[Haskell-beginners] Profiling haskell code

Brent Yorgey byorgey at seas.upenn.edu
Fri Nov 14 15:53:34 EST 2008

> quicksort [ ] = [ ]
> quicksort (x : xs) = quicksort larger ++ [x ] ++ quicksort smaller
> where
> smaller = [a | a <- xs, a <= x ]
> larger = [b | b <- xs, b > x ]
> When I compile the code with the following command : 
> $ ghc --make Project.hs -prof -auto-all
> Then I tested it with the following command :
> $ Project +RTS -p
> It generates the .hi and the .o file but I cannot get the .prof file. 
> Please let me know if any of the steps is missing or where could I check
> my profiling info. 

Hi Sayali,

Is the code shown above *everything* in your Project.hs file?  You
will also need a main function for it to actually do anything.  If
there is more to your Project.hs file that you have not shown, could
you send the complete version?

Do you get any errors?  Does Project produce the output that you expect?


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