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FIXME: needs more explanation.

.hbc File

 struct HbcFile {
   Header          header;
   StringTable     strings;
   QualifId        moduleName;
   ObjectTable     objects;


 struct Header {
   Char           magic[4];        /* 'H' 'S' 'B' 'C' */
   UShort         majorVersion;
   UShort         minorVersion;
   UShort         zero;            /* 0 */
   UShort         numObjects;      


 struct StringTable {
   UShort         numStrings;
   String         strings[numStrings];
 struct String {
   UShort         length;
   Char           data[length];


 struct ObjectTable {
   Object         objects[numObjects];
 struct Object {
   QualifId      name;
   UShort        length;
   Char          data[length];

The first byte of the 'data' section identifies the object type. Depending on the object type the rest of the data for and object has different structures.

Object types

 'F'            function object (FunObj)
 'C'            constructor object (ConObj)
 'P'            primitive object (PrimObj)
 'X'            external object (ExtObj)


 struct FunObj {
   Char        type;                 /* 'F' */
   UByte       arity;
   UShort      stack;
   ConstTable  consts;
   UShort      codeLength;
   UByte       code[codeLength];
 struct ConstTable {
   UShort     numConsts;
   Constant   consts[numConsts];
 struct Constant {
   Char      type;
   Char      constData[??];

The type of the constant identifies the size and type of the rest of the constant data.

Constant Types

 Type   Name      ConstData         Desc
 'A'    CAF       FullyQualifId     Reference to a CAF node
 'F'    FUN       FullyQualifId     Reference to a FInfo
 '0'    FUN0      FullyQualifId     Reference to a zero arity FInfo
 'C'    CON       FullyQualifId     Reference to a CInfo
 'Z'    ZCON      FullyQualifId     Reference to a zero arity constructor node
 'P'    PRIM      FullyQualifId     Reference to a primitive function (XInfo)
 'X'    EXT       FullyQualifId     Reference to an external function (XInfo)
 'i'    INT       Int               Int constant
 'l'    INTEGER   Integer           Integer constant
 'f'    FLOAT     Float             Float constant
 'd'    DOUBLE    Float             Double constant
 's'    STRING    String            String constant


 struct ConObj {
   Char      type;          /* 'C' */
   UByte     size; 
   UByte     tag;        


 struct PrimObj {
   Char           type;         /* 'P' */
   FullyQualifId  name;


 struct ExtObj {
   Char          type;          /* 'X' */
   String        cName;         
   UShort        arity;


 struct FullyQualifId {
   QualifId     module;
   QualifId     item;


 struct QualifId {
   UByte       length;
   UShort      stringIndexs[length];


 struct Integer {
   SByte      length;
   UByte      data[abs(length)];

If length < 0 then the whole Integer is negative.


 struct Float {
   Integer   mant;
   Short     exp;