
Computation system cmd returns the exit code produced when the operating system runs the shell command cmd. This computation may fail with one of the following IOErrorType exceptions:
  • PermissionDenied The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
  • ResourceExhausted Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.
  • UnsupportedOperation The implementation does not support system calls.
On Windows, system passes the command to the Windows command interpreter (CMD.EXE or COMMAND.COM), hence Unixy shell tricks will not work. On Unix systems, see waitForProcess for the meaning of exit codes when the process died as the result of a signal.
system generalizes shell and proc by allowing you to supply your own custom CreateProcess. This is for advanced users who feel comfortable using the lower-level process API
system generalizes shell and proc by allowing you to supply your own custom CreateProcess. This is for advanced users who feel comfortable using the lower-level process API
Fast access to the system clock.
Get the system timezone and current time value in multiple formats
System time
System messages
Cabal often needs to do slightly different things on specific platforms. You probably know about the os however using that is very inconvenient because it is a string and different Haskell implementations do not agree on using the same strings for the same platforms! (In particular see the controversy over "windows" vs "mingw32"). So to make it more consistent and easy to use we have an OS enumeration.
An alternative representation of partial elements in a telescope: Γ ⊢ λ Δ. [φ₁ u₁, ... , φₙ uₙ] : Δ → PartialP (∨_ᵢ φᵢ) T see cubicaltt paper (however we do not store the type T).
Please refer to the Support API > System Interface chapter of the reference. Internal: FreeType.Support.System.Internal.
Topics starting with a double underscore "__" (__consumer_offsets,, etc.) are considered "system" topics
Common elements from the rest of the Haskell ecosystem. This is mostly about re-exports. There are numerous types and functions that are more or less assumed to be in scope when you're doing much of anything in Haskell; this module is a convenience to pull in the ones we rely on for the rest of this library. You can just import this directly:
import Core.System
as there's no particular benefit to cherry-picking the various sub-modules.