[Haskell-beginners] Type polymorphism with size

Michael Snoyman michael at snoyman.com
Tue Nov 18 17:18:46 EST 2008

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Brent Yorgey <byorgey at seas.upenn.edu>wrote:

> Hm, interesting!  The problem is that 'get' does not take any
> arguments, so must determine what to do from the type at which it is
> called.  So the number of words to be read needs to be in the type.
> We can't put actual Int values in a type -- but there is actually a
> way to do what you want, by encoding natural numbers at the type
> level!  I don't know whether this really belongs on a 'beginners' list
> but I couldn't resist. =)
> data Z      -- the type representing zero
> data S n    -- the type representing the successor of another natural
> -- for example,  Z,  S Z,  and S (S Z)  are types representing
> --   zero, one, and two.
> -- the n is for a type-level natural representing the length of the list.
> data MFChar n = MFChar [Word8]
> -- add a Word8 to the beginning of an MFChar, resulting in an MFChar
> --   one word longer
> mfCons :: Word8 -> MFChar n -> MFChar (S n)
> mfCons w (MFChar ws) = MFChar (w:ws)
> instance Binary (MFChar Z) where
>  get = return $ MFChar []
> instance (Binary (MFChar n)) => Binary (MFChar (S n)) where
>  get = do ebcdic <- getWord8
>           rest   <- get    -- the correct type of get is
>                            -- inferred due to the use of mfCons below
>           return $ mfCons (ebcdicToAscii ebcdic) rest
> Now if you wanted to read a field with 20 chars, you can use
>  get :: Get (MFChar (S (S (S ... 20 S's ... Z))))
> Ugly, I know. You could make it slightly more bearable by defining
> some type synonyms at the top of your program like
>  type Five = S (S (S (S (S Z))))
>  type Ten = S (S (S (S (S Five))))
> and so on.  Then you can just say   get :: Get (MFChar Ten) or whatever.
> This is untested but it (or something close to it) ought to work.  Of
> course, you may well ask yourself whether this contortion is really
> worth it.  Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but I can't think of a better
> way to do it in Haskell.  In a dependently typed language such as
> Agda, we could just put regular old natural numbers in the types,
> instead of going through contortions to encode natural numbers as
> types as we have to do here.  So I guess the real answer to your
> question is "use a dependently typed language". =)
> If you have problems getting this to work or more questions, feel free
> to ask!

Very interesting solution to the problem. I tried it out and it works
perfectly... but it's just too much of a hack for my tastes (no offense; I
think it was very cool). I thought about it a bit and realized what I really
want is a way to deal with tuples of the same type, which led to this kind
of implementation.

class RepTuple a b | a -> b where
    toList :: a -> [b]
    tMap :: (b -> b) -> a -> a

instance RepTuple (a, a) a where
    toList (a, b) = [a, b]
    tMap f (a, b) = (f a, f b)

And so on and so forth for every kind of tuple. Of course, this runs into
the issue of the single case, for which I used the OneTuple library
(actually, I wrote my own right now, but I intend to just use the OneTuple

I can then do something like this (which I have tested and works):

data MFChar w = MFChar w
    deriving Eq
instance (RepTuple w a, Integral a) => Show (MFChar w) where
    show (MFChar ws) = map (chr . fromIntegral) $ toList ws
instance (Integral a, Binary w, RepTuple w a) => Binary (MFChar w) where
    put = undefined
    get = do ebcdic <- get
             let ascii = tMap ebcdicToAscii ebcdic
             return $ MFChar ascii

type MFChar1 = MFChar (OneTuple Word8)
type MFChar2 = MFChar (Word8, Word8)
type MFChar4 = MFChar (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8)
type MFChar5 = MFChar (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8)
type MFChar10 = MFChar (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8,
                        Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8)

If I wanted, I could do away with the tMap function and just include the
ebcdicToAscii step in the show instance.

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