[arch-haskell] cabal2arch and clutter

Don Stewart dons at galois.com
Sat Oct 12 07:35:51 UTC 2013

> > > Additionally, please consider changing the cabal2arch help message as
> > > it does not describe what cabal2arch actually does:
> > > 
> > > cabal2pkg: [-h|--help] [directory|url]
> > > Generate PKGBUILD to stdout for .cabal file in <directory> or at <url>
> > 
> > I don't understand this. The above message *is* what cabal2arch does.
> > It generates PKGBUILDs to stdout, for the .cabal file given in
> > <directory> or <url>
> cabal2arch 0.6-1 does not generate anything to STDOUT. It creates a
> directory and writes the PKGBUILD and install file to that directory,
> along with the aforementioned "clutter" outside of that directory. The
> help text should therefore not include "to stdout" in my opinion.

Oh, yes. That is also true.
> I am unable to test cabal2arch 0.6.1-1 to see if this has changed
> because I simply cannot build it. It seems that there are several
> haskell packages, including packages in extra, which do not contain
> correct and complete depends arrays in their PKGBUILDs. When trying to
> build cabal2arch, I am unable to get passed building haskell-csv which
> is pulled in as a dependency:

Please wait until we have completed the 6.12 update (other emails on
this on the arch-haskell list), or else delay your upgrade.

The darcs version of cabal2arch includes the new dependency policy. 

-- Don

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