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Revision as of 07:10, 26 August 2008 by DonStewart (talk | contribs) (Automated update by hackage2hwn)
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Recent Package Updates hackage-daily.png Rss.png

Fast, packed, strict and lazy byte arrays with a list interface
regex-compat 0.92
Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex
regex-posix 0.93.2
Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex
binary 0.4.3
Binary serialisation for Haskell values using lazy ByteStrings
plugins 1.3
Dynamic linking for Haskell and C objects
bimap 0.2.4
Bidirectional mapping between two key types
control-monad-free 0.3
A monad transformer for free monads.
pxsl-tools 1.0.1
Parsimonious XML Shorthand Language--to-XML compiler
xcb-types 0.2.0
Parses XML files used by the XCB project
maybench 0.2.2
Automated benchmarking tool
benchpress 0.2.2
Micro-benchmarking with detailed statistics.
ieee-utils 0.2
dotgen 0.1
A simple interface for building .dot graph files.
HXQ 0.9.0
A Compiler from XQuery to Haskell
