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Some notes for beginners on how to pronounce those strange Haskell operators etc.

This is just a rough start to this page. Obviously needs more work.

This can be a table with formal and informal ways of saying various operators and code snippets such as

Symbol Pronounciation
:: has type (in definitions); at type (in expressions or patterns)
-> maps to, to
= is
== equals
/= not-equals
=> is a witness for, implies
. dot (could be used anywhere, but especially in, for example, Data.Char.ord), ring, compose (for example, negate . (+1)), (silent) (for example, forall a. (Num a) => a)
<- drawn from, from
++ append
>>= bind
>> then
\ lambda
! bang; strict (in patterns or data definitions); index (in expressions)
~ irrefutable, lazy (in patterns)
: cons
[] nil
() unit
(,) 2-tuple, pair
(a,b,c) [3-]tuple [of] a, b, and c
({)} just as inconvenient to convey grouping verbally, whether it's layout or punctuation
Example Pronounciation
f :: Int -> Int f has type Int to Int

should we add informal, possibly bad suggestions like "then", "is", "gets"?