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Z Shell Completion for GHC, Cabal and Hugs

The Z Shell is a powerful shell with extensive completion support.


The _ghc script supports completion for ghc and ghc-pkg. The completion features include the following:

  • all options with a description for each option
  • directories
  • package names
  • system libraries (-l option)
  • ghc-pkg commands

The _cabal script support completion for the cabal command. The completion features include the following:

  • Cabal commands
  • all options with a description for each option
  • directories
  • package names

The _hugs script provides completion for options.


Put the _ghc and _hugs scripts in a path that zsh searches during autoloading, for example /usr/share/zsh/functions or a private directory (which must be added to the FPATH environment variable).

Completion must be enabled by adding to .zshrc the following lines:

   autoload -U compinit

Completion functionality can be configured using styles. These are set with the zstyle function.

Here are some examples:

   zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _match _approximate
   zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache on
   zstyle ':completion:*:approximate:*' max-errors 1 numeric

See the zsh documenation for details on configuring the completion system.

