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--Othello (Reversi). Manuel Hernández, April 2011.
import Random
import List
data Element = O | X | E | L deriving (Eq,Show)
data ArbolG = T Board [ArbolG] deriving Show
type Board = [Element]
data ArbolG1 = T1 (Element,Integer,Board,Int,Int) [ArbolG1] deriving Show
--Bug? Hugs does not accept "vectors" from size > 5 to show
data ArbolG3 = T3 (Element, -- Player
Integer, -- Mov
Board, -- Position
(Int,Int,Int) -- (num Xs, num Os, num Movs)
) [ArbolG3] deriving Show
data ArbolG4 = T4 (Element, -- Player
[Integer], -- Mov
(Int,Int,Int) -- (num Xs, num Os, num Movs)
) [ArbolG4] deriving Show
data MvVal = MvVal {mov::Integer, xs :: Int, os :: Int} deriving Show
lcoords = concat [[(x+1)..(x+8)]| x<-[10,20..80]]
coords pos = zipWith (\x y -> (x,y)) lcoords pos
expandx pos ((ini,X),(cand, O)) =
let (delta,av) = (cand-ini,cand+delta)
es = findCoords av (coords pos)
in if null es then [] else
let h = snd (head es) in
case h of
X -> []
E -> [(cand,O),(av,E)]
O -> let rest = expandoX pos delta (av, O) in
if null rest then [] else (cand, O):rest
expandoX pos delta (av, O) =
let av1 = av + delta
es = findCoords av1 (coords pos)
in if null es then [] else
let h = snd (head es) in
case h of
X -> []
E -> [(av, O),(av1, E)]
O -> let rest= expandoX pos delta (av1, O) in
if null rest then [] else (av, O):rest
expando pos ((ini,O),(cand, X)) =
(delta,av) = (cand-ini,cand+delta)
es = findCoords av (coords pos)
if null es then [] else
let h = snd (head es) in
case h of
O -> []
E -> [(cand, X),(av, E)]
X -> let rest = expandxO pos delta (av, X) in
if null rest then [] else (cand, X):rest
expandxO pos delta (av, X) = let
av1 = av + delta
es = findCoords av1 (coords pos) in
if null es then [] else
let h = snd (head es) in
case h of
O -> []
E -> [(av, X),(av1, E)]
X -> let rest= expandxO pos delta (av1, X) in
if null rest then [] else (av, X):rest
allNum player pos = (nub . sort)
(map (fst) (validMoves player pos))
validMoves player pos = map last (allMoves player pos)
allMoves player pos = filter (/=[]) (movs player pos)
movs player pos = if player==X then
map (expandx pos) (concat (onlyNBos X pos))
map (expando pos) (concat (onlyNBos O pos))
candidates (init, ls) = zip (repeat init) ls
findF e coors = (filter (\x -> (snd x)==e) coors)
findCoords m coors = (filter (\x -> (fst x) == m) coors)
neighbs e1 pos (n, e) = ((n, e),(only e1
[findCoords x (coords pos)| x<-dirs n])))
-- Para hallar los vecinos a una ficha X
onlyNBos player pos = map (candidates . (neighbs (change player) pos))
(findF player (coords pos))
only e ls = filter (\x -> (snd x)==e) ls
dirs n | elem n ([22..27]++[32..37]++[42..47]++[52..57]++[62..67]++[72..77])
= map (+n) [-11,-10,-9,-1,1,9,10,11]
| elem n [12..17] = map (+n) [-1,1,9,10,11]
| elem n [82..87] = map (+n) [-1,1,-9,-10,-11]
| elem n [21,31..71] = map (+n) [-10,-9,1,10,11]
| elem n [28,38..78] = map (+n) [-11,-10,-1,9,10]
| elem n [11] = [12,22,21]
| elem n [88] = [87,77,78]
| elem n [81] = [71,72,82]
| elem n [18] = [17,27,28]
numTTT= 64
part8 [] = []
part8 (a:bs) = (take 8 (a:bs)):(part8 (drop 8 (a:bs)))
posIni = (take 24 (repeat E))++[E,E,E,X,O,E,E,E,
E,E,E,O,X,E,E,E]++(take 24 (repeat E))
to a = snd (head (filter (\x -> a==fst x) (zip lcoords [1..64])))
maxV (MvVal n1 a1 b1) (MvVal n2 a2 b2) | a1<=a2 = MvVal n2 a2 b2
| otherwise = MvVal n1 a1 b1
findMaxV ls = foldr (maxV) (MvVal 0 (-1000) 0) ls
showB [] = ""
showB (a:bs) = (show a)++"\n"++(showB bs)
showBoard pos = putStr (" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \n"
++[xchange x|x<-(showB (part8 pos))])
xchange x | x==',' = '|'
| x=='E' = '_'
| otherwise = x
count player pos = length (filter (==player) pos)
validCoord player pos = nub (strip (validMoves player pos))
strip [] = []
strip ((n, x):ls) = fst (n, x):strip ls
------------------------------begin wrt X---------------------
allVBasic player g pos =
T1 (player,g,pos,count X pos,count O pos) ls
ls = [T1 (mMoveVirtual player k pos) [] | k <- (allNum player pos)]
barrer player (T1 (p,m,pos,n1,n2) []) = allVBasic player m pos
barrer player (T1 (p,m,pos,n1,n2) (c:cs)) =
T1 (player,m,pos,count X pos,count O pos)
(map (barrer (change player)) (c:cs))
genTree player pos n = take n (iterate (barrer player) (T1 (X,0,pos,2,2) []))
--Realmente sólo se utilizan jugador=X y posición=pos
mMoveVirtual player n pos =
let newpos = (applyMove
(apply player (nub (concat
(filter (\x->fst (head x)==n)
(map reverse
(allMoves player pos)))))) pos)
in (player, n, newpos, count X newpos, count O newpos)
--Dato: (jugador,movimiento,posición,cuantosX,cuantosO)
sortby [] = []
sortby ((a1,b1):bs) = sortby [x | x<- bs, snd x < b1]++[(a1,b1)]++
sortby [x | x<- bs, snd x >= b1]
newPos player n pos =
(apply player (nub (concat
(filter (\x->fst (head x)==n)
(map reverse
(allMoves player pos)))))) pos
mMvVirtual player n pos =
let newpos = (applyMove
(apply player (nub (concat
(filter (\x->fst (head x)==n)
(map reverse
(allMoves player pos)))))) pos)
in MvVal n (count X newpos) (count O newpos)
transTree (T1 (n,mov,pos,xs,os) []) = T4 (n,[mov],(xs-os,os,nm)) []
nm = length (allNum n pos)
transTree (T1 (n,mov,pos,xs,os) (a:bs)) = T4 (n,[mov],(xs,os,nm)) ls
ls = (map transTree (a:bs))
nm = length (allNum n pos)
minimax (T4 (n,[mov],(numberOfxs,numberOfos,nm)) [])
|nm==0 = ([mov],-70) -- -70 o 70?
minimax (T4 (n,[mov],(numberOfxs,numberOfos,nm)) [])
|nm>0 = ([mov],-numberOfxs)
minimax (T4 (n,[mov],(numberOfxs,numberOfos,nm)) (a:bs)) = (ms,n)
ls = (negP (minList' (map minimax (a:bs))))
(mvT,val) = ls
ms = (mov:mvT) -- ++[mov]
n = val
app ls (ms,t) = (ls++ms,t)
negP (a,b) = (a,-b)
bestMv player pos n =
minimax (transTree (last (genTree player pos n)))
minList ls = foldr (min) (1000) ls
minP (a1,b1) (a2,b2) = if b1<b2 then (a1,b1) else (a2,b2)
minList' ls = foldr (minP) ([],1000) ls
mMove player n pos = showBoard (applyMove
(apply player (nub (concat
(filter (\x->fst (head x)==n)
(map reverse
(allMoves player pos)))))) pos)
---------------------------end wrt X-----------------------------
apply player [] = []
apply player ((n,e):ls) = (n,player):apply player ls
applyMove [] pos = pos
applyMove ((n,player):ls) pos = applyMove ls (sustn player (to n) pos)
sustn :: (Num a, Ord a) => b -> a -> [b] -> [b]
sustn a 1 (c:cs) = (a:cs)
sustn a n (c:cs) | n>1 = c:(sustn a (n-1) cs)
change X = O
change O = X
------Ahora ya juega muy bien :) (xs - os)
calcMov :: Board -> IO()
calcMov pos = do
--Report winner..., missing
bm = head (tail (fst (bestMv X pos 3)))
newpos1 = newPos X bm pos
mMove X bm pos
putStr $ show bm
putStr $ "\n"
putStrLn $ "Fichas negras: " ++ (show (count X newpos1))
putStrLn $ "Fichas blancas: " ++ (show (count O newpos1))
putStrLn $ (show (allNum O newpos1))++"\n"
putStr "Tu movimiento: "
input <- getLine
let square = (read input) :: Integer
-- putStr (show square)
newpos2 = newPos O square newpos1
mMove O square newpos1
putStrLn $ "Fichas negras: "++ (show (count X newpos2))
putStrLn $ "Fichas blancas: "++ (show (count O newpos2))
calcMov (newPos O square newpos2)
main = calcMov posIni
--a) Three players (or more)
--b) Scattering pieces over the board
--c) Boards with obstacles (squares, or diamonds, for example)
--d) Boards with distinct geometrical forms.
--e) Boards with distinct square geometry.
--f) Random static token
--g) Factor number betrayed
--h) ¿Dimensions?
--i) Special turns (like to put a token over an arbitrary square)
<nowiki>Insert non-formatted text here</nowiki>

Revision as of 23:50, 4 April 2011

--Othello (Reversi). Manuel Hernández, April 2011. import Random import List

data Element = O | X | E | L deriving (Eq,Show) data ArbolG = T Board [ArbolG] deriving Show type Board = [Element] data ArbolG1 = T1 (Element,Integer,Board,Int,Int) [ArbolG1] deriving Show --Bug? Hugs does not accept "vectors" from size > 5 to show data ArbolG3 = T3 (Element, -- Player

                  Integer, -- Mov
                  Board, -- Position
                  (Int,Int,Int) -- (num Xs, num Os, num Movs) 
                  ) [ArbolG3] deriving Show

data ArbolG4 = T4 (Element, -- Player

                  [Integer], -- Mov
                  (Int,Int,Int) -- (num Xs, num Os, num Movs) 
                  ) [ArbolG4] deriving Show

data MvVal = MvVal {mov::Integer, xs :: Int, os :: Int} deriving Show

lcoords = concat [[(x+1)..(x+8)]| x<-[10,20..80]]

coords pos = zipWith (\x y -> (x,y)) lcoords pos

expandx pos ((ini,X),(cand, O)) =

       let (delta,av) = (cand-ini,cand+delta)
           es = findCoords av (coords pos)
           in if null es then [] else 
                let h = snd (head es) in
                   case h of 
                    X -> []
                    E -> [(cand,O),(av,E)]
                    O ->  let rest = expandoX pos delta (av, O) in
                            if null rest then [] else (cand, O):rest 

expandoX pos delta (av, O) =

            let av1 = av + delta
                es = findCoords av1 (coords pos)
                 in if null es then [] else
                   let h = snd (head es) in 
                     case h of 
                       X -> [] 
                       E -> [(av, O),(av1, E)]
                       O -> let rest= expandoX pos delta (av1, O) in
                              if null rest then [] else (av, O):rest

expando pos ((ini,O),(cand, X)) =

          (delta,av) = (cand-ini,cand+delta)
          es = findCoords av (coords pos)
           if null es  then [] else 
                let h = snd (head es) in
                   case h of 
                    O -> []
                    E -> [(cand, X),(av, E)]
                    X ->  let rest = expandxO pos delta (av, X) in
                            if null rest then [] else  (cand, X):rest 

expandxO pos delta (av, X) = let

                av1 = av + delta
                es = findCoords av1 (coords pos) in
                  if null es then [] else
                       let h = snd (head es) in 
                         case h of 
                          O -> [] 
                          E -> [(av, X),(av1, E)]
                          X -> let rest= expandxO pos delta (av1, X) in
                                   if null rest then [] else  (av, X):rest

allNum player pos = (nub . sort)

             (map (fst) (validMoves player pos))

validMoves player pos = map last (allMoves player pos)

allMoves player pos = filter (/=[]) (movs player pos)

movs player pos = if player==X then

       map (expandx pos) (concat (onlyNBos X pos))
       map (expando pos) (concat (onlyNBos O pos))

candidates (init, ls) = zip (repeat init) ls

findF e coors = (filter (\x -> (snd x)==e) coors)

findCoords m coors = (filter (\x -> (fst x) == m) coors)

neighbs e1 pos (n, e) = ((n, e),(only e1

                                  [findCoords x (coords pos)| x<-dirs n])))

-- Para hallar los vecinos a una ficha X onlyNBos player pos = map (candidates . (neighbs (change player) pos))

                                    (findF player (coords pos))

only e ls = filter (\x -> (snd x)==e) ls

dirs n | elem n ([22..27]++[32..37]++[42..47]++[52..57]++[62..67]++[72..77])

                        =  map (+n) [-11,-10,-9,-1,1,9,10,11]
      | elem n [12..17] = map (+n) [-1,1,9,10,11]
      | elem n [82..87] = map (+n) [-1,1,-9,-10,-11]
      | elem n [21,31..71] = map (+n) [-10,-9,1,10,11]
      | elem n [28,38..78] = map (+n) [-11,-10,-1,9,10]
      | elem n [11] = [12,22,21]
      | elem n [88] = [87,77,78]
      | elem n [81] = [71,72,82]
      | elem n [18] = [17,27,28]

numTTT::Int numTTT= 64

part8 [] = [] part8 (a:bs) = (take 8 (a:bs)):(part8 (drop 8 (a:bs)))

posIni::[Element] posIni = (take 24 (repeat E))++[E,E,E,X,O,E,E,E,

                                E,E,E,O,X,E,E,E]++(take 24 (repeat E))

to a = snd (head (filter (\x -> a==fst x) (zip lcoords [1..64])))

maxV (MvVal n1 a1 b1) (MvVal n2 a2 b2) | a1<=a2 = MvVal n2 a2 b2

                                      | otherwise = MvVal n1 a1 b1

findMaxV ls = foldr (maxV) (MvVal 0 (-1000) 0) ls

showB [] = "" showB (a:bs) = (show a)++"\n"++(showB bs)

showBoard pos = putStr (" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \n"

               ++[xchange x|x<-(showB (part8 pos))])

xchange x | x==',' = '|'

         | x=='E' = '_'
         | otherwise = x

count player pos = length (filter (==player) pos)

validCoord player pos = nub (strip (validMoves player pos))

strip [] = [] strip ((n, x):ls) = fst (n, x):strip ls

begin wrt X---------------------

allVBasic player g pos =

          T1 (player,g,pos,count X pos,count O pos) ls
           ls = [T1 (mMoveVirtual player k pos) [] | k <- (allNum player pos)]

barrer player (T1 (p,m,pos,n1,n2) []) = allVBasic player m pos barrer player (T1 (p,m,pos,n1,n2) (c:cs)) =

          T1 (player,m,pos,count X pos,count O pos) 
                (map (barrer (change player)) (c:cs))

genTree player pos n = take n (iterate (barrer player) (T1 (X,0,pos,2,2) [])) --Realmente sólo se utilizan jugador=X y posición=pos

mMoveVirtual player n pos =

           let newpos = (applyMove 
                   (apply player (nub (concat 
                     (filter (\x->fst (head x)==n) 
                       (map reverse 
                              (allMoves player pos)))))) pos)
            in (player, n, newpos, count X newpos, count O newpos)

--Dato: (jugador,movimiento,posición,cuantosX,cuantosO)

sortby [] = [] sortby ((a1,b1):bs) = sortby [x | x<- bs, snd x < b1]++[(a1,b1)]++

                     sortby [x | x<- bs, snd x >= b1] 

newPos player n pos =

                   (apply player (nub (concat 
                     (filter (\x->fst (head x)==n) 
                       (map reverse 
                              (allMoves player pos)))))) pos

mMvVirtual player n pos =

           let newpos = (applyMove
                   (apply player (nub (concat 
                     (filter (\x->fst (head x)==n) 
                       (map reverse 
                              (allMoves player pos)))))) pos)
                         in MvVal n (count X newpos) (count O newpos)

transTree (T1 (n,mov,pos,xs,os) []) = T4 (n,[mov],(xs-os,os,nm)) []

                                      nm = length (allNum n pos)

transTree (T1 (n,mov,pos,xs,os) (a:bs)) = T4 (n,[mov],(xs,os,nm)) ls

                              ls =  (map transTree (a:bs))
                              nm = length (allNum n pos)

minimax (T4 (n,[mov],(numberOfxs,numberOfos,nm)) [])

                       |nm==0 = ([mov],-70) -- -70 o 70?

minimax (T4 (n,[mov],(numberOfxs,numberOfos,nm)) [])

                       |nm>0 = ([mov],-numberOfxs) 

minimax (T4 (n,[mov],(numberOfxs,numberOfos,nm)) (a:bs)) = (ms,n)

            ls = (negP (minList' (map minimax (a:bs))))
            (mvT,val) = ls 
            ms = (mov:mvT) -- ++[mov]
            n  = val

app ls (ms,t) = (ls++ms,t) negP (a,b) = (a,-b)

bestMv player pos n =

              minimax (transTree (last (genTree player pos n)))

minList ls = foldr (min) (1000) ls minP (a1,b1) (a2,b2) = if b1<b2 then (a1,b1) else (a2,b2) minList' ls = foldr (minP) ([],1000) ls

mMove player n pos = showBoard (applyMove

                 (apply player (nub (concat 
                     (filter (\x->fst (head x)==n) 
                       (map reverse 
                              (allMoves player pos)))))) pos)

end wrt X-----------------------------

apply player [] = [] apply player ((n,e):ls) = (n,player):apply player ls

applyMove [] pos = pos applyMove ((n,player):ls) pos = applyMove ls (sustn player (to n) pos)

sustn :: (Num a, Ord a) => b -> a -> [b] -> [b] sustn a 1 (c:cs) = (a:cs) sustn a n (c:cs) | n>1 = c:(sustn a (n-1) cs)

change X = O change O = X

Ahora ya juega muy bien :) (xs - os)

calcMov :: Board -> IO() calcMov pos = do

       --Report winner..., missing
         bm = head (tail (fst (bestMv X pos 3)))
         newpos1 = newPos X bm pos
       mMove X bm  pos
       putStr $ show bm
       putStr $ "\n"
       putStrLn $ "Fichas negras: " ++ (show (count X newpos1))
       putStrLn $ "Fichas blancas: " ++ (show (count O newpos1))
       putStrLn $ (show (allNum O newpos1))++"\n"
       putStr "Tu movimiento: "
       input <- getLine
       let square = (read input) :: Integer

-- putStr (show square)

         newpos2 = newPos O square newpos1
       mMove O square newpos1  
       putStrLn $ "Fichas negras: "++ (show (count X newpos2))                
       putStrLn $ "Fichas blancas: "++ (show (count O newpos2))                
       calcMov (newPos O square newpos2)          

main = calcMov posIni

--Variants: --a) Three players (or more) --b) Scattering pieces over the board --c) Boards with obstacles (squares, or diamonds, for example) --d) Boards with distinct geometrical forms. --e) Boards with distinct square geometry. --f) Random static token --g) Factor number betrayed --h) ¿Dimensions? --i) Special turns (like to put a token over an arbitrary square) Insert non-formatted text here