unsafe -package:cryptonite package:ghc-lib-parser

Freeze a mutable array (no copy!)
A list of unsafe flags under Safe Haskell. Tuple elements are: * name of the flag * function to get srcspan that enabled the flag * function to test if the flag is on * function to turn the flag off
A list of unsafe flags under Safe Haskell. Tuple elements are: * name of the flag * function to get srcspan that enabled the flag * function to test if the flag is on * function to turn the flag off
Shift the argument left by the specified number of bits. The result is undefined for negative shift amounts and shift amounts greater or equal to the bitSize. Defaults to shiftL unless defined explicitly by an instance.
Shift the first argument right by the specified number of bits, which must be non-negative and smaller than the number of bits in the type. Right shifts perform sign extension on signed number types; i.e. they fill the top bits with 1 if the x is negative and with 0 otherwise. Defaults to shiftR unless defined explicitly by an instance.
This function provides an escape for direct access to the TcM monad. It should not be used lightly, and the provided TcPluginM API should be favoured instead.