[Haskell-beginners] Re: proper way to read fold types

Ertugrul Soeylemez es at ertes.de
Mon Jul 26 03:30:41 EDT 2010

prad <prad at towardsfreedom.com> wrote:

> i'm trying to make sense of the a vs b in foldr, so here goes:
> foldr takes 3 arguments:
> 	1. some function f, illustrated within () of type b
> 	2. some value of type b
> 	3. some list with elements of type a
> foldr applies f to each element of [a], computing a new function (f a)
> which is then applied to the item of type b, computing a result of
> type b, which is then combined with #2 (this would be the accumulator)
> finally, the net computation of foldr results in some item of type b.

You think too complicated.  It's really very simple.  Look at how foldr
is defined:

  foldr f z []     = z
  foldr f z (x:xs) = x `f` foldr f z xs

In the recursive case the folding function gets its two arguments:  The
first argument is the head element of the list.  The second argument is
the result of folding the rest of the list.  You can read from this
function immediately that it really replaces each (:) by 'f' and the []
by 'z' in a right-associative manner.

  foldr (+) 0 [a,b,c] = a + (b + (c + 0))

> foldr1 takes 2 arguments:
> 	1. some function g, illustrated within () of type a
> 	2. some list with elements of type a
> foldr1 applies g to each element of [a], computing a new function (g
> a) which is then applied to a non-explicitly defined item of type a,
> computing a result also of type a.
> the net computation of foldr1 results in some item of type a.


  foldr1 f [x]    = x
  foldr1 f (x:xs) = x `f` foldr1 f xs

This is just a simplified version of foldr.  The base element is passed
explicitly in foldr as 'z'.  Here the base element is just the last
element of the list to be folded.  For some folds, having an extra base
element wouldn't make much sense, for example for the 'maximum'

  myMaximum = foldr1 max

This is why there is the foldr1 variant of foldr.  But of course, you
would write 'maximum' as a left fold (foldl1), not a right fold.

  foldr1 max [a,b,c] = a `max` (b `max` c)

> i know how i can use the folds in some situations, but explaining
> their type definitions to reveal how they work, is coming out pretty
> convoluted when i make the attempt. :(

Just read the type of the function and its definition.  For most
functions in Haskell, you will even find that reading the type signature
and the name of the function suffices to understand, what it does.
Trying to interpret combinators (or even to find metaphors, as many
people do) is not always the right thing to do.

However, in this case there is an easy interpretation:  It takes the
list elements and puts a binary operator between each of them.  It also
appends a base element (usually some kind of neutral element or initial
value) to the list, so that the empty list is allowed.  That's it.


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

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