
Render the Doc to a String using the default Style (see style).
Render the Doc to a String using the default Style (see style).
Render a tree of strings.
We can now wrap our stack machine definition from renderStackMachine in a nicer interface; on successful conversion, we run the builder to give us the final Text, and before we do that we check that the style stack is empty (i.e. there are no unmatched style applications) after the machine is run. This function does only a bit of plumbing around renderStackMachine, and is the main API function of a stack machine renderer. The tree renderer equivalent to this is render.
To render the HTML, we first convert the SimpleDocStream to the SimpleDocTree format, which makes enveloping sub-documents in markup easier. This function is the entry main API function of the renderer; as such, it is only glue for the internal functions. This is similar to render from the stack machine tutorial in its purpose.
Render should be used for prettyprinting URIs.
Draw the renderable with a rectangle, which covers the origin to a given point. The resulting "pick" function maps a point in the image to a value.
This widget's rendering function
Given a token representing the backend and a transformable object, render it in the appropriate rendering context.
Render a given URI value as strict Text.
Render a Box as a String, suitable for writing to the screen or a file.
Generic render function for a StringTemplate of any type.
Render the document as a single string. An inverse of the function literal.
render (literal "al" <> literal "ga") :: (IsString s, Monoid s) => s
render (literal "al" <> literal "ga") == "alga"
render mempty                         == mempty
render . literal                      == id
Render a table according to common options, for backwards compatibility
Prepare a value for substitution into a query string.
Prepare a value for substitution into a query string.
Render a document given a maximum width.
See write.
See write.
Render a Doc. render (Just n) will use a line length of n to reflow text on breakable spaces. render Nothing will not reflow text.