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Revision as of 01:10, 20 December 2006 by DonStewart (talk | contribs) (This week's news)
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  • Edison 1.2.1. Robert Dockins announced the 1.2.1 release of Edison. Edison is a famous library of efficient, purely-functional data structures in Haskell. Notable changes from the previous version include: a new sequence implementation based on finger trees; documentation fixes dealing with the licence; added a few methods to EnumSet for wrapping and unwrapping the underlying Word

  • Basic serialisation library using SYB. Stefan O'Rear announced GenericSerialize, a library for serialization using the existing generic-programming framework. It is often advocated that support for serialization should be added to the compiler (e.g. in the form of a deriving(Binary)). With this project Stefan wants to show that the existing infrastructure is sufficient, and has some advantages over a dedicated serialization interface. GenericSerialize supports multiple serialization modes.

  • vty 1.0. Stefan O'Rear announced vty 1.0, a simple terminal interface library. It provides: handling of suspend/resume, window resizes, computation of minimal differences, minimizes repaint area, automatically decodes keyboard keys into (key,modifier) tuples, and more!

  • Monad.Reader call for copy. Wouter Swierstra reminded us that its still not too late to write something for the next issue of The Monad.Reader! We have a nice issue slowly shaping up, but your contribution is still very welcome. Get in touch with Wouter if you intend to submit something -- the sooner you let him know what you're up to, the better.

  • Ranged Sets. Paul Johnson announced that Ranged Sets now have a Monoid instance, and singletons (i.e. a range holding a single value), thanks to Jean-Philippe Bernardy.

  • CalDims 1.0 (RC 1). schneegloeckchen announced CalDims, a calculator aware of units. Its available from the Haskell wiki. It includes support for user defined basic units and derrived units; user defined functions; work sheets can be modified/saved via shell; (1/3)*3 == 1 (No rounding errors); built-in feature to simplify units and easy unit-conversion.

  • JoinCabal. Dougal Stanton announced an alternative to mkcabal, for initialising new cabal projects: JoinCabal, available via darcs. JoinCabal will create stub sources files with a license header, and appropriate license for you code, making it easier to set up a valid cabal build system.

  • Haskell Vim plugin. Arthur van Leeuwen announced a new vim plugin for Haskell providing some preliminary folding support, easy insertion of type signatures into programs, and support for handling .hi files.

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