[arch-haskell] What to do now?

Gour D. gour at atmarama.net
Sat Oct 12 07:36:40 UTC 2013

On Fri, 08 Oct 2010 22:14:51 +0100
>>>>>> "Magnus" == Magnus Therning <magnus at therning.org> wrote:

Magnus> Now that Don has decided to focus his Herculean powers in other
Magnus> directions I wonder what people feel should be the plan for the
Magnus> future.

Interestingly enough...it looks as that I had feeling something would
happen and few days ago asked a question about Haskell vs D (dons even
had time to answer it - see

In my case, it would mean that I could be less involved with Haskell
for the simple reasons of using and having need for much less packages
than before...

Magnus> Do we try to fix up Don's tools and scripts so that they are
Magnus> more conducive to team work?

Let's first see who wants to be part of the 'team' or everything was
just one-man-band.

Magnus> Do we give up on having all of Hackage in AUR and instead rely
Magnus> on tools like bauerbill?

This is interesting idea...

Magnus> Do we try to do something like what Xyne suggested--set up a
Magnus> Haskell ABS and publish pre-compiled packages in [arch-haskell]?

...however, in the spirit of Arch (in comparison with the Gentoo which
I left 3yrs ago), I consider that having kind of 'Haskell overlay'
with binary packages would be very nice...



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: CDBF17CA
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