[Haskell-beginners] Re: Dynamic Programming in Haskell

Heinrich Apfelmus apfelmus at quantentunnel.de
Wed Jul 7 05:30:28 EDT 2010

Ali Razavi wrote:
> In order to practice Haskell, I decided to program some algorithms from the
> CLRS book. Particularly, I tried to implement the Matrix Chain Order from
> Chapter 15 on Dynamic Programming.
> Here is my code. It seems to work, however, it looks ugly and it was a
> nightmare to debug. I appreciate comments about a more elegant solution, and
> generally the best way to implement these kinds of algorithms in Haskell.
> Style improvement suggestions are also welcome.

Dynamic programming algorithms follow a common pattern:

* Find a suitably small collection of subproblems that can be used to 
solve the original problem
* Tabulate the solutions to the subproblems, also called *memoization*

These are two separate concerns and, unlike the prototype imperative 
solutions, are best implemented separately.

Thanks to lazy evaluation, memoization can be implemented very elegantly 
in Haskell. First, it should be a higher-order functions and second, you 
don't need to implement a particular order by which the memo table is 
filled, lazy evaluation will figure that out for you. You already know 
the latter trick, but here is another example:


But it doesn't stop here: there are very systemic ways to tackle the 
first part of dynamic programming, i.e. to *derive* dynamic programming 
algorithms from just the problem specification! An example and further 
references are given here


Concerning matrix chain multiplication, here is my implementation. Note 
the use of telling names and algebraic data types; there is no need to 
get lost in a maze of twisty little indexes, all alike.

     import Data.List
     import Data.Array
     import Data.Ord

     type Dimension  = (Int,Int)
     type Cost       = Int
         -- data type representing a parenthesization,
         -- caches cost to calculate and dimension of the result matrix
     data Parens     = Mul !Cost Dimension Parens Parens
                     | Matrix Dimension deriving (Show)

         -- retrieve cached vallues
     cost :: Parens -> Cost
     cost (Mul c _ _ _) = c
     cost (Matrix _)    = 0

     dimension :: Parens -> Dimension
     dimension (Mul _ d _ _) = d
     dimension (Matrix d)    = d

         -- smart constructor
     mul :: Parens -> Parens -> Parens
     mul x y = Mul (cost x + cost y + n*m*p) (n,p) x y
         (n,m,p) = (fst $ dimension x, snd $ dimension x,
                    snd $ dimension y)

         -- dynamic programming algorithm
     solve :: [Int] -> Parens
     solve matrices = chain 1 n
         n          = length matrices - 1
         dimensions = array (1,n) . zip [1..] $
                      zip (init matrices) (tail matrices)

         chain = memoize n chain'
         chain' i j
             | i == j    = Matrix (dimensions ! i)
             | otherwise = best [mul (chain i k) (chain (k+1) j)
                                | k <- [i..j-1] ]

         best = minimumBy (comparing cost)

         -- memoize a function on a "square"  [1..n] x [1..n]
     memoize :: Int -> (Int -> Int -> a) -> (Int -> Int -> a)
     memoize n f = \i j -> table ! (i,j)
         table = array ((1,1),(n,n)) $
                 [((i,j), f i j) | i <- [1..n], j <- [1..n]]

Example output:

     *Main> cost $ solve [10,100,5,50,1]

I didn't need to debug this code, because it's obviously correct. Put 
differently, instead of spending my effort on debugging, I have spent it 
on making the solution elegant.

Heinrich Apfelmus


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