[Haskell-beginners] Critique my program

Erlend Hamberg ehamberg at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 14:55:54 EST 2010

On Sunday 10. January 2010 20.44.38 David Frey wrote:
> I am hoping that some people from this list could review my code.  I'm not 
> very concerned with correctness.  I'm more interested in how my code can
> be  clarified through use of existing functions or standard Haskell
> idioms.

A great start is – in my experience – is to use hlint on a program. Running 
hlint v1.6.14 on the code finds 26 suggestions of which 3 are classified as 
errors. While you don't necessarily want to follow every suggestion it comes 
up with, it is still a great way to find code that can be improved.

If you have cabal-install, you can install hlint by running “cabal install 
hlint” and then run “hlint *.hs”.

Erlend Hamberg
“Everything will be ok in the end. If its not ok, its not the end.”
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