[arch-haskell] ghc: /usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/hslogo-16.png exists in filesystem

Thomas Friedrich info at suud.de
Mon Oct 15 12:00:06 CEST 2012

2012/10/13 Fabio Riga <rifabio at gmail.com>:
> 2012/10/13 Ramana Kumar <ramana at member.fsf.org>
>> I'm not sure why that error happened but it happened to me too.
> The problem seems to be that those files were not part of any package,
> but now are in ghc.
>> I removed the offending files manually and tried again, and ran into more problems (although everything installed, there were many warnings about interface files being the wrong version and being skipped).
>> So I'm not sure what the correct way out is. Perhaps it will require some manual removals then reinstalls.
> This is a problem with ghc-pkg version. For previous version of ghc I had to do:
>   $ pacman -Rcs ghc
> then reinstall ghc and needed haskell-* packages. I think you'll want
> to remove the offending files before installing ghc again. I hope this
> solve the problem.
> Fabio

Why is it that every single time there is a ghc-update, I have to
remove everything and reinstall everything haskell related. Haskell is
such a cool language but keeping a Haskell environment up-to-date is
sometimes just a real pain.

Sorry for the rant.

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