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Revision as of 00:43, 30 September 2008 by DonStewart (talk | contribs) (Automated update by hackage2hwn)
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Recent Package Updates hackage-daily.png Rss.png

haxr 3000.1.1.1
XML-RPC client and server library.
Graphalyze 0.1
Graph-Theoretic Analysis library.
The Haskell-Scriptable Editor
haskore-synthesizer 0.0.2
Audio signal processing coded in Haskell
synthesizer 0.0.3
Audio signal processing coded in Haskell
haskore-supercollider 0.0.2
Haskore back-end for SuperCollider
haskore-realtime 0.0.2
Routines for realtime playback of Haskore songs
The Haskore Computer Music System
happs-tutorial 0.4.3
A HAppS Tutorial that is is own demo
haskeline 0.3.2
A command-line interface for user input, written in Haskell.
storablevector 0.2
Fast, packed, strict storable arrays with a list interface like ByteString
midi 0.1.2
Handling of MIDI messages and files
maccatcher 0.0.0
Obtain the host MAC address on *NIX and Windows.
explicit-exception 0.0.1
Exceptions which are explicit in the type signature.
hprotoc 0.3.1
Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications
protocol-buffers-descriptor 0.3.1
Self-description of Google Protocol Buffer specifications
