[Haskell-beginners] RandT

aditya siram aditya.siram at gmail.com
Sun Dec 19 06:30:42 CET 2010

In the code below the "RandT ..." monad transformer is replaced by a
simple "State ..." monad. And the Animal is now a type family with the
brain being one of it's instances. This way functions that work on
specific parts of the animal will have "Animal Brain" in the signature
and ones that work with all parts of the animal will have "Animal a".


 {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports, RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts,
TypeFamilies, EmptyDataDecls #-}
import "mtl" Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Random

type Neuron = Int
data Brain

type family Animal a
type instance Animal Brain = [Neuron]

stimulateBrain :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> [Double] -> State (Animal Brain,g) ()
stimulateBrain n xs = do
  (a,g) <- get
  g' <- return $ next g
  a' <- return $ stimulate n xs g' a
  put (a',g')
    next :: (RandomGen g) => g -> g
    next = snd . split

stimulate :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> [Double] -> g -> Animal Brain ->
Animal Brain
stimulate n xs g neurons = undefined

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 10:11 PM, Amy de Buitléir <amy at nualeargais.ie> wrote:
> The example below shows part of the architecture I'm using for an alife project.
> Q1: My implementation of "simulateBrain" seems clumsy. Is there a
> better way to do this?
> Q2: The "Animal" type includes a "brain" component. I implemented that
> as a simple list, but perhaps it would be better to use a monad here?
> I tried doing that, but I couldn't figure out the syntax. The closest
> I got was when I defined a "type Brain g a = (RandomGen g) => RandT g
> (State [Neuron]) a". But that a specifies a result type, which doesn't
> make sense to me for a record component.
> Thank you,
> Amy
> ----- SAMPLE CODE -----
> {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports, RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts #-}
> import "mtl" Control.Monad.State
> import Control.Monad.Random
> type Neuron = Int -- The real type is more complex
> -- An "Alife" animal
> data Animal = Animal
>  {
>     brain :: [Neuron]
>     -- There are other fields too, of course
>  } deriving (Show, Read)
> -- | Stimulates an animal's brain, and allows it to react.
> stimulateBrain :: (RandomGen g)
>  -- | The number of cycles
>  => Int
>  -- | The signals to apply to the sensor neurons
>  -> [Double]
>  -- | The animal
>  -> RandT g (State Animal) ()
> stimulateBrain n xs = do
>  c <- get
>  g <- getSplit
>  let b' = execState (evalRandT (stimulate n xs) g) (brain c)
>  put $ c{brain=b'}
> -- | Feeds some input signals into a brain, and allow it to react.
> stimulate :: (RandomGen g)
>  -- | The number of cycles
>  => Int
>  -- | The signals to apply to the sensor neurons
>  -> [Double]
>  -- | The neuron states
>  -> RandT g (State [Neuron]) ()
> stimulate k xs = return () -- The real implementation is more complex
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