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Revision as of 08:04, 4 January 2009 by DonStewart (talk | contribs) (Automated update by hackage2hwn)
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Recent Package Updates hackage-daily.png Rss.png

byteorder 1.0.0
native byte-ordering of the system
mediawiki 0.2.4
Interfacing with the MediaWiki API
bytestring-trie 0.1.1
An efficient finite map from (byte)strings to values.
flickr 0.3.3
Haskell binding to the Flickr API
cabal2doap 0.1
Cabal to Description-of-a-Project (DOAP)
HSHHelpers 0.18
Convenience functions that use HSH, instances for HSH.
binary-strict 0.4.2
Binary deserialisation using strict ByteStrings
wx 0.11.0
wxcore 0.11.0
wxHaskell core
errno 0.1
a FFI utility
kure-your-boilerplate 0.1.1
Generator for Boilerplate KURE Combinators
kure 0.2.3
Combinators for Strategic Programming
elf 0.2
Parser for ELF object format.
osx-ar 0.1
Parser for OS X static archive format.
universal-binary 0.1
Parser for OS X Universal Binary format.
