Difference between revisions of "Xmonad/Config archive/webframp's xmonad.hs"

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(String to [String] in safeSpawn)
m (WSDirection is now Direction1D)
(One intermediate revision by one other user not shown)
Line 26: Line 26:
import XMonad.Prompt.AppendFile (appendFilePrompt)
import XMonad.Prompt.AppendFile (appendFilePrompt)
-- Actions
-- Actions
import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS (nextScreen, prevScreen, shiftNextScreen, shiftPrevScreen, toggleWS, WSDirection(..), WSType(..), findWorkspace)
import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS (nextScreen, prevScreen, shiftNextScreen, shiftPrevScreen, toggleWS, Direction1D(..), WSType(..), findWorkspace)
import XMonad.Actions.WindowGo (title, raiseMaybe, runOrRaise) --, (=?))
import XMonad.Actions.WindowGo (title, raiseMaybe, runOrRaise) --, (=?))
import XMonad.Actions.UpdatePointer
import XMonad.Actions.UpdatePointer
Line 48: Line 48:
import XMonad.Layout.Named
import XMonad.Layout.Named
import Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.XF86 (xF86XK_AudioMute, xF86XK_AudioLowerVolume, xF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
Line 72: Line 71:
onWorkspace "web" mostlyTall $
onWorkspace "web" mostlyTall $
onWorkspace "art" gimp standardLayouts)
onWorkspace "art" gimp standardLayouts)
, manageHook = mManageHook
, manageHook = mManageHook -- <+> manageMonitor screenletRingSensor
, logHook = (dynamicLogWithPP $ mPP dzpipe) >> updatePointer (Relative 0.95 0.95)
, logHook = (dynamicLogWithPP $ mPP dzpipe) >> updatePointer (Relative 0.95 0.95)
, startupHook = return () >> checkKeymap defaultConfig lacKeys >> setWMName "LG3D"
, startupHook = return () >> checkKeymap defaultConfig lacKeys >> setWMName "LG3D"
`additionalKeysP` lacKeys
`additionalKeysP` lacKeys
`additionalKeys` -- need these since a few keys are not defined in EZConfig
[ ((0 ,xF86XK_AudioLowerVolume ), unsafeSpawn "amixer -q set Master 2dB-" )
, ((0 ,xF86XK_AudioMute ), unsafeSpawn "amixer -q set Master toggle" )
, ((0 ,xF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume ), unsafeSpawn "amixer -q set Master 2dB+" )
, ((0 ,xK_Print ), unsafeSpawn "scrot '%Y-%m-%d-%H%M_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $f ~/screenshots/'") -- Print Screen
-- }}}
-- }}}
Line 111: Line 104:
" -fn '" ++ barXFont ++ "'" ++
" -fn '" ++ barXFont ++ "'" ++
" -w 1920 -x 0 -y 0 -ta l -e ''"
" -w 1920 -x 0 -y 0 -ta l -e ''"
notesFile = "/home/webframp/TODO"
notesFile = "/home/webframp/TODO"
mTerm = "urxvtc"
mTerm = "urxvtc"
Line 137: Line 131:
, ppUrgent = dzenColor colorDarkGray colorYellow . wrap "[" "]"
, ppUrgent = dzenColor colorDarkGray colorYellow . wrap "[" "]"
, ppTitle = dzenColor colorWhite "" . trim
, ppTitle = dzenColor colorWhite "" . trim
--, ppSort = scratchpadFilterOutWorkspace
, ppExtras = [logMail]
, ppExtras = [logMail]
, ppOutput = hPutStrLn h
, ppOutput = hPutStrLn h
Line 188: Line 181:
ResizableTall 2 (1/118) (11/20) [5/4,5/4,5/4]
ResizableTall 2 (1/118) (11/20) [5/4,5/4,5/4]
-- Manage Hook {{{
-- Window rules aka Manage Hook {{{
mManageHook :: ManageHook
mManageHook :: ManageHook
mManageHook = scratchpadManageHook (W.RationalRect 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.35) <+>
mManageHook = scratchpadManageHook (W.RationalRect 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.35) <+>
Line 197: Line 190:
[ className =? m --> doShift "mail" | m <- mails] ,
[ className =? m --> doShift "mail" | m <- mails] ,
[ resource =? "desktop_window" --> doIgnore
[ resource =? "desktop_window" --> doIgnore
, className =? "Epdfview" --> doShift "read"
, className =? "Apvlv" --> doShift "read"
, className =? "Okular" --> doShift "read"
, className =? "Xpdf" --> doShift "read"
, className =? "VirtualBox" --> doShift "win"
, className =? "VirtualBox" --> doShift "win"
, className =? "Tsclient" --> doShift "win"
, className =? "Tsclient" --> doShift "win"
Line 218: Line 209:
lacKeys :: [([Char], X ())]
lacKeys :: [([Char], X ())]
lacKeys =
lacKeys =
[ ("M-p" , runOrRaisePrompt largeXPConfig )--{ bgHLight = colorFocusFG, fgHLight = colorNormalBG })
[ ("M-p" , runOrRaisePrompt largeXPConfig )
, ("M-S-p" , spawn "exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu -b` \"exec $exe\"") -- backup launcher incase prompt causes lockups
, ("M-S-p" , spawn "exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu -b` \"exec $exe\"") -- backup launcher
, ("M-g" , runOrRaise "firefox-nightly" (className =? "Minefield" <||> className =? "Gran Paradiso"))
, ("M-g" , runOrRaise "firefox-nightly" (className =? "Minefield" <||> className =? "Gran Paradiso"))
, ("M-u" , runOrRaise "uzbl" (className =? "Uzbl" ))
, ("M-u" , runOrRaise "uzbl" (className =? "Uzbl" ))
Line 235: Line 226:
, ("M-m" , raiseMaybe (runInTerm "-title mutt" "sh -c 'screen -D -R -S mail mutt'") (title =? "mutt"))
, ("M-m" , raiseMaybe (runInTerm "-title mutt" "sh -c 'screen -D -R -S mail mutt'") (title =? "mutt"))
, ("M-S-m" , runOrRaise "thunderbird3" (className =? "Shredder"))
, ("M-S-m" , runOrRaise "thunderbird3" (className =? "Shredder"))
, ("M-S-e" , safeSpawn "pcmanfm" ["--no-desktop"])
, ("M-S-e" , raiseMaybe (runInTerm "-title files" "sh -c 'screen -D -R -S files vifm'") (title =? "files"))
, ("M-C-e" , safeSpawn "pcmanfm" ["--no-desktop"])
, ("M-v" , raiseMaybe (spawn "vncviewer -passwd ~/.vpasswd") (className =? "Vncviewer"))
, ("M-b" , sendMessage ToggleStruts)
, ("M-b" , sendMessage ToggleStruts)
-- focus NonEmpty wss except scratchpad
-- focus NonEmpty wss except scratchpad
Line 244: Line 237:
, ("M-S-d", windows . W.shift =<< findWorkspace getSortByIndexNoSP Prev NonEmptyWS 1)
, ("M-S-d", windows . W.shift =<< findWorkspace getSortByIndexNoSP Prev NonEmptyWS 1)
-- move window to and focus NonEmpty wss except scratchpad
-- move window to and focus NonEmpty wss except scratchpad
, ("M-C-s", shiftAndView Next)
, ("M-C-s" , shiftAndView Next)
, ("M-C-d", shiftAndView Prev)
, ("M-C-d" , shiftAndView Prev)
, ("M-f" , nextScreen)
, ("M-f" , nextScreen)
, ("M-a" , prevScreen)
, ("M-a" , prevScreen)
, ("M-S-f", shiftNextScreen)
, ("M-S-f" , shiftNextScreen)
, ("M-S-a", shiftPrevScreen)
, ("M-S-a" , shiftPrevScreen)
, ("M-z" , toggleWS)
, ("M-<Tab>" , toggleWS)
-- Media keys
, ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>" , unsafeSpawn "amixer -q set Master 2dB-" )
, ("<XF86AudioMute>" , unsafeSpawn "amixer -q set Master toggle")
, ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>" , unsafeSpawn "amixer -q set Master 2dB+" )
-- Screenshot
, ("<Print>" , unsafeSpawn "scrot '%Y-%m-%d-%H%M_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $f ~/screenshots/'")
-- Search methods
-- Search methods
-- mapped to mod-c for 'a căuta'
-- mapped to mod-c for 'a căuta'
-- FIXME: broken after recent 'safeSpawn' String -> [String] changes
[("M-c " ++ k, S.promptSearch largeXPConfig f) | (k,f) <- searchList ]
[("M-c " ++ k, S.promptSearch largeXPConfig f) | (k,f) <- searchList ]

Latest revision as of 02:25, 9 October 2011

-- Module      :  xmonad.hs
-- Copyright   :  (c) Sean Escriva 2008
-- License     :  BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  sean.escriva@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  not portable,
-- customization for the xmonad window manager

-- Imports {{{
import XMonad
-- Hooks
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog hiding (xmobar, xmobarPP, xmobarColor, sjanssenPP, byorgeyPP)
import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook (withUrgencyHook, NoUrgencyHook(..), focusUrgent)
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks (avoidStruts, manageDocks, ToggleStruts(..))
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers (isFullscreen, isDialog,  doFullFloat, doCenterFloat)
import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName
-- Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt.RunOrRaise (runOrRaisePrompt)
import XMonad.Prompt.AppendFile (appendFilePrompt)
-- Actions
import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS (nextScreen, prevScreen, shiftNextScreen, shiftPrevScreen, toggleWS, Direction1D(..), WSType(..), findWorkspace)
import XMonad.Actions.WindowGo (title, raiseMaybe, runOrRaise) --, (=?))
import XMonad.Actions.UpdatePointer
import qualified XMonad.Actions.Search as S
import XMonad.Actions.GridSelect
-- Util
import XMonad.Util.Run (safeSpawn, unsafeSpawn, runInTerm, spawnPipe)
import XMonad.Util.Scratchpad (scratchpadSpawnAction, scratchpadManageHook, scratchpadFilterOutWorkspace)
import XMonad.Util.XSelection (safePromptSelection)
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig hiding (additionalMouseBindings, removeMouseBindings)
import XMonad.Util.WorkspaceCompare (getSortByIndex)
import XMonad.Util.Loggers
-- Layouts
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders (smartBorders)
import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile (ResizableTall(..))
import XMonad.Layout.Grid (Grid(..))
import XMonad.Layout.Magnifier (magnifiercz)
import XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace (onWorkspace)
import XMonad.Layout.IM
import XMonad.Layout.Reflect (reflectHoriz)
import XMonad.Layout.Named

import System.IO (hPutStrLn)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W

-- Main {{{
main :: IO ()
main = do
    dzpipe <- spawnPipe statusBarCmd
    xmonad $ withUrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook $ defaultConfig
        { terminal              = mTerm
        , focusFollowsMouse     = False
        , borderWidth           = 1
        , modMask               = mod4Mask -- win key
        , numlockMask           = mod2Mask
        , workspaces            = ["mail","web","code","irc","term","read","game","art","win"]
        , normalBorderColor     = colorNormalBorder
        , focusedBorderColor    = colorFocusedBorder
        , layoutHook            = avoidStruts $ 
                                  smartBorders (
                                               onWorkspace "term" grids $
                                               onWorkspace "web" mostlyTall $
                                               onWorkspace "art" gimp standardLayouts)
        , manageHook            = mManageHook -- <+> manageMonitor screenletRingSensor
        , logHook               = (dynamicLogWithPP $ mPP dzpipe) >> updatePointer (Relative 0.95 0.95)
        , startupHook           = return () >> checkKeymap defaultConfig lacKeys >> setWMName "LG3D"
        `additionalKeysP` lacKeys
-- }}}

-- Config {{{
-- single options here, more complex settings(by comparison) get separated
-- }}}

-- Theme {{{
-- Color names are easier to remember:
colorOrange          = "#ff7701"
colorDarkGray        = "#171717"
colorPink            = "#e3008d"
colorGreen           = "#00aa4a"
colorBlue            = "#008dd5"
colorYellow          = "#fee100"
colorWhite           = "#cfbfad"

colorNormalBorder    = "#1c2636"
colorFocusedBorder   = "#2797d8"
barFont  = "terminus"
barXFont = "inconsolata:size=14"
xftFont = "xft: inconsolata-14"
statusBarCmd = "dzen2" ++
               " -bg '" ++ colorDarkGray ++ "'" ++
               " -fg '" ++ colorBlue ++ "'" ++
               " -sa c" ++
               " -fn '" ++ barXFont ++ "'" ++
               " -w 1920 -x 0 -y 0 -ta l -e ''"

notesFile = "/home/webframp/TODO"
mTerm     = "urxvtc"

-- Custom Searches
enro40, roen40, hayoo :: S.SearchEngine
enro40 = S.searchEngine "enro40" "http://dictionare.com/phpdic/enro40.php?field0="
roen40 = S.searchEngine "roen40" "http://dictionare.com/phpdic/roen40.php?field0="
hayoo = S.searchEngine "hayoo" "http://holumbus.fh-wedel.de/hayoo/hayoo.html?query="

-- Pretty printer {{{
-- dynamiclog pretty printer for dzen
mPP h = defaultPP
        { ppCurrent = wrap ("^fg(" ++ colorOrange ++ ")^bg(" ++ colorDarkGray ++ ")^p(2)") "^p(2)^fg()^bg()"
        , ppVisible = wrap ("^fg(" ++ colorBlue ++ ")^bg(" ++ colorDarkGray ++ ")^p(2)") "^p(2)^fg()^bg()"
        , ppSep     = " ^fg(grey60)^r(1x8)^fg() "
        , ppLayout  = dzenColor colorWhite "" . (\x -> case x of
                                                            "Mirror Tall"                               -> pad "^i(/home/webframp/.xmonad/dzen/mtall.xbm)"
                                                            "ResizableTall"                             -> pad "^i(/home/webframp/.xmonad/dzen/tall.xbm)"
                                                            "Full"                                      -> pad "^i(/home/webframp/.xmonad/dzen/full.xbm)"
                                                            "Magnifier GridRatio 1.3333333333333333"    -> pad "^i(/home/webframp/.xmonad/dzen/mgrid.xbm)"
                                                            "GridRatio 1.3333333333333333"              -> pad "^i(/home/webframp/.xmonad/dzen/grid.xbm)"
                                                            "ReflectX Gimp"                             -> pad "^i(/home/webframp/.xmonad/dzen/reflectx.xbm)"
                                                            _                                           -> pad x
        , ppUrgent  = dzenColor colorDarkGray colorYellow . wrap "[" "]"
        , ppTitle   = dzenColor colorWhite "" . trim
        , ppExtras  = [logMail]
        , ppOutput  = hPutStrLn h
        logMail = dzenColorL colorPink "" . wrapL mailIcon "". padL $ maildirNew mailDir
        mailIcon = "^i(/home/webframp/.dzen/icons/dzen_bitmaps/envelope.xbm)"
        mailDir = "/home/webframp/.mail/GMAIL/INBOX"


-- Prompt Config {{{
mXPConfig :: XPConfig
mXPConfig =
    defaultXPConfig { font                  = barFont
                    , bgColor               = colorDarkGray
                    , fgColor               = colorGreen
                    , bgHLight              = colorGreen
                    , fgHLight              = colorDarkGray
                    , promptBorderWidth     = 0
                    , height                = 14
                    , historyFilter         = deleteConsecutive

largeXPConfig :: XPConfig
largeXPConfig = mXPConfig
                { font = xftFont
                , height = 20
-- }}}

-- Layout Hook{{{
standardLayouts = Mirror tiled  |||
                  defaultTall   |||
                  tiled       = Tall nmaster delta ratio
                  defaultTall = ResizableTall 1 (3/100) (1/2) []
                  nmaster     = 1
                  ratio       = toRational (2/(1 + sqrt 5 :: Double)) -- golden, thx Octoploid
                  delta       = 0.03

grids = magnifiercz 1.2 (GridRatio (4/3))  |||
        GridRatio (4/3)

mostlyTall = ResizableTall 1 (3/100) (1/2) [] ||| Full
gimp     = reflectHoriz $ 
           named "Gimp" $ 
           withIM (11/64) (Role "gimp-toolbox") $ 
           ResizableTall 2 (1/118) (11/20) [5/4,5/4,5/4]
-- Window rules aka Manage Hook {{{
mManageHook :: ManageHook
mManageHook = scratchpadManageHook (W.RationalRect 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.35) <+>
               (composeAll . concat $
    [ [ className =? c --> doFloat        | c <- floats ],
      [ className =? w --> doShift "web"  | w <- webs]   ,
      [ className =? g --> doShift "game" | g <- games]  ,
      [ className =? m --> doShift "mail" | m <- mails]  ,
      [ resource  =? "desktop_window"  --> doIgnore
      , className =? "Apvlv"           --> doShift "read"
      , className =? "VirtualBox"      --> doShift "win"
      , className =? "Tsclient"        --> doShift "win"
      , className =? "Vncviewer"       --> doShift "win"
      , className =? "Gimp"            --> doShift "art"
      , title     =? "irssi"           --> doShift "irc"
      , title     =? "mutt"            --> doShift "mail"
      , title     =? "Save a Bookmark" --> doCenterFloat
      , isFullscreen                   --> doFullFloat
      , isDialog                       --> doCenterFloat
      ] ])
        <+> manageDocks -- make some space
            where floats = ["Mplayer","Tsclient","VirtualBox","Gtklp","smc"]
                  webs   = ["Navigator","Gran Paradiso","Firefox", "Midori", "Minefield"]
                  games  = ["roguestar-gl","neverputt","neverball","wesnoth"]
                  mails  = ["Evolution", "Thunderbird-bin", "Shredder"]
-- }}}
lacKeys :: [([Char], X ())]
lacKeys =
    [ ("M-p"        , runOrRaisePrompt largeXPConfig )
    , ("M-S-p"      , spawn "exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu -b` \"exec $exe\"") -- backup launcher
    , ("M-g"        , runOrRaise "firefox-nightly" (className =? "Minefield" <||> className =? "Gran Paradiso"))
    , ("M-u"        , runOrRaise "uzbl" (className =? "Uzbl" ))
    , ("M-S-g"      , safePromptSelection "firefox-nightly")
    , ("M-w"        , goToSelected defaultGSConfig)
    , ("M-C-n"      , appendFilePrompt largeXPConfig { bgColor = colorOrange, fgColor = colorDarkGray } notesFile)
    , ("M-S-z"      , safeSpawn "mocp" ["-G"])                -- play/pause
    , ("M-S-,"      , safeSpawn "mocp" ["-r"])                -- rev
    , ("M-S-."      , safeSpawn "mocp" ["-f"])                -- fwd
    , ("M-<Esc>"    , focusUrgent)
    , ("M-`"        , scratchpadSpawnAction defaultConfig { terminal = mTerm })  -- scratchpad
    , ("M-S-l"      , unsafeSpawn "slock")                  -- screen lock
    , ("M-i"    , raiseMaybe (runInTerm "-title irssi" "sh -c 'screen -D -R -S irc irssi'") (title =? "irssi"))
    , ("M-S-i"  , raiseMaybe (runInTerm "-title irssi" "sh -c 'ssh -t webframp@astrotrain screen -D -R -S irc irssi'") (title =? "irssi"))
    , ("M-m"    , raiseMaybe (runInTerm "-title mutt" "sh -c 'screen -D -R -S mail mutt'") (title =? "mutt"))
    , ("M-S-m"  , runOrRaise "thunderbird3" (className =? "Shredder"))
    , ("M-S-e"  , raiseMaybe (runInTerm "-title files" "sh -c 'screen -D -R -S files vifm'") (title =? "files"))
    , ("M-C-e"    , safeSpawn "pcmanfm" ["--no-desktop"])
    , ("M-v"    , raiseMaybe (spawn "vncviewer -passwd ~/.vpasswd") (className =? "Vncviewer"))
    , ("M-b"    , sendMessage ToggleStruts)
    -- focus NonEmpty wss except scratchpad
    , ("M-s", windows . W.greedyView =<< findWorkspace getSortByIndexNoSP Next NonEmptyWS 1)
    , ("M-d", windows . W.greedyView =<< findWorkspace getSortByIndexNoSP Prev NonEmptyWS 1)
    -- move window to NonEmpty wss except scratchpad
    , ("M-S-s", windows . W.shift =<< findWorkspace getSortByIndexNoSP Next NonEmptyWS 1)
    , ("M-S-d", windows . W.shift =<< findWorkspace getSortByIndexNoSP Prev NonEmptyWS 1)
    -- move window to and focus NonEmpty wss except scratchpad
    , ("M-C-s"    , shiftAndView Next)
    , ("M-C-d"    , shiftAndView Prev)
    , ("M-f"      , nextScreen)
    , ("M-a"      , prevScreen)
    , ("M-S-f"    , shiftNextScreen)
    , ("M-S-a"    , shiftPrevScreen)
    , ("M-<Tab>"  , toggleWS)
    -- Media keys
    , ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>" , unsafeSpawn "amixer -q set Master 2dB-" 	)
    , ("<XF86AudioMute>"        , unsafeSpawn "amixer -q set Master toggle")
    , ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>" , unsafeSpawn "amixer -q set Master 2dB+" 	)
    -- Screenshot
    , ("<Print>" , unsafeSpawn "scrot '%Y-%m-%d-%H%M_$wx$h.png' -e 'mv $f ~/screenshots/'")
    -- Search methods
    -- mapped to mod-c for 'a căuta'
    -- FIXME: broken after recent 'safeSpawn' String -> [String] changes
    [("M-c " ++ k, S.promptSearch largeXPConfig f) | (k,f) <- searchList ]
    [("M-C-c " ++ k, S.selectSearch f) | (k,f) <- searchList ]
    where -- | non-empty workspaces less scratchpad
        shiftAndView dir = findWorkspace getSortByIndexNoSP dir NonEmptyWS 1
                >>= \t -> (windows . W.shift $ t) >> (windows . W.greedyView $ t)
        getSortByIndexNoSP =
                fmap (.scratchpadFilterOutWorkspace) getSortByIndex

searchList :: [([Char], S.SearchEngine)]
searchList = [ ("g", S.google)
             , ("h", hayoo)
             , ("i", S.isohunt)
             , ("w", S.wikipedia)
             , ("d", S.dictionary)
             , ("t", S.thesaurus)
             , ("a", S.amazon)
             , ("y", S.youtube)
             , ("e", enro40)
             , ("r", roen40)

-- vim:foldmethod=marker sw=4 sts=4 ts=4 tw=0 et ai nowrap