Command -package:hedgehog package:core-program

Description of the command-line structure of a program which has "commands" (sometimes referred to as "subcommands") representing different modes of operation. This is familiar from tools like git and docker.
Different ways parsing a simple or complex command-line can fail.
In a complex configuration, user didn't specify a command.
In a complex configuration, user specified a command that doesn't match any in the configuration.
Given a program configuration schema and the command-line arguments, process them into key/value pairs in a Parameters object. This results in InvalidCommandLine on the left side if one of the passed in options is unrecognized or if there is some other problem handling options or arguments (because at that point, we want to rabbit right back to the top and bail out; there's no recovering). This isn't something you'll ever need to call directly; it's exposed for testing convenience. This function is invoked when you call configure or execute (which calls configure with a default Config when initializing).
Retrieve the values of parameters parsed from options and arguments supplied by the user on the command-line. The command-line parameters are returned in a Map, mapping from from the option or argument name to the supplied value. You can query this map directly:
program = do
params <- getCommandLine
let result = lookupKeyValue "silence" (paramterValuesFrom params)
case result of
Nothing -> return ()
Just quiet = case quiet of
Value _ -> throw NotQuiteRight                 -- complain that flag doesn't take value
Empty   -> write "You should be quiet now"   -- much better
which is pattern matching to answer "was this option specified by the user?" or "what was the value of this [mandatory] argument?", and then "if so, did the parameter have a value?" This is available should you need to differentiate between a Value and an Empty ParameterValue, but for many cases as a convenience you can use the queryOptionFlag, queryOptionValue, and queryArgument functions below.
Retreive the sub-command mode selected by the user. This assumes your program was set up to take sub-commands via complexConfig.
mode <- queryCommandName