[Haskell-beginners] Running Yi 0.4.3

Niels Aan de Brugh nielsadb at gmail.com
Sat Aug 23 18:53:04 EDT 2008

Hi there,

I'm having some trouble installing and running Yi 0.4.3. I just compiled 
and installed Yi, after disabling parsec-3.0.0 and recompiling 
regex-tdfa first (Yi requires a 2.x version, regex takes whatever it can 
get, including 3.0.0). Here's a short excerpt from my console (newlines 
inserted for readability).

niels(~/src/yi-0.4.3): sudo runhaskell Setup.hs install
Installing: /usr/local/lib/yi-0.4.3/ghc-6.8.2
Installing: /usr/local/bin
Registering yi-0.4.3...
Reading package info from "dist/installed-pkg-config" ... done.
Saving old package config file... done.
Writing new package config file... done.

niels(~): mkdir .yi
niels(~): cd .yi/

niels(~/.yi): cp /home/niels/src/yi-0.4.3/examples/yi.hs .

niels(~/.yi): yi
Launching custom yi: "/home/niels/.yi/yi-i386-linux"
yi: exception :: System.Glib.GError.GError

niels(~/.yi): yi --frontend=pango
Launching custom yi: "/home/niels/.yi/yi-i386-linux"
yi-i386-linux: exception :: System.Glib.GError.GError

niels(~/.yi): yi --frontend=gtk
Launching custom yi: "/home/niels/.yi/yi-i386-linux"
yi-i386-linux: exception :: System.Glib.GError.GError

niels(~/.yi): ghc-pkg list
    (Cabal-, Cabal-, (Cabal-1.5.1), Crypto-4.1.0,
    HTTP-3001.0.4, HUnit-, HaXml-1.13.3, QuickCheck-,
    Stream-0.2.2, X11-1.4.1, array-, arrows-0.3, base-,
    binary-0.4.1, bitset-0.6, bloomfilter-1.2.1, bytestring-,
    cairo-, cairo-0.9.13, containers-,
    directory-, fgl-, filepath-, fingertree-0.0,
    gconf-, gconf-0.9.13, (ghc-6.8.2), glade-,
    glade-0.9.13, glib-, glib-0.9.13, gnomevfs-0.9.13,
    gstreamer-0.9.13, gtk-, gtk-0.9.13, gtkglext-,
    gtkglext-0.9.13, haddock-2.1.0, haskell98-, hpc-,
    html-, hxt-8.0.0, mtl-, network-,
    old-locale-, old-time-, packedstring-,
    pandoc-0.46, parallel-, parsec-, pretty-,
    process-, pureMD5-0.2.3, random-, readline-,
    regex-base-, regex-base-0.93.1, regex-compat-,
    regex-compat-0.91, regex-posix-, regex-posix-0.93.1,
    regex-tdfa-0.94, rts-1.0, soegtk-0.9.13, sourceview-,
    sourceview-0.9.13, svgcairo-0.9.13, tagsoup-0.6,
    template-haskell-, time-, unix-,
    utf8-string-0.3.1, vty-3.0.1, wx-0.10.3, wxcore-0.10.3,
    xhtml-3000.0.2.1, xmonad-0.6, xmonad-contrib-0.6, yi-0.4.3

niels(~/.yi): dpkg -l | grep libghc6-gtk
ii  libghc6-gtk-dev                                                       A GUI library for 
Haskell (Gtk2Hs) -- GTK+ b
ii  libghc6-gtkglext-dev                                                  A GUI library for 
Haskell (Gtk2Hs) -- gtkgle

I'm running a recent version of Ubuntu Linux and GHC 6.8.2.

Does anyone know what mistake I'm making? I'd really like to replace Vim 
for Yi for Haskell source file editing some day but up until now this is 
actually the first time I got Yi to compile.


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