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Recent Package Updates hackage-daily.png Rss.png

Faster Haskell lists using stream fusion
stb-image 0.1.2
A wrapper around Sean Barrett's JPEG/PNG decoder
compact-map 2008.11.8
Compact Data.Map implementation using Data.Binary
HSHHelpers 0.1
Convenience functions and instances for HSH
HStringTemplateHelpers 0.0.1
Convenience functions and instances for HStringTemplate
HPDF 1.4.1
Generation of PDF documents
hsc3-dot 0.5
haskell supercollider graph drawing
hsc3-unsafe 0.5
Unsafe Haskell SuperCollider
hsc3 0.5
Haskell SuperCollider
hosc 0.5
Haskell Open Sound Control
Encode 1.1
Encoding character data
gitit 0.1.1
Wiki using HAppS, git, and pandoc.
kibro 0.4.2
Web development framework.
ehaskell 0.4
like eruby, ehaskell is embedded haskell.
CPBrainfuck 1.1
A simple Brainfuck interpretter.
haddock 2.4.1
A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries
pandoc 1.1
Conversion between markup formats
Vec 0.9.4
Fixed-length lists and low-dimensional linear algebra.
