[Haskell-beginners] University project - weird problem

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Wed Apr 21 19:39:21 EDT 2010

Am Donnerstag 22 April 2010 00:42:51 schrieb Renato dos Santos Leal:
> I've got a university project that demands me to do a program that
> receive a .c file and analyze its syntax using haskell.
> There are just a few things that I have to analyze:
> literal strings, identifiers (in the program: identificadores),
> constants (constantes), operators (operadores) and reserverd
> words(palavras reservadas)
> There are two major problems in the program:
> (1) I've got this guard in le_bloco: | x `elem` listS = do separador
> (x:xs) but it doesn't seem to work. Every time I enable it I recieve
> this in execution time (after calling verifica)
> ERROR - Cannot find "show" function for:
> *** Expression : verifica
> *** Of type    : IO a

I can't reproduce that. It works here (except of the pattern match failure 
at the end because none of your functions handles an empty String).

$ hugs CAnal                                 
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Type :? for help
CAnal> verifica 
Favor visualizar o codigo para ver os bugs e erros do programa
Digite o nome do arquivo de entrada: hello.c                  
#include <identificador>                                      
< <operador>                                                  
stdio <identificador>                                         
. <operador>                                                  
h <identificador>                                             
> <operador>                                                  

int <identificador>
main <identificador>
(){ <separador>     
printf <identificador>
( <separador>         
Hello <identificador> 
World <identificador> 
! <operador>          
\n" <identificador>   
); <separador>        
return <palavra chave>
0 <cte. numerica>     
; <separador>         
} <separador>         

Program error: pattern match failure: le_bloco []

CAnal> :q
[Leaving Hugs]

> So I've made one workaround that prints the separator but stops the
> program...I guess the problem is doing the recursivity
> (2) My second problem is: when I have one identifier or keyword alone in
> a line or it's the last element of it it just won't print my coment!

That's because you don't look for newlines, so


is considered to be one token, "int\nmain".

> this is the function:
> pPCouI (x:xs) z
>     | membroPC z = do{ putStr (z ++ " <palavra chave>\n") ; le_bloco
>     | (x:xs)} otherwise = do{putStr z ; putStr " <identificador>\n" ;
>     | le_bloco
> (x:xs)}
> *Please help me solving those problems as soon as possible!*
> Here is the whole program:
> listO = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '^', '=', '>', '<', '.', '|', '&',
> '!', '~']
> listS = [';', '{', '(', ')', '}', '[', ']', ',']
> listC = ['0','1'..'9']
> listCF = listC ++ ['.']
> listA = listO ++ listS ++ [' ']
> listPC =
> ["auto","double","int","struct","break","else","long","switch","case",
> "enum","register","typedef","char","extern","return","union","const",
> "float","short","unsigned","continue","for","signed","void","default",
>           "goto","sizeof","volatile","do","if","static","while"]
> verifica = do
>     putStr ("Favor visualizar o codigo para ver os bugs e erros do
> programa\n")
>     putStr ("Digite o nome do arquivo de entrada: ")
>     arqent <- getLine
>     texto <- readFile arqent
>     le_bloco texto
> le_bloco (x:xs)
>     | x `elem` listO = do operador (x:xs)
>     | x `elem` listC = do cnum (x:xs)
>   --  | x `elem` listS = do separador (x:xs)
>     | x `elem` listS = do{ putStr[x] ; putStr " <separador>\n" }
>     | x == '"' = litstr (xs)
>     | x /= ' ' = pchave (x:xs) []
>     | x == ' ' = le_bloco xs
>     | otherwise    = do { putStr "Outro\n" ; le_bloco xs }
> separador (x:xs)
>     | x `elem` listS = do{ putStr [x] ; separador xs}
>     | otherwise = do{ putStr " <separador>\n" ; le_bloco xs}

That should probably be le_bloco (x:xs) in the otherwise-branch, too. Thus 
it failed to see that "Hello World\n" was a string literal.
And it wouldn't treat

int x=3,y=4;


> cnum (x:xs)
>     | x `elem` listCF = do{ putChar x ; cnum xs}
>     | otherwise = do{ putStr " <cte. numerica>\n" ; le_bloco (x:xs)}
> operador (x:xs)
>     | x `elem` listO = do{ putChar x ; operador xs}
>     | otherwise = do{ putStr " <operador>\n" ; le_bloco (x:xs)}
> litstr (x:xs)
>     | x /= '"' = do{ putChar x ; litstr xs}
>     | otherwise = do{ putStr " <literal string>\n" ; le_bloco xs}
> pchave (x:xs) ys
>     | x `notElem` listA = pchave xs (ys++[x])
>     | otherwise = pPCouI (x:xs) ys
> pPCouI (x:xs) z
>     | membroPC z = do{ putStr (z ++ " <palavra chave>\n") ; le_bloco
>     | (x:xs)} otherwise = do{putStr z ; putStr " <identificador>\n" ;
>     | le_bloco
> (x:xs)}
> membroPC x
>     | x `elem` listPC = True
>     | otherwise = False
> I'm sorry for the bad english, it's been a while since the last time i
> used it =)
> Ah, I'm just starting to learn Haskell, first time i've seen it was like
> a month ago so pretend that I know nothing

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