[Haskell-beginners] Re: Code help requested

Joe Van Dyk joe at fixieconsulting.com
Fri Jan 15 19:17:55 EST 2010

Thanks all for your help.

Here's another one.  Seems like I could use a fold here, but am unsure
how that would work.  Also, if I pass in a search value that's too
big, then the function blows up.

(source at http://github.com/joevandyk/haskell/raw/master/pearls/binary_search/binary_search.hs
--  Feel free to fork it.)

-- A translation of
binary_find :: Ord a => [a] -> a -> Maybe Int
binary_find [] elem   = Nothing

binary_find list elem =
  do_search list elem 0 (length list)
    do_search list elem low high =
      if high < low then Nothing
        if list !! mid > elem
        then do_search list elem low (mid - 1)
          if list !! mid < elem
          then do_search list elem (mid + 1) high
          else Just mid
        mid = low + (high - low) `div` 2

main = do
  print $ binary_find [1] 1
  print $ binary_find [1,3] 1
  print $ binary_find [1,3,4] 3
  print $ binary_find [1,3,4] 4
  print $ binary_find [1,2,4,6,8,9,12,15,17,20] 17
  print $ binary_find "hello" 'l'
  print $ binary_find [0.0, 1.5, 3.0] 3.0

  print $ binary_find [] 1
  print $ binary_find [1,3] 2
  print $ binary_find [1,4,6,8,9,12,15,17,20] 2

  -- boom?
  print $ binary_find [1,4,6,8,9,12,15,17,20] 100

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