Type composition

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I'd like to get some forms of type composition into a standard library. Below is my first shot at it. I'm using these definitions in a new version of Phooey.

Comments & suggestions, please. Conal 23:16, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

Code, first draft

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
-- Various type constructor compositions and instances for them.
-- References:
-- [1] [http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/Applicative.html Applicative Programming with Effects]

module Control.Compose ((:.:)(..), (:.::)(..), (::.:)(..), App(..)) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow hiding (pure)
import Data.Monoid

-- | Often useful for \"acceptors\" (consumers, sinks) of values.
class Cofunctor acc where
  cofmap :: (a -> b) -> (acc b -> acc a)

-- | Composition of type constructors: unary & unary.  Called "g . f"
-- in [1], section 5.
newtype (g :.: f) a = T_T { runT_T :: g (f a) }

instance (Functor g, Functor f) => Functor (g :.: f) where
  fmap f (T_T m) = T_T (fmap (fmap f) m)

instance (Applicative g, Applicative f) => Applicative (g :.: f) where
  pure                   = T_T . pure . pure
  T_T getf <*> T_T getx  = T_T (liftA2 (<*>) getf getx)

-- standard Monoid instance for Applicative applied to Monoid
instance (Applicative (f :.: g), Monoid a) => Monoid ((f :.: g) a) where
  { mempty = pure mempty; mappend = (*>) }

instance (Functor g, Cofunctor f) => Cofunctor (g :.: f) where
  cofmap h (T_T gf) = T_T (fmap (cofmap h) gf)

-- Or this alternative.  Having both yields "Duplicate instance
-- declarations".  How to decide between these instances?
-- instance (Cofunctor g, Functor f) => Cofunctor (g :.: f) where
--   cofmap h (T_T gf) = T_T (cofmap (fmap h) gf)

-- | Composition of type constructors: unary & binary.  Called
-- "StaticArrow" in [1], section 6.

newtype (f :.:: (~>)) a b = T_TT { runT_TT :: f (a ~> b) }

instance (Applicative f, Arrow (~>)) => Arrow (f :.:: (~>)) where
  arr                = T_TT . pure . arr
  T_TT g >>> T_TT h  = T_TT (liftA2 (>>>) g h)
  first (T_TT g)     = T_TT (liftA first g)

-- For instance, /\ a b. f (a -> m b) =~  f :.:: Kleisli m

-- | Composition of type constructors: unary & binary.
-- Wolfgang Jeltsch pointed out a problem with these definitions: 'splitA'
-- and 'mergeA' are not inverses.  The definition of 'first', e.g.,
-- violates the \"extension\" law and causes repeated execution.  Look for
-- a reformulation or a clarification of required properties of the
-- applicative functor @f@.

newtype ((~>) ::.: f) a b = TT_T {runTT_T :: f a ~> f b}

instance (Arrow (~>), Applicative f) => Arrow ((~>) ::.: f) where
  arr                = TT_T . arr . liftA
  TT_T g >>> TT_T h  = TT_T (g >>> h)
  first (TT_T a)     =
    TT_T (arr splitA >>> first a >>> arr mergeA)

instance (ArrowLoop (~>), Applicative f) => ArrowLoop ((~>) ::.: f) where
  -- loop :: UI (b,d) (c,d) -> UI b c
  loop (TT_T k) =
    TT_T (loop (arr mergeA >>> k >>> arr splitA))

mergeA :: Applicative f => (f a, f b) -> f (a,b)
mergeA ~(fa,fb) = liftA2 (,) fa fb

splitA :: Applicative f => f (a,b) -> (f a, f b)
splitA fab = (liftA fst fab, liftA snd fab)

-- | Flip type arguments
newtype Flip (~>) b a = Flip (a ~> b)

instance Arrow (~>) => Cofunctor (Flip (~>) b) where
  cofmap h (Flip f) = Flip (arr h >>> f)

-- | Type application
newtype App f a = App { runApp :: f a }

-- Example: App IO ()
instance (Applicative f, Monoid m) => Monoid (App f m) where
  mempty = App (pure mempty)
  App a `mappend` App b = App (a *> b)

-- We can also drop the App constructor, but then we overlap with many
-- other instances, like [a].
instance (Applicative f, Monoid a) => Monoid (f a) where
  mempty = pure mempty
  mappend = (*>)
