
From HaskellWiki
Revision as of 03:10, 14 November 2006 by DonStewart (talk | contribs) (This week's news)
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  • Compiling Haskell to Javascript: YCR2JS. Dimitry Golubovsky announced Ycr2js, a sub-project within the York Haskell Compiler (Yhc) project. It is aimed to create a tool to convert an arbitrary Haskell program into Javascript which in turn may be executed in any Web browser. With great amount of help from the Yhc Team, the converter has been integrated into the Yhc project, and initial stage of coding and development has been completed. More documentation.

  • System.FilePath 0.10. Neil Mitchell announced System.FilePath 0.10, which hopefully is pretty close to final. This library manipulates FilePath's correctly on both Posix and Windows.

  • Major typeclass overhaul. Simon Peyton-Jones mentioned that for some time he has been promising an overhaul of GHC's type inference machinery to fix the interactions between type classes and GADTs. This overhaul has now been completed, and user-visible changes are summarised, including: GHC's type inference becomes complete, the restriction that every constraint in a type signature must mention at least one of the quantified type variables is lifted, dictionaries are packaged in data constructors and the proper interaction between GADTs and type classes is now respected.

  • Implementing the lambda calculus. Lennart Augustsson wrote about implementing interpreters for the lambda-calculus in Haskell, to experiment with different implementation methods.

  • Great language shootout: reloaded. Don Stewart mentioned that now GHC 6.6 is available on the shootout machines, the time has come to improve the existing language shootout entries. Improvements can be posted to the wiki for review.

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