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insert :: (Ord k, Monoid v) => k -> v -> IMap k v -> IMap k v
insert :: (Ord k, Monoid v) => k -> v -> IMap k v -> IMap k v
insert k v inp@(IMap xs) = insert' $ viewl r
insert k v (IMap xs) = insert' $ viewl r
(l,r) = split (>= Key k undefined) xs
(l,r) = split (>= Key k undefined) xs

Revision as of 19:11, 12 September 2008

--Dfplace 16:19, 12 September 2008 (UTC)

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
module IMap where
import Data.FingerTree 
import Data.List hiding (insert,delete,lookup)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Monoid

data Elem a b = Elem a b 

data Key k v = NoKey | Key k v 

instance Eq k => Eq (Key k v) where 
    (Key j _) == (Key k _) = j == k

instance Ord k => Ord (Key k v) where 
    compare (Key j _) (Key k _) = compare j k

instance Monoid v => Monoid (Key a v) where
    mempty                        = NoKey
    k `mappend` NoKey             = k
    NoKey `mappend` k             = k
    (Key _ x) `mappend` (Key k y) = Key k (x `mappend` y)

data IMap a b = IMap (FingerTree (Key a b) (Elem a b))

instance (Monoid b) => Measured (Key a b) (Elem a b) where
    measure (Elem x y) = Key x y

insert :: (Ord k, Monoid v) => k -> v -> IMap k v -> IMap k v
insert k v (IMap xs) = insert' $ viewl r
      (l,r) = split (>= Key k undefined) xs
      new = IMap ( l >< (Elem k v <| r))
      insert' ((Elem y _) :< r') 
          | k == y    = IMap ( l >< (Elem k v <| r'))
          | otherwise = new
      insert' EmptyL  = new

delete :: (Ord k, Monoid v) => k -> IMap k v -> IMap k v
delete x (IMap xs) = IMap (l >< r')
      (l,r)  = split (>= Key x undefined) xs
      (_,r') = split (> Key x undefined) r

lookup :: (Monad m, Ord t, Monoid v) => t -> IMap t v -> m v
lookup x (IMap xs) = lookup' $ 
                     viewl . snd $ 
                     split (>= Key x undefined) xs
      lookup' ((Elem y v) :< _) 
          | y == x    = return v 
          | otherwise = fail "IMap.lookup failed"
      lookup' EmptyL  = fail "IMap.lookup failed"

getValue :: (Monoid v) => IMap k v -> v
getValue (IMap xs) = let (Key _ v) = measure xs in v