[arch-haskell] Haskell Platform 2009.2.0.2

Abhishek Dasgupta abhidg at gmail.com
Sat Oct 12 07:35:13 UTC 2013

2009/8/1 Magnus Therning <magnus at therning.org>:
>   I feel that the license files should be put in
>   /usr/share/licenses/haskell/$pkgname. I also think that it would be
>   useful to include documentation with these files, maybe somewhere
>   like /usr/share/doc/haskell/$pkgname. Document files are generally
>   in html now, so they take up almost no space.
> I agree with this, I'd also like to suggest that libraries be
> collected into one sub-directory under /usr/lib.
> Maybe do what xmonad-contrib does, it lives
> in /usr/lib/ghc-6.10.3/site-local/xmonad-contrib-0.8.1.
> /M

I think packages should install documentation in
and licenses in

This is how most packages in Arch install documentation and how all
packages install licenses (also referred to in the Arch Packaging
Guidelines). There's no need to create a separate haskell


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