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Revision as of 08:02, 2 February 2009 by DonStewart (talk | contribs) (Automated update by hackage2hwn)
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Recent Package Updates hackage-daily.png Rss.png

PerfectHash 0.1.1
A perfect hashing library for mapping bytestrings to values.
syb-with-class 0.5.1
Scrap Your Boilerplate With Class
gofer-prelude 2.30.2
The Gofer 2.30 standard prelude
OpenVG 0.1
OpenVG (shivag-0.2.0) binding
gitit 0.5.3
Wiki using HAppS, git or darcs, and pandoc.
rss2irc 0.2
Subscribe to an RSS feed and write it to an IRC channel
mkcabal 0.4.2
Generate cabal files for a Haskell project
hszephyr 0.1
Simple libzephyr bindings
xml2x 0.4.1
Convert BLAST output in XML format to CSV or HTML
djinn 2009.2.1
Generate Haskell code from a type
testpack 1.0.2
Test Utililty Pack for HUnit and QuickCheck
hS3 0.5
Interface to Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3)
hackage-sparks 0.3
Generate sparkline graphs of hackage statistics
plugins 1.4.0
Dynamic linking for Haskell and C objects
diagrams 0.2
An EDSL for creating simple diagrams
