[Haskell-beginners] 'cabal install hdirect' can't find hdirect

Stephen Tetley stephen.tetley at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 09:12:53 EDT 2010

Hi Larry

Here is the working code.

The original paper uses quite a bit of heavy machinery - both
continuation monads (5.6) and the Extensible Union Types (section 4),
so its probably not an ideal starting point for building intuition on
monad transformers or Lambda evaluators.

Lennart Augustsson has some notes "Lambda calculus cooked four ways"
that are good for the later. Off the top of my head, I can't think of
a good source for the former.

-- Code attached for "MonadTransformers and Modular Interpreters"
-- Sheng Liang, Paul Hudak, Mark Jones
-- Code written by Wolfram Kahl, 2001-03-27.
-- Updated to work with GHC/GHCi, 2010-07-05, by me.
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