application can introduce dependent local state.

Consider the following pure lens:

maybeLens :: Lens (Bool, a) (Maybe a)
  = lens (\(b, a) -> if b then Just a else Nothing)
         (\x (_, a) -> maybe (False, a) (\a' -> (True, a')) x)

Suppose that we have a reference r :: Lens S (Maybe Int). Consider the following operation:

extend' r maybeLens (False, 0)

This operations returns q :: Lens S (Bool, Int). If we connect fstLens q to a checkbox and sndLens q to an integer entry field, we get the expected behaviour as described in the motivation.

extend' introduces a dependent local state because q is automatically updated if r changes (and vice-versa).

Backward lens application can solve several long-standing problems with lenses, but it is another story to show that.

References API

Let S be an extensible state as specified above. Let s = S in the definition of references.

  • C :: (* -> *) -> * -> * ~ StateT S, the reference creating monad, is the state monad transformer over S.

The equality constraint is not exposed in the API. The following functions are exposed:

  • Dependent new reference creation
extRef :: Monad m => Ref b -> Lens a b -> a -> C m (Ref a)
extRef r k a0 = mapStateT (return . runIdentity) $ extend' r k a0
  • Lift reference modifying operations
liftWrite :: Monad m => M a -> C m a
liftWrite = mapStateT (return . runIdentity)
  • Derived MonadTrans instance of C to be able to lift operations in the m monad.

Note that newRef can be defined in terms of extRef so extRef is more expressive than newRef:

newRef :: Monad m => a -> C m (Ref a)
newRef = extRef unitRef (lens (const ()) (const id))


We prove constructively, by giving a reference implementation, that S exists. With this we also prove that S defined in the previous section exists because extend can be defined in terms of extend' (easy exercise: give the definition).

Reference implementation:

Let Chain a b be the type of lens-chains, the lists of lenses where neighbouring lenses can be composed (the domain of each lens matches the codomain of the previous lens), the domain of the first lens is a and the codomain of the last lens is b.

Auxiliary functions:

chainToLens :: Chain a b -> Lens a b
chainToLens = ...

The definition of S (an existentional type):

type S = forall a
       . S { value :: a
           , chain :: Chain a ()

Definition of empty:

empty :: S
empty = S () []

Definition of extend':

extend' :: Lens S b -> Lens a b -> a -> State S (Lens S a)
extend' r1 r2 a0 = state f  where

    r21 = setL r1 . getL r2
    r12 = setL r2 . getL r1

    f x0@(S value0 chain0)
        = ( k' . chainToLens (take (length chain - length chain0) chain)
          , S (r12 x0 a0, value0) (k : chain0)
        k  = lens snd $ \x (a, _) -> (r12 x a, x)
        k' = lens fst $ \a (_, x) -> (a, r21 a x)

The code does not type-check. However, if we suppose that values of S are used linearly, types will match at runtime. This means that unsafeCoerce can be used safely to force the Haskell compiler to accept the code.

TODO: more explanation of the code
